土木在线论坛 \ 给排水工程 \ 市政给排水 \ 小投入大产出——《移动式DMA测试装置提供了一种主动的漏损管理策略》


发布于:2022-06-07 09:27:07 来自:给排水工程/市政给排水 [复制转发]

本文素材来源于美国自来水工程师协会杂志(J Opflow, 2022,3,注册会员正规渠道获取),原作版权归原出处和原作者。本人对素材原文进行全文翻译后进行整理汇编凝练,仅用于行业交流和相互学习。本稿如需转载,请联系本人取得授权。








原文出处:J Opflow


Mobile DMA Unit Provides a Proactive Leakage Management Strategy


Abstract 摘要


To overcome the financial and operational barriers often associated with district metered areas in North America, and to develop relevant benchmarking metrics, a multiyear water loss testing program using a mobile testing unit was undertaken in Ontario, Canada.


It’s well understood that leakage in water distribution systems (WDSs) has adverse financial and environmental impacts, especially amid the growing concern of depleting water and energy resources. Moreover, conserving water through leakage reduction efforts may defer the indirect (and often significant) costs linked with expanding system capacity to meet rising demands. Put simply, reducing WDS leakage saves a utility money and lessens its carbon footprint. For many water utilities, leakage management is primarily reactive. That is, leaky pipes are repaired only when leaks are visible and, by that time, have released a significant volume of water into the surrounding environment, potentially causing damage to nearby infrastructure. On the other hand, the main objective in a proactive leakage management strategy is to identify leaks before they surface. This reduces the leak runtime, which, combined with its rate of flow, aggregates to the volume of lost water.


A multiyear water loss testing program was undertaken in Ontario, Canada, to raise awareness of proactive leakage management practices. From a technical perspective, the ambitious testing program—sponsored primarily by the province’s Independent Electricity System Operator—employs a recognized best practice (particularly in the United Kingdom, where the concept originated) of observing flows into discrete sectors of a WDS, commonly referred to as district metered areas (DMAs).




DMA configuration involves hydraulic isolation of a subsection of the WDS. This is achieved by closing numerous boundary valves and monitoring flow and pressure at a supply inlet (or multiple inlets if applicable). The data collected at a DMA inlet help to optimize system operations. In terms of assessing leakage, the data allow operators to evaluate minimum night flow (MNF), which typically occurs between 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. MNF can be a valuable leakage indicator, as it represents an instance in the system when demand is at its lowest; thus, leakage constitutes the highest fraction of total flow. Accordingly, the MNF value, in conjunction with the DMA characteristics (e.g., number of connections and population), can be used to benchmark DMA performance.


Despite its benefits, implementing permanent DMA infrastructure (i.e., in-line flow-metering technologies) is not yet a widespread practice among North American water utilities. This is due, at least in part, to costly installation and operational challenges, including the following:


■ Expensive flow-metering technologies, which often include the costly construction of chambers to house the metering equipment and telemetry devices


■ Potential of high water age due to dead ends at DMA boundaries


■ Increased head losses resulting from routing flow through one (or a few) supply points, leading to a pressure reduction within the DMA


■ Reduced system capacity for firefighting or exceptional water demand


■ Decreased resilience to failure events (e.g., a sudden depressurization)


With these drawbacks in mind, temporary metering solutions—such as insertion or clamp-on (transit time) flow meters—often are advised because of their relatively inexpensive installation as well as short-term DMA configurations. However, these technologies may be unable to reliably measure MNF rates where very low flow velocities are below the technology detection limit. Accordingly, as DMAs become smaller, it becomes increasingly difficult to obtain reliable data. Thus, a trade-off exists between data reliability and cost.




In light of this trade-off, the concept of developing a portable diagnostic tool emerged. A mobile testing unit was designed to enable accurate and reliable MNF measurements in temporarily configured DMAs by redirecting flow through taps (or hydrants) on either side of a closed valve (Figure 1). This concept was inspired by experimental research performed by the National Research Council of Canada and the City of Ottawa in the mid-2000s.


Figure 1. The mobile testing unit allows utilities to collect affordable, reliable operational data in district metered areas. Flows are redirected into the unit through tap installations or hydrants on the upstream and downstream sides of a closed valve (inset).

图1. 移动式测试装置使公用事业部门能够用承受得起的经济代价,在DMA分区计量区域内收集可靠的运行数据。水流通过关闭的阀门上下游的水龙头或消防栓流经测试装置。


The mobile unit consists of an in-line flow meter—appropriately selected to measure MNF rates accurately and reliably from relatively small DMAs—and an adjustable pressure-reducing valve (PRV), in addition to piping, ports, pressure gauges, and related fittings. Further, the hydraulic losses induced from flow passing through the mobile unit have been aptly characterized through theoretical calculations and thereafter verified using field testing results. Taking these losses into consideration has allowed for increased confidence when planning DMA sites, especially those near the upper limit of the mobile unit’s acceptable flow range and/or those with low operating pressures.


Compared to conventional DMA metering techniques, the mobile unit has several advantages, including the following:


■ Affordable by virtue of its spatial flexibility (i.e., redeployment to other DMA sites)


■ Reliable and accurate low-flow measurements from in-line flow-metering technologies equipped in the unit, otherwise typical of a permanent DMA installation


■ Direct measurement of the pressure–leakage relationship through the activation of a PRV, flow measurements, and recorded average zone pressure


■ Temporary hydraulic isolation of the system so as to not cause undesired operational consequences of implementing a permanent DMA arrangement Overall, the objective of deploying the mobile unit is to affordably collect reliable MNF data to compare against benchmarks representing well-performing (or “healthy”) systems, thereby helping users prioritize future leak detection activities.




