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Hunter Adams,Steve Ash,Keisuke Ikehata,Mark Southard
原文出处:J Opflow
Operators Need to Know Advanced Treatment Processes
Abstract 摘要
Understanding advanced treatment processes is key to keeping up-to-date with industry advancements.
Although conventional water treatment processes are tried-and-true methods, advanced treatment processes are gaining popularity worldwide. Advanced treatment involves processes that remove contaminants that normally wouldn't be eliminated by conventional means. For more information on conventional treatment, see “Operators Need to Know Conventional Treatment Processes,” which appeared in Opflow’s March 2022 issue. This article provides a basic overview of advanced treatment processes being brought online by many utilities, providing operators with a working knowledge of newer treatment techniques and why they may be implemented by their utilities in the future.
Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a specialized treatment technology that uses microbubbles to float particulates to the surface of a basin or chamber. The process of separating solids from liquids, which is different from typical gravity separation, is a modification of diffused air flotation, a process in which air diffusers on the floor of a water or wastewater treatment basin distribute large air bubbles into the water column to float particles or grease to the surface, introduce oxygen into the water, or remove unwanted dissolved gases from the water.
In the DAF process, diffusers are replaced by an air–water saturator. Compressed air is forced into a closed vessel of water, and the increased pressure dissolves the air into the water. The air-saturated water is then pumped from the saturator into the bottom of an open basin. At that point, the pressure holding the air in solution is relieved, and the dissolved air comes out of solution, forming billions of microbubbles that float algae and other lightweight solids to the water's surface. A skimmer continuously removes the accumulated material and directs it to a waste channel. The clarified water then exits the chamber and continues through the plant for further treatment (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)
表1 气浮
DAF is a process in which gas bubbles are generated so they will attach to solid particles, causing them to rise to the surface rather than settle to the bottom. Here, Microcystis colonies in a clarifier (left) are removed by DAF and skimming (right).
Surface water treatment plants use DAF to separate algae from raw lake water, but the process has several benefits. First, it removes colloidal organic material, thereby reducing the potential to form disinfection byproducts (DBPs), such as trihalomethanes. Second, it can reduce the potential for cyanotoxin release by removing cyanobacteria before they are destroyed during treatment. Lastly, and most noticeably, it can reduce taste and odor (T&O) compounds commonly associated with algae and cyanobacteria. This is accomplished by removing the algal and cyanobacterial cells instead of destroying them, thereby preventing the widespread release of intracellular compounds as the cells die (see sidebar, “DAF Solves Algal Bloom Issues”).
Filtration removes remaining suspended solids after clarification. Clarifier effluent enters filters that act as a physical barrier and ideally remove everything except dissolved solids. Conventional filtration using granular media (sand/anthracite) effectively removes particulates down to around 10 μm in diameter. Removing particulates <10 μm requires membrane filtration (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Membrane Filtration Particulate Removal Size and Operating Pressure Ranges
表2 膜过滤去除颗粒的大小和操作压力范围
A large arsenal of membrane materials and platforms are available to treat most source waters and provide a long service life.
In membrane filtration, pressurized water is pumped through membranes, separating the permeate (filtered water) from the concentrate (filtered reject containing concentrated solids). Concentrate disposal must be considered when implementing membrane filtration because of the concentrated salts and other contaminants in the waste stream. Operational costs are also a factor because they increase as membrane pore size decreases due to more energy being required to generate the increased pressures needed for operation. As a result, conventional granular media filters have higher flow rates, and flow rate decreases with membrane filtration as pore size decreases. Large capital investments are required to replace membranes over time as they degrade.
The four general membrane processes that operate by applying pressure to raw water are microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF), and reverse osmosis (RO).
Photo 1
Reverse osmosis (RO) membrane systems, such as the Cypress Water Treatment Plant RO skids shown here in Wichita Falls, Texas, remove essentially all organic and inorganic constituents.
照片1 反渗透(RO)膜系统,如德克萨斯州威奇托福尔斯市的赛普拉斯水处理厂的RO工艺,基本上可以去除所有有机和无机物。
MF and UF . MF uses membranes with 0.1-μm pores, which can remove protozoans and bacteria. UF uses membranes with 0.01-μm pores, which can remove viruses. Both MF and UF remove suspended particles, whereas NF and RO remove dissolved constituents. MF and UF can be used postclarification or in place of clarification if source water is low in suspended solids.
