土木在线论坛 \ 给排水工程 \ 市政给排水 \ 鱼和熊掌可以得兼——《平衡好藻类繁殖控制和消毒副产物控制之间的关系》


发布于:2022-06-21 09:49:21 来自:给排水工程/市政给排水 [复制转发]







原文出处:J Opflow


Balancing Harmful Algal Bloom Control and Disinfection Byproduct Formation


Abstract 摘要


In controlling microcystin in its water system, an Ohio utility experienced a spike in trihalomethanes. Adopting dual software tools helped the utility tackle both challenges.


本文素材来源于美国自来水工程师协会杂志(J Opflow, 2021,10,本人为注册会员,正规渠道获取),原作版权归原出处和原作者。本人对素材原文进行全文翻译后进行整理汇编凝练,仅用于行业交流和相互学习。本稿如需转载,请联系本人取得授权。


Campbell, Ohio, which lies along the Mahoning River, is a manufacturing town with a rich history. Situated outside of Youngstown, Campbell was the site of steel manufacturing at the turn of the 20th century and had diversified its economy with light manufacturing.


Drinking water for Campbell's 8,200 residents is supplied from a single lime-softening plant that draws its water from nearby Hamilton Lake. After coagulation with sodium aluminate, lime softening removes calcium and magnesium ions. Flocculation and clarification followed by dual-media filtration results in high-quality finished water that's then chlorinated and distributed to the town. The plant produces 1 mgd on average, with pH usually around 9.5.




With an increased occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the region's lakes, the Campbell Water team has maintained a vigilant approach to water quality. When the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency issued new guidance in 2016 for reducing microcystin through increased chlorination, Campbell Water Facility Superintendent Joe Tovarnak increased chlorination to ensure microcystin destruction.

随着该地区湖泊中有害藻类水华(HABs)发生率的增加,坎贝尔水务团队一直对水质的情况保持高度的警惕。当俄亥俄州环境保护局在2016年发布通过增加加氯量来降低微囊藻毒素的新操作指南时,坎贝尔水务设施主管Joe Tovarnak便增加了加氯量,以确保微囊藻毒素的去除。

“We always erred on the side of ensuring complete destruction of microcystin,” he says. “Microcystin always seemed like the worse evil.”

Joe Tovarnak说:“微囊藻毒素看上去似乎是非常糟糕的恶魔,但我们在确保完全去除微囊藻毒素时采取的方法也总是再犯着错误。”

Unfortunately, in solving the microcystin problem, Campbell faced another challenge: trihalomethanes (THMs), which are formed when chlorine reacts with naturally occurring organic compounds in raw water. The US Environmental Protection Agency's Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule mandates that water systems maintain a locational running annual average (LRAA) of no more than 80 μg/L. THM levels in the Campbell distribution system could get as high as 100 μg/L during the third quarter of some years. However, with the additional chlorination to combat microcystin, THMs spiked to 125 μg/L in one distribution system sample.


The Campbell Water team attacked the simultaneous challenge of microcystin and THMs with two different approaches. To lower microcystin levels in its raw water, Tovarnak hired Akron, Ohio–based Fontus Blue (www.fontusblue.com) to develop a comprehensive HAB management plan for Hamilton Lake and an optimization software tool for treating microcystin at the plant. This tool, called HAB-ALERT, allows operators to calculate the ideal treatment strategy for microcystin as a function of a variety of water treatment and plant operational parameters.

坎贝尔水务团队用了两种不同的方法同时应对微囊藻毒素和三卤甲烷的挑战。为了降低其原水中的微囊藻毒素水平,Joe Tovarnak聘请了俄亥俄州阿克伦市的Fontus Blue公司为汉密尔顿湖量身制定一个全面的有害藻类水华(HABs)管理计划和一个优化软件工具,用于水厂处理微囊藻毒素的工艺管理。这个被称为HAB-ALERT的工具,能够帮助运行人员计算出各种供水产工艺和运行人员操作的参数,以形成微囊藻毒素的理想工艺处理策略。

But implementing microcystin treatment while keeping THMs under control continued to be a delicate balancing act. In 2019, Tovarnak sought the help of the software firm once again—this time, to develop a comprehensive treatment strategy designed to optimize treatment for microcystin and THMs simultaneously. The Campbell Water team discovered Fontus Blue could help it solve both problems.