In addition to DMA test site selection and site reconnaissance to determine test site feasibility, two activities are required before testing. Apart from setup cases that use hydrant ports, the mobile unit connection requires proper installation of taps on either side of a valve within a chamber (as shown in the inset photo in Figure 1). This is followed by zero-pressure tests on DMA boundary valves to ensure complete closure is achieved, thereby confirming the hydraulic integrity of the temporarily configured DMA. Testing is then conducted for two to four nights during nonirrigation months (i.e., from October to May), with flow and pressure data collected at the DMA inlet from approximately midnight to 6:00 a.m. The objective of multiple nights of testing is to achieve reasonable duplicability of results and to test the effectiveness of pressure reduction in reducing leakage. The latter involves cycling between a reduced pressure setting (by activating the PRV) and full pressure conditions on a 30-minute cycling period to observe the DMA’s in situ pressure–leakage response. Sample plots for a typical full-pressure test and for a pressure cycling test are illustrated in Figures 2a and 2b. Note that pressure is also monitored at the critical point (i.e., hydrant with the highest elevation) to ensure acceptable service is being maintained in the DMA.




Figures 2a and 2b. Flow and Hydraulic Grade Line Data

图 2a 和 2b. 流速和水力坡度数据

Data were collected for a district metered area tested under normal operating conditions (2a). A pressure cycling test allowed operators to determine the in situ pressure and leakage response (2b).






In total, the MNF data collected from this testing program consist of 25 residential DMA test sites. The 60-minute average minimum night flow (MNF60) results for the overall data set, relative to DMA population and as a ratio to annualized average billed demand (ABD), are shown in Figures 3a and 3b, respectively.


Figure 3a shows that most of the data points (in blue) appear to form a lower envelope, progressing away from the origin. This data cohort is categorized as “healthy” DMAs, having minimal excess leakage. Through statistical analysis of these well-performing MNF60 data points (normalized to various size features of the DMA), benchmarks were developed to enable an objective, evidence-based assessment of leakage performance. These benchmarks are intended to act as a baseline for quantifying recoverable excess leakage, as represented by the dashed black line in Figure 3a. In addition to DMA size features, the fraction of MNF60 relative to average consumption rates (identified in this work as annualized ABD) within the DMA also were explored. The results of this analysis are illustrated in Figure 3b, which uses the same color theme as Figure 3a when identifying the relative performance categories (i.e., healthy or poorly performing). As observed with MNF60 normalized to population, a distinct separation is identified between well-performing, healthy DMAs and those with suspected excess leakage. This is generally as expected given the predictable diurnal demand profiles for residential consumers. Moreover, this benchmark is strengthened through typical estimates reported in the literature and previous project experience.


Figures 3a and 3b. 60-Minute Average Minimum Night Flow (MNF60) Data

图3a和3b. 60分钟平均夜间最小流量(MNF60)数据

MNF60 data points are plotted relative to DMA population to highlight recoverable excess leakage (3a). As an additional performance benchmark, MNF60 data points are also plotted as a ratio to ABD (3b). MNF60 data points are grouped in three categories: healthy DMAs (blue), poorly performing DMAs (red), and inconclusive data points (gray).



In summary, the following benchmarks were developed:


MNF60 = 2.2 L/h/capita


MNF60 = 6.0 L/h/unit

(每个单元? <暂不明确具体意义> ,每小时60分钟最小夜间流量6.0升)

MNF60 = 6.4 L/h/connection


MNF60/ABD = 24%


Excess leakage can be approximately identified in Figure 3a as the vertical distance from the data point to the MNF60 benchmark. This is best demonstrated through the poorly performing outlier data points (in red), a grouping of DMAs showing a large departure from the healthy DMA cohort. Of these outlier DMAs, two were subjected to further leak detection and repair activities, followed by subsequent retesting using the mobile unit. The green and purple dashed arrows in Figures 3a and 3b illustrate the recovered leakage measured and verified through the post-repair deployment.


In one exceptional case, the post-repair testing showed a considerable reduction in the MNF60 rate, verifying the reduction of approximately 264 L (~70 US gallons) per minute and bringing its performance in line with that of its healthier peers. This is equivalent to roughly the volume of water that otherwise would be consumed by a similar number of houses that were located in this particular DMA (~660). Moreover, the recovered leakage for this utility equated to a remarkable annual savings of just over Can$425,000, around 100 MW?h of power usage, and 4.1 tonnes of carbon dioxide (at 40 g CO2/kW?h). Put simply, diagnosing system conditions by collecting data (evidence) led to substantial financial and environmental savings for the utility.




The mobile unit—perhaps the only one of its kind globally—developed as part of this research program has proved successful as a diagnostic tool to guide decisions about water loss prevention, demonstrated through measured and verified water and energy savings in utilities across Ontario. Further, the approach has earned two awards and garnered international attention, with interest being shown from the United States, Europe, and Asia.


The program’s results—in relation to the testing method and the performance indicator benchmarks—are applicable to water utilities across the United States and Canada given the similarity in design and construction standards. That is, any utility can compare the results from any residential DMA, however measured, to the benchmarks identified and have a sense as to whether and to what extent excessive leakage may exist. Also, the concept of the mobile unit is available for commercial application and industry duplication to support its widespread adoption.


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