微滤和超滤 。 微滤使用具有0.1微米孔径的膜,可以去除原生动物和细菌。超滤使用孔径为0.01微米的膜,可以去除病毒。微滤和超滤都能去除悬浮颗粒,而纳滤和反渗透可以去除溶解性的成分。如果原水中的悬浮物含量低,微滤和超滤可以在澄清工艺后使用,或直接代替澄清工艺。
Coagulants may be used in prefiltration to adsorb organics that settle out in clarifiers and are then separated out by MF/UF membranes. As with conventional filtration, MF/UF systems must be backwashed regularly, or when performance declines, with back-pressured water and/or air. Also, they must be periodically soaked in a cleaning solution, depending on membrane material and application. A clean-in-place procedure must be used periodically in accordance with manufacturer recommendations to remove excess buildup of particulates and to disinfect the membranes.
NF . NF uses membranes with 0.001-μm pores, which can remove dissolved ions and natural and synthetic organics. NF is often used to remove color and hardness (e.g., calcium and magnesium) from groundwater. Rejection (removal) of monovalent ions (e.g., sodium and chloride) is limited depending on the types of NF membrane used. NF membranes and equipment are similar to those of RO. Although the RO process requires higher pressure to overcome full osmotic pressure due to total dissolved solids (TDS), the NF process requires much less pressure because of the partial rejection of TDS. Permeate recovery is usually higher (~90%) than in RO. Smaller ions and molecules, such as dissolved gases (e.g., hydrogen sulfide), can't be removed by NF. Therefore, air stripping is often required as a posttreatment process. Additional posttreatment options include calcite/lime addition or blending with bypass water to reduce corrosivity. The concentrate stream (1, 2) needs to be properly disposed of via surface water discharge, deep well injection, or a sewer.
纳滤 。 纳滤使用具有0.001微米孔隙的膜,可以去除溶解性的离子以及天然或合成的有机物。纳滤经常被用来去除地下水的色度和硬度(如钙和镁)。对单价离子(如钠和氯)的去除是有限的,但这取决于所使用的纳滤膜的类型。纳滤膜工艺配套的设备与反渗透相似。反渗透过程需要更高的压力,以克服总溶解性固体(TDS)产生的全部渗透压,但因为可以允许通过TDS中的部分离子,纳滤膜工艺需要的压力要小得多。纳滤膜工艺渗透液的回收率通常比反渗透的高(约90%)。由于较小的离子和分子,如溶解性的气体(如硫化氢),不能被纳滤膜去除,因此,通常需要将气提作为后处理过程。纳滤膜配套的额外的后处理选择包括添加钙/石灰或与其他生产线的水混合以减少对管网的腐蚀性。浓缩液需要通过地表排放、深井注入或排入排水系统以进行适当处理。
Photo 2
Samples show concentrate from a colored water NF train (left) and a brackish groundwater RO train (right) in Florida.
照片2 如图的样品是来自佛罗里达州的经过纳滤膜处理的有色水浓缩废液(左)和经过反渗透处理的地下苦咸水浓缩废液。
RO . RO uses membranes with <0.001-μm pores, which can remove almost all dissolved material (e.g., ions, metals, etc.). RO is commonly used to remove TDS from source waters. It's an effective choice when desalination is needed, but it produces a concentrated reject (Figure 3). Also, RO can remove other contaminants, such as sulfates, nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals, and radionuclides. Due to an RO membrane's small pore size, some type of clarification/filtration process is required before RO, unless the source water is low in suspended solids.
反渗透 。 反渗透使用孔径小于0.001微米的膜,可以去除几乎所有的溶解性物质(例如离子、重金属等)。反渗透通常用于去除原水中的溶解性总固体(TDS)。当需要脱盐时,它是一个有效的选择,但也会产生浓缩的废液(图3)。另外,反渗透可以去除其他污染物,如硫酸盐、硝酸盐、农药、重金属和放射性元素。由于反渗透膜的孔径较小,在反渗透之前需要进行某种类型的澄清/过滤预处理过程,除非原水的悬浮物含量本来就较低。
Figure 3 Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membrane Allowing Passage of Water Molecules
图3 反渗透膜允许通过的水中的分子
RO is a pressure-driven process in which almost pure water is forced through a semipermeable membrane and most ions (salts) are left behind.
The selection of RO membranes is site-specific and depends on feedwater characteristics and overall RO system setup (e.g., low pressure or high pressure, single stage or multistage). Scaling and fouling are two of the biggest concerns when using RO treatment. Scaling occurs when dissolved particles are deposited on the membrane surface, causing it to plug. Fouling is caused when suspended particles accumulate inside the membrane. Both can be minimized with treatment prior to RO. Typically, scaling requires the use of an antiscalant in the RO feedwater that will inhibit the precipitation of ions on the membrane surfaces. Fouling may require coagulation, filtration, or some other type of pretreatment of the RO feedwater. It's important to work with the RO membrane supplier or a third party to determine exactly what type of pretreatment may be required for feedwater at a given site.
