ROBAM Office Building
? MARS Studio
Site Location
ROBAM office headquarter is located in Jinnan District, Tianjin. The surrounding area plans for science and Technology Park, innovation base, and enterprise office. The neighborhood is mostly new, but the monolithic image and ethos of the buildings do not match the ambitious city of Tianjin.
Surrounding Buildings
In this context, our design needs to respond in a new way to the relationship between architecture, industry, technology and people.
? MARS Studio
? MARS Studio
The staggered volumes of the office building create terraces on each floor. Every layer of the building protrudes or setback, blurring the boundary between the building and the city. Horizontal white aluminum panels and transparent glass facades blend with the shifted volumes of the building to create a layered facade. The design extends the landscape of the site to the terrace, turning the building into a three-dimensional presentation.
? MARS Studio
? MARS Studio
The interior atrium connects the office departments on each floor, so they are not isolated from each other like the traditional office mode. Each floor of the atrium also has a terrace. Just like the outdoor, the atrium terrace composes of a green area and a rest area, providing plenty space for people to communicate and relax which significantly improve the connection and interaction between various departments. Soft natural light permeates the atrium through skylights, creating the whole interior space with more brightness, openness, and tranquility.
? MARS Studio
露台、中庭、天井、绿化,屋顶太阳能板和自然采光——这是一座会 “ 呼吸 ” 的办公楼。这里,建筑不再是工业的机器,设计更加亲近自然。人们走向露台,交流互动,享受微风,感受阳光。
Terraces, atriums, skylight, landscape, solar panels, and natural lighting — this is a "breathing" office building. Architecture is no longer industrial machine, and design is closer to nature. Civilians are willing to step onto the terrace to communicate, interact, and enjoy the breeze as well as the sunbeam.
? MARS Studio
? MARS Studio
? MARS Studio
设计单位:星球建筑 MARS Studio
设计时间:2020 - 2021
设计团队:孙瑞靖, 刘文浩,秦宇 余,余杰翀,郭东远
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