以下文章来源于ZoneTech ,作者造域科技
Z-one Tech 上海造域科技有限公司在金茂南太湖MAP技术服务中心竞赛中提出两个提案获得决赛第三名。
▼ 提案一 丰收之丘 @iconcg
▼ 提案二 斗升之间 @iconcg
▼ 项目背景
服务中心位于湖州市太湖南岸的农业用地之间,为了回应北侧湖岸地块的城市开发,引入先正达(Syngenta)农业公司,打造一个展示和体验先进农业科技的技术服务中心,Z-1 Tech在项目中对于将农业元素塑造为景观资源融入都市生活系统,为周边地块实现经济和生态带来新的思考。
The service center is located between the agricultural land on the southern bank of Taihu in Huzhou City. In response to the urban development of the lakeshore site on the northside, S Syngenta Agricultural Company was brought in to create a technicalservice center to showcase and experience advanced agricultural technologies. In the project, Z-1 Tech focused on shaping agricultural elements into landscape resources and integrating them into urban living systems to bring new thinking to the economy and ecology of the surrounding land.
▼ 建筑外观 exterior view @iconcg
The first design was inspired by hills. The architectural spaceand structural core formed by the three ‘hills’, combined with the horizontalmetal cantilevering system, creates a 360° panoramic exhibition hall with thesurrounding natural farmland as the display background. PTFE film is directlytensioning to form a real free-form surface, which avoids the traditionaltime-consuming and laborious fitting of discrete materials.
metal hills floating in the fields
▼ 全景展厅 panoramic exhibition hall @iconcg
360° panoramic exhibition hall responds to site views. Horizontal component systems formed by Multi-layer metal eaves, such as the base plate, roof and canopy, are held upby multiple metal columns and float in the field. The grey space under the eaves creates the possibility of the integration of indoor and outdoor space.
▼ 河岸远眺 exterior view @iconcg
The vertical cylindrical curved space creates the impressive image of the project. From the riverbank or the side of the city road, through the transparent interior of the exhibition hall and layers of overhanging eaves, the curve can be seen rising from the ground.
▼ 建筑内部 interior view @iconcg
material expression of structural aesthetics
The structural logic of the hill is simple and clear. It is supported by steel structure cylinder, and serves as the spatial core and structural core. Then, the outer structural columns are connected by radiating steel beams. The cylinder body directly constructs the continuous free-form surface of hill shape by thetop ring beam and the bottom ring beam. PTFE has the features of self-cleaning, low maintenance, weldability, fire prevention and heat preservation. At the same time, its translucent optical properties implicitly express the logicalbeauty of the internal structural framework.
▼ 屋顶花园 roof garden @iconcg
Visitors walk around the three cylinders with an indoor ramp, spiraling up to the roofgarden and overlooking the surrounding landscape. This provides an open andconversational outdoor platform for future business expansion.
▼ 模型照片 physical model
▼ 生成逻辑 programme
1/ 在河道转角构建一个可以360°吸纳景观的体量
2/ 重檐屋顶相互交错,形成丰富的室内外空间互动
3/ 以三个筒形构筑物,为建筑内部空间引入室外新鲜空气
▼ 建筑外观 exterior view @iconcg
a community of structural unitse
The square architectural form dissolves into the fusion of many cellular units. The units, large at the top and small at the bottom, create a more open lower level. While bringing in air and natural lighting, they also leave many possibilities for organizing circulation in the empty surroundings.
▼ 建筑外观 exterior view @iconcg
▼ 建筑内部 interior view @leon
▼ 内部特写 interior view @leon
This spatial character also extends to the interior. Skylight units of similar shapeform beams of light in the atrium, sprinkling the various ecological plantsinside. This not only gives the space a strong appeal, but also creates a strong experience impression for visitors entering the space.
agricultural park in the sky
▼ 河岸远眺 exterior view @iconcg
▼ 夜景 night view @iconcg
The special unit form brings a visual effect of gradually shrinking from top to bottom. Viewed from the riverbank, the whole building is like a floating boat, communicating with the environment. The open roof provides a platform for all kinds of publicity, publishing and outdoor experience activities. It is an agricultural botanical garden, while also can be an aerial parent-child park or educational experience site. It brings rich possibilities of leisure life to the surrounding residents and tourists.
▼ 模型照片 physical model
▼ 生成逻辑 programme
1/ 裂解为多个对应功能的小单元体量
2/ 以斗型为原型构建单元,形成多个吸纳周边景观的灰空间
3/ 这些开口也创造出多种流线组织的可能性
4/ 沿对角组织公共空间,使主展厅与场地融为一体,并在屋顶设置空中农场
设计单位:Z-one Tech 上海造域科技有限公司
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山水与建筑交融 | 大宸设计·广州市交通高级技工学校广州市交通高级技工学校(广州市交通技师学院)是国家重点技工院校,学校依托汽车产业链和现代服务业,以培养高技能人才为主。“技能”是这所学校教学的核心,也是本案设计的灵感来源。我们为学校的每一种功能寻找属于它们的建筑形式,同时通过综合组织功能、空间、景观和交通关系,为场所注入人文气息,彰显学院“人文与技能并重,专业知识与职业素养并举”的人才培养特色。 项目概况
经验值 +10
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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳以山丘为意,三座山丘形成建筑的空间与结构核心,结合水平金属挑板系统,以周围自然农田为展示背景,打造360°全景展厅。PTFE膜直接张拉形成真实自由曲面,避免了传统费时费力的离散材料拟合。
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