但在对微囊藻毒素进行工艺去除的的同时要保持对三卤甲烷生成的控制,仍然需要维持一个微妙的平衡。2019年,Joe Tovarnak再次寻求软件公司的帮助,这一次,时需要开发一个综合的处理策略,旨在同时优化微囊藻毒素的去除效果和三卤甲烷的抑制。坎贝尔水务团队认为Fontus Blue公司可以帮助其同时解决这两个问题。

Fontus Blue's Ashley Bair, a PhD candidate at the University of Akron, worked with the Campbell Water team to develop and calibrate a computer model that would accurately predict microcystin removal rates at the plant as well as THM production rates in the distribution system. Bair also trained the Campbell Water team to use UV-254 analysis to precisely measure organic levels in the raw water to better optimize chlorination and improve the efficiency of powdered activated carbon (PAC) to lower organic levels in the raw water. According to Tovarnak, Campbell Water was using PAC as the main way to adjust organic levels and lower THMs in the system.

Fontus Blue公司毕业于阿克伦大学的博士生Ashley Bair与坎贝尔水务团队合作,开发并校准完成了一个计算机模型,可以准确模拟出水厂的微囊藻毒素去除率以及输配系统中的三卤甲烷生成率。Ashley Bair还培训坎贝尔水务团队使用UV-254分析法精确测量原水中的有机物含量,以更好地优化加氯消毒过程,以及更好地提高粉末活性炭的效率,达到降低原水中的有机物含量的目的。据Joe Tovarnak说,坎贝尔水务公司正在使用粉末活性炭作为控制有机物含量和降低供水系统中三卤甲烷的主要方法。

“[PAC] is an effective solution, but it's expensive,” he says.

Joe Tovarnak说:“粉末活性炭是一个有效的解决方案,但它很昂贵。”

Fontus Blue's optimization tool, called THMMAX, was installed in Campbell Water's system in 2019. Unlike standard spreadsheets developed to support operators, HAB-ALERT and THMMAX are hosted on the cloud and run 24-7-365 to simulate and optimize water treatment parameters. THMMAX estimates THM levels in water distribution systems with a custom algorithm that factors in organic levels, chlorine dose, temperature, and other parameters. Operators input water quality parameters and can test the effectiveness of different combinations of chlorination, PAC, and other treatment processes using the computer software before they make any adjustments.

Fontus Blue公司给出的新的优化工具,称为THMMAX,于2019年部署在Campbell 水务的系统中。与传统的单纯为了支持运营商工作而开发的标准电子表格不同,HAB-ALERT和THMMAX都部署在云端,365天全天候不间断地模拟和优化水处理工艺参数。THMMAX通过一个定制的算法可以预估输配系统中的三卤甲烷水平,该算法同时考虑了有机物含量、加氯量、温度和其他参数。水厂运行人员只需要输入实时的水质参数,在不做任何其他操作之前,就可以使用计算机软件预估氯消毒、粉末活性炭工艺和其他处理过程之间不同组合的有效性。


I mplementing microcystin treatment while keeping THMs under control was a delicate balancing act for the Campbell Water team.




Campbell had been close to the THM compliance limit for several quarters and even exceeded the limit at one site. Beginning in early 2020, operators were trained on UV-254 measurement and interpretation. Along with other water quality data, they entered the values into the software tool and tracked the impact on THM formation potential. By understanding the risk, operators could then make informed decisions on chemical dosing to improve organics removal, on pH, and on chlorine dose. Campbell immediately began seeing the positive results with a decrease in THM LRAAs at both testing sites for every successive quarter. In the fourth quarter of 2020, the Campbell Water team recorded the lowest LRAAs in plant history (Figure 1).


Figure 1 Locational Running Annual Average for THMs From Two Sites (201 and 202)

图1 两个采样点(DS201和DS202)的三卤甲烷运行年平均值(LRAA)

Implementing HAB-ALERT and THMMAX lowered THM levels and maintained an effective treatment barrier against HAB toxins.



The facility's best results have come from implementing HAB-ALERT and THMMAX together. Given that during some parts of the year the Campbell Water team sees increases in microcystin and THMs, the software tools have enabled the utility to optimize PAC dosing for both THMs and microcystin, keeping both under control.


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