土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 结构新鲜事 \ 特色立面:大学科研办公


发布于:2022-06-17 11:04:17 来自:建筑结构/结构新鲜事 [复制转发]

该项目体现了我们对环境的责任,即改造而不是丢弃现有的建筑存量,这样做是为了解决以现代方式为现有的1960年代现代主义建筑重新披上外衣意味着什么的问题。该项目由Kosloff建筑事务所、艺术家Callum Morton和莫纳什艺术项目(MAP)以及Rush Wright Associates Pty Ltd合作完成。我们的重点是提供一个在环境方面表现特别好的建筑,并创造一个持久的成果,为大学的公共艺术战略作出贡献。

This project embraces our environmental responsibility to adapt rather than discard existing building stock and in doing so addresses the question of what it means to re-skin an existing 1960's modernist building in a contemporary manner. The project was undertaken as a collaboration between Kosloff Architecture, artist Callum Morton and Monash Art Projects (MAP) and Rush Wright Associates Pty Ltd. Collectively, the focus was to deliver a building that performed exceptionally well environmentally and to create an enduring outcome that contributed to the University’s Public Art Strategy.

作为一个 "幕布",新的外墙从上面悬挂起来,并在地面上的不同位置被抬起来,让人看到行人层面的一系列定制彩色釉面砖的背后。通过与艺术家Callum Morton合作设计的入口进入建筑。它向两个方向弯曲,借鉴了科学研究过程中的人工制品,提供了通往底层画廊的通道,展示了莫纳什大学的部分艺术收藏。

Conceived as a ‘curtain’, the new fa?ade hangs from above and is lifted at various points along the ground plane to allow a glimpse behind of an array of custom coloured glazed bricks at the pedestrian level. Entry into the building is through a portal designed in collaboration with the artist Callum Morton. Curving in two directions, it draws on the artefacts of scientific research processes to provide passage to a ground floor gallery showcasing part of the extensive Monash University art collection.



The building houses biological sciences and includes a variety of spaces including a lecture theatre, classrooms, laboratories, offices, and administration facilities, all of which remained in use throughout the re-skinning process. The building and its surrounds remained fully operational throughout construction and none of the occupants were decanted during the facade replacement works. Ongoing scientific experiments with plants and animals continued uninterrupted. A construction sequencing and installation methodology was devised to enable the entire existing facade (brick and windows) to remain in place while the new facade was constructed over. It was only at completion, that the existing windows and walls were demolished from the inside to reveal a new, high-performing facade.


Baselining of the existing building’s environmental performance was completed prior to commencement and repeated at the end of each design phase to track improvement. The outcome was a new fa?ade that performed significantly better than BCA Section J 2017, greater than 40% improvement at controlling solar gain than the original, and a reduction in cooling demand by more than 20%. This evolved into a strategy for public art integration, significant improvement of the performance of the building skin, and future-proofing the entire building through upgrading its services infrastructure.

建筑师:Kosloff Architecture

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