“Although not necessary for all utilities, advanced treatment processes are being installed at more water treatment plants every year.”
Case Study 案例研究
The City of Waco, Texas, struggled for decades with taste and odor (T&O) complaints from its customers. The water coming into Lake Waco from the North Bosque River was severely impacted by nutrient over-enrichment from phosphorus and nitrogen. Rainfall runoff in the North Bosque watershed would carry these nutrients into Lake Waco, creating conditions that favored algal growth. Algae species prone to producing T&O compounds, such as geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol, would thrive and bloom. Conventional treatment couldn't remove these compounds, resulting in customer complaints.
The city decided to build a dissolved air flotation (DAF) plant below the Lake Waco Dam to float out the algae before preliminary disinfection. The plant's DAF system is followed immediately by ozonation to destroy any existing T&O compounds in the raw water. The DAF and ozone combination predisinfection reduces the raw water's disinfectant demand, lowering the system's chemical costs.
Granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration is an adsorptive process more specialized than conventional filtration (i.e., a film of particulates adheres to the outside surface of media). GAC filters contain thermally or chemically treated organic media (wood, coconut shells, coal, and peat) in a fixed bed or postfilter contactor. They operate by adsorbing material as the water passes through the filter media; contaminants in the liquid phase move to a solid phase as they cling to the surface of the filter media. GAC filters are used to remove organic contaminants with high molecular weights, such as T&O compounds, but they aren't effective at removing microbial contaminants, metals, or ions.
Like conventional filters, GAC filters can be used as biofilters, which can remove metals and other organic contaminants (e.g., T&O compounds and DBPs) that regular GAC filters cannot. This is done by allowing a biofilm to form on the surface of filter media, which converts and/or removes compounds through the metabolic activity of the microorganisms. An advantage of GAC filters compared to conventional filters is that GAC filters remove contaminants that conventional filters allow to pass through. However, GAC media are more expensive, and over time, the media must be regenerated or replaced to maintain adsorptive capacity. This is a serious operational cost that must be factored into the decision to use GAC. A postfilter contactor that acts as a polisher after conventional filtration can be a cost-effective option for removing organics in many cases.
Ion exchange (IX) is a chemical process used when low levels of ions need to be removed during treatment. IX can be used to remove cations (positively charged ions like sodium, iron, lead, and calcium) or anions (negatively charged ions like nitrate, sulfate, and chloride). During this treatment process, the undesirable ion is removed and exchanged with a less objectionable ion by passing the water over a resin bed saturated in the ion to be exchanged.
For example, hard water containing excessive amounts of calcium and magnesium ions can be passed through an IX resin bed containing hydrogen or chloride ions. Calcium and magnesium ions will adhere to the resin as hydrogen or chloride ions are released. This process generates a softer water with a small amount of hydrogen or chloride ions that are less objectionable than calcium and magnesium (Figure 4). Over time, the resin bed's performance will degrade as IX occurs, and the resin will need to be regenerated with brine or acid/base. This creates a waste stream that must be disposed of properly. IX can be a good option when treatment is needed to remove a small amount of contaminant but can be costly over time.
Figure 4 Cationic Ion Exchange Diagram
图4 阳离子离子交换示意
Hard water is softened as magnesium (Mg 2+ ) and calcium (Ca 2+ ) are exchanged.
Ozone (O 3 ) is a highly reactive gas produced from molecular oxygen (O 2 ) by corona discharge or vacuum ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. Ozone can be used as a powerful oxidant to oxidize inorganic and organic compounds as well as a disinfectant for removing viruses, bacteria, and protozoa.
臭氧(O 3 )是一种通过放电或真空紫外线(UV)照射,由分子氧(O 2 )产生的高活性气体。臭氧可以作为一种强大的氧化剂来氧化无机和有机化合物,也可以作为一种消毒剂来杀灭病毒、细菌和原生动物。
Typical purposes of ozone treatment (ozonation) include iron and manganese removal, T&O removal, hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) oxidation, color removal, chlorinated DBP reduction, and disinfection. When combined with biologically active filtration (biofiltration), ozonation can remove ~20% of total organic carbon and reduce chlorinated DBP formation potential. Ozone is also known to reduce coagulant doses and improve the coagulation-flocculationsedimentation process.
