土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 钢结构工程 \ U形曲线布局,60%的结构在地面下:击败扎哈和BIG等著名事务所的设计——脱颖而出的竞赛作品


发布于:2022-05-30 11:16:30 来自:建筑结构/钢结构工程 [复制转发]

Napur建筑事务所为其新完成的民族学博物馆揭幕,它耸立在布达佩斯的历史街道上。作为欧洲最大的城市文化发展项目Liget Budapest项目(见这里)的一部分,该作品被定义为其曲线姿态,是周围公园的延续。


Napur Architects unveils its newly completed Museum of Ethnography, which rises among the historic streets of Budapest. Standing as part of the Liget Budapest Project (see here), Europe’s largest urban-cultural development, the work is defined by its curving gesture, a continuation of the surrounding park. With its landscaped rooftop and dramatic profile — at once dynamic and simple — the volume harmonized with the park environment and communicates with the urban context. The Városliget city park has long been a familiar venue for the Museum of Ethnography, the architects note that its collection debuted at this site at the 1896 Millennium Exhibition.


Napur Architects’ Museum of Ethnography is the result of a winning competition entry selected above designs by renowned international firms including Zaha Hadid Architects and BIG. The Hungarian architecture studio (see more here) chose to respect the context of the city by embedding the majority of the exhibition space underground, rather than disrupting the historic urban fabric.


The architects elaborate: ‘Sixty percent of the structure is under ground level, and thanks to the landscaped roof and the transparency of the sections over the ground, the new museum is adapted to its environment in its scale too. The grass-covered roof area will be a pleasant community