土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 钢结构工程 \ 148米高!! 玻璃和石灰石立面的复合型综合体—— 厦门华尔道夫酒店

148米高!! 玻璃和石灰石立面的复合型综合体—— 厦门华尔道夫酒店

发布于:2022-06-17 11:04:17 来自:建筑结构/钢结构工程 [复制转发]



中国第四家、亚太区第六家华尔道夫酒店位于厦门思明区,坐落在由Aedas执行董事李志浩带领团队打造的商业中心磐基?莲花里内。 148米高的塔楼高区为设有245间客房和套房的厦门华尔道夫酒店,中低层为甲级办公空间;酒店宴会厅设置于裙房三楼,4层高的裙楼自酒店公区向西延伸,形成了一个包含多元化的购物和餐饮体验的线性商场。

Located in the Siming District of Xiamen, a bucolic coastal city in South China, Xiamen Paragon’s Lianhua Lane Complex is a mixed-use development comprising Grade-A office, luxury hotel and retail programs. The 148-metres tower houses the 245-key Waldorf Astoria Xiamen Hotel as well as Grade-A office spaces at lower levels. The hotel’s banquet facilities are placed on the 3rd floor of the 4-storey podium which extended westward to form a linear retail mall with diverse shopping and F&B offerings. 


The development enjoys unobstructed views towards the northern lotus park

项目地理位置优越,距离厦门高崎国际机场仅8公里,毗邻宁静雅致的莲花公园,紧邻厦门豪华的购物中心磐基中心,周边以低层住宅和小型商业建筑为主。 团队希望通过建筑布局及立面设计在提升磐基酒店品牌的同时,打造地标式综合体,为周边居民构建全新多元的生活方式。

The project, close to the airport, enjoying the beautiful scenery of northern Lotus Park, surrounded by low-rise residential and small-scale commercial buildings, is designed to reinforce Paragon International’s well-established hotel portfolio, as well as create a new lifestyle destination for the local residents. 


Master Layout Plan


The tower is strategically located to maximize view towards the northern lotus park and the gorgeous city skyline on its south. The retail and hotel entrances are set along the north frontage to welcome visitors from the main road and nearby metro stations. A block of office parks are placed at the southern end of site with an introverted design facing the inner courtyard.


The entrance

建筑立面主要由玻璃和石灰石构成,两种材质冷暖相间,既体现厦门优雅的小岛氛围,又树立了现代亮丽的标志形象。 高耸挺拔的塔楼搭配雅致透明的玻璃幕墙,与北侧莲花公园构成一幅优美的山水画。长条形布局的裙楼形如磐石,形成对上方塔楼的有力支持,同时材质的差异形成了鲜明的视觉对比。石灰石的轮廓被玻璃盒子与开放式露台切分开来,打破平铺直叙的立面,营造出极具活力的氛围。

The fa?ade of the building is chiefly composed of glass and limestone. The upright tower is designed with a delicate transparent glass curtain-wall that contrasts nicely with the solid podium while complimenting the serene pond in the adjacent Lotus Garden. The podium is stone-clad and elongated, supporting the tower above with a sturdy, rock-like outline. It is punctuated by glass boxes and open terraces for added dimension into the otherwise flat volume, creating a buoyant atmosphere. The interaction between the two materials echoes the elegance of Xiamen as well as produces a modern and vivid image.



Glass and limestone of the fa?ade echoes the elegance of Xiamen 

基于品牌调性,酒店大堂中庭采用双层高度设计,营造出宏伟雅致的到达体验。 室内外均沿用铜色金属做装饰,延续品牌低调奢华概念的同时,提升空间个性,营造出非凡卓越的居住体验。

The double height atrium in the hotel lobby is designed to align with the hotel’s prestigious reputation and create a sense of grandeur for incoming guests. Applied through the hotel’s exterior and interior design, bronze metal decoration is adopted to produce a personalized luxury environment. 


A personalized luxury environment 


The elegant interior


The design language is applied throughout the hotel’s interiors, including the podium rooftop where views from the outdoor pool deck and Xiamen’s tropical landscape are filtered in through the boutique bar’s folding wood doors. This idea enhanced the interaction of experience between indoor and outdoor space.



Outdoor pool deck 


The roof garden feature echoing the architectural language

团队精心设计内部动线,为不同目的地的访客制定了不同路线。 参加宴会的访客以及酒店的贵宾可以分别通过较短的路线直接从主干道进入会场和大堂,相比之下商场的动线更为蜿蜒,去往商场购物的顾客可以在蜿蜒的动线中更好地浏览店铺。裙楼底层的店面通过大量折叠门与室外步行街紧密相连。

The circulation network is planned thoughtfully with routes delineated for different users. Banquet goers and hotel VIPs can access the venue and lobby respectively via the shorter route directly from the main road, while the path for retail pedestrians is windier by comparison which offers more opportunity to wander along the array of storefronts. The shopfronts on the ground level of the podium is connected intimately with the outdoor pedestrian street through extensive use of folding doors.


Intimate connection with the outdoor pedestrian street


The entrance of the retail

"我们希望通过这一功能多元的复合型综合体的打造,助力推动厦门的繁荣发展,让磐基?莲花里与厦门华尔道夫酒店一同成为当地的地标性枢纽,在工作与生活的平衡中,为大众提供独特的空间体验。" 李志浩如是说。

“We hope to establish an integrated mixed-use development that would rejuvenate and contribute to the prosperity of Xiamen; Paragon Lianhua Lane Complex, accompanied by Waldorf Astoria Xiamen Hotel, is slated to be an iconic hub that achieve work-live balance, providing bracing experiences to the public.”— Aedas Executive Director Dimi Lee.


The nightview 

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