臭氧处理通常的目的包括去除铁和锰、去除致嗅化合物、氧化硫化氢(H 2 S)、去除色度、减少氯化消毒副产物,以及消毒。当与生物活性炭过滤(生物过滤)相结合时,臭氧可以去除约20%的总有机碳并减少氯化消毒副产物的生成潜力。众所周知,臭氧还能减少混凝剂的投加量,改善混凝-絮凝-沉淀过程。
Ozone can oxidize and destroy numerous chemicals, including many pharmaceuticals and personal care products. However, certain halogenated (fluorinated, chlorinated, brominated, and iodinated) organics can't be removed/destroyed by ozone. Also, ozone doesn't react with ammonia. Oxidation of organics by ozone can be enhanced by adding hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), which is called the O 3 /H 2 O 2 advanced oxidation process (AOP) discussed in a later section.
臭氧可以氧化和破坏许多化学物质,包括许多药品和个人护理产品。然而,某些卤化(氟化、氯化、溴化和碘化)有机物不能被臭氧去除/破坏。此外,臭氧不与氨反应。需要通过添加过氧化氢(H 2 O 2 )可以加强臭氧对有机物的氧化作用,这被称为O 3 /H 2 O 2 高级氧化过程(AOP),会在后面的章节中讨论。
Because ozone is a reactive gas, it can't be stored; it has to be generated on-site using ozone generators (Photo 3a). Liquid oxygen (Photo 3b) or oxygen concentrators are used to supply molecular oxygen to the ozone generators, although dried ambient air can be used as an oxygen source. (Note: The ozone gas concentration will be much lower if ambient air is used. Oxygen content is ~21% in the air.) Traditionally, gas diffusers are often used to introduce ozone gas into water. However, Venturi injectors (Photo 3c) and side-stream pumps are often used in newer water treatment facilities. Depending on a plant's treatment goals, ozone can be injected before rapid mixing (pre-ozone), after sedimentation (intermediate ozone), and/or after filtration (postozone).
Photos 3a–d
The ozone system at the water treatment plant in Wylie, Texas, includes ozone generators (3a), liquid oxygen storage tanks (3b), Venturi injectors (3c), and an ozone destruct unit (3d).
照片3a-d 德克萨斯州Wylie市水厂的臭氧系统包括臭氧发生器(3a)、液氧储存罐(3b)、文丘里喷射器(3c)和一个臭氧破坏装置(3d)。
Ozone reacts with bromide (Br – ) in water and produces bromate (BrO 3– ) as a DBP. Bromate is a suspected carcinogen, and its maximum contaminant level in drinking water is 0.010 mg/L. Therefore, bromate monitoring and control is critical for drinking water treatment facilities using ozone. Bromate formation can be reduced by lowering ozone dosage and pH or adding H 2 O 2 and chloramines.
臭氧与水中的溴化物(Br - )发生反应,产生溴酸盐(BrO 3- ),成为一种DBP。溴酸盐是一种可疑的致癌物质,其在饮用水中的最大污染物含量为0.010毫克/升。因此,溴酸盐的监测和控制对于使用臭氧的饮用水处理设施至关重要。溴酸盐的形成可以通过降低臭氧剂量和pH值或添加H 2 O 2 和氯胺来减少。
Ozonation also produces carboxylic acids, ketones, and aldehydes, which are smaller organics that can be effectively removed by biological filtration. Although GAC is a common granular medium for ozone biofiltration, sand and anthracite can act as effective biological filter media. In the presence of certain precursors, ozone is also known to produce nitrosamines. Because ozone is a toxic gas, ambient ozone monitors are required to detect any ozone gas around the ozone system. The current Occupational Safety and Health Administration permissible exposure limit for ozone is 0.1 part ozone per million parts air, averaged over an eight-hour work shift. Ozone destruct units (Photo 3d) are also required to destroy any off-gas from the ozone contactors.
UV light systems have been used intermittently in water treatment for more than 100?years and have gained popularity in the past few decades. They disinfect water against pathogens (Escherichia coli, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, viruses, etc.), and they sterilize the water through inactivation. In UV systems, water is usually first filtered to remove suspended solids, which increases the effectiveness of UV radiation. UV-C photons (200–280 nm wavelength) are generated in a UV lamp and pass into the water column. Photons pass through the cell walls/membranes of microorganisms and are absorbed by proteins and nucleotides (DNA and RNA). The absorption by nucleotides drives a photochemical reaction that alters the genetic sequence of the microorganism, inactivating it so it can't reproduce.
Bacteria and protozoans are more sensitive to UV radiation than viruses, so virus inactivation requires a higher dose and/or longer contact time. Dosages are normally calculated at UV 254 to achieve a 4-log (99.99%) inactivation. A disadvantage to UV disinfection is that it offers no residual like a chlorination/chloramination system does. UV systems often are installed prior to chlorination so the chlorine demand is reduced early, a lower chlorine dose is required, and a chlorine residual remains in the distribution system. An advantage of UV treatment is that no DBPs are formed in this process, unlike in ozonation, but DBPs like halonitromethanes can form after UV treatment when chlorine is added.
细菌和原生动物对紫外线辐射的敏感度比病毒更甚,所以对病毒的灭活需要更高的剂量和/或更长的接触时间。为了达到4-log(99.99%)的灭活效果,剂量通常按UV 254 计算。紫外线消毒的一个缺点是它不像加氯/氯污染系统那样提供持续的残留消毒剂。紫外线系统通常在加氯系统之前安装,这样可以减少对氯的需求,只需要较低的氯剂量保持输配系统中保留一定的余氯即可。与臭氧工艺不同,紫外工艺的一个优点是在这个过程中不会形成消毒副产物,但在紫外工艺处理后再加入氯气时,也会形成卤代甲烷等消毒副产物。
AOPs are a group of oxidation processes in which extremely short-lived, nonselective free radicals (e.g., hydroxyl radicals) are formed and used to oxidize and decompose primarily organic contaminants. AOPs require a combination of different chemical and physical agents, such as ozone, UV, H 2 O 2 , and titanium dioxide. Two of the most commonly used AOPs in drinking water treatment are O 3 /H 2 O 2 and UV/H 2 O 2 , although the latter is more commonly used in advanced water purification facilities for wastewater reclamation and potable reuse (Photo 4).
高级氧化是一组氧化过程的组合,主要是形成并利用寿命极短的非选择性自由基(如羟基自由基)对有机污染物进行氧化和分解。高级氧化需要不同的化学和物理制剂的组合,如臭氧、紫外线、H 2 O 2 和二氧化钛。饮用水处理中最常用的两种高级氧化工艺的组合是O 3 /H 2 O 2 和UV/H 2 O 2 ,尽管后者更常用于废水回用和饮用水再利用的深度净水设施(图片4)。
Photo 4
UV/H 2 O 2 advanced oxidation process reactors are used by the Orange County Water District's Groundwater Replenishment System in Fountain Valley, Calif.
照片4 UV/H 2 O 2 高级氧化反应器在加利福尼亚州芳泉谷橙县水地区的地下水补给系统中应用。
The O 3 /H 2 O 2 AOP effectively destroys geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol, which are common T&O compounds. Therefore, many ozone facilities have a provision of H 2 O 2 injection to enhance the removal of T&O compounds during the algal bloom season. It should be noted that H 2 O 2 must be injected where ozone residual is present; by doing so, the ozone residual will be completely destroyed, and contact time value may be affected. AOPs can also remove many recalcitrant organic contaminants such as 1,4-dioxane. However, certain halogenated organics can't be removed, just like in ozonation. Aside from smaller organics, AOPs generally don't generate DBPs.
O 3 /H 2 O 2 高级氧化工艺能有效地破坏土臭素和二甲基异莰醇,这些都是常见的致嗅化合物。因此,许多臭氧设施都有投加H 2 O 2 的配置,以加强在藻类繁殖季节对致嗅化合物的去除效果。应该注意的是,H 2 O 2 必须在有余臭氧的工艺段注入。如果这样运行的话,余臭氧可以被完全消耗,接触时间也可能受到影响。高级氧化也可以去除许多难处理的有机污染物,如1,4-二恶烷。然而,某些卤化有机物不能被去除,就像在臭氧工艺中一样。除了较小的有机物外,高级氧化工艺一般不会产生消毒副产物。
“As the industry continues to progress with treatment advancements, it's increasingly important that operators develop a working knowledge of new technologies.”
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住建部等四部委印发《深入打好城市黑臭水体治理攻坚战实施方案》各省、自治区住房和城乡建设厅、生态环境厅、发展改革委、水利厅,直辖市住房和城乡建设(管)委、生态环境局、发展改革委、水务局、水利局,海南省水务厅,新疆生产建设兵团住房和城乡建设局、生态环境局、发展改革委、水利局: 现将《深入打好城市黑臭水体治理攻坚战实施方案》印发给你们,请认真组织实施。
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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳许多臭氧设施都有投加H 2 O 2 的配置,以加强在藻类繁殖季节对致嗅化合物的去除效果,这个知识点有启发作用,谢谢分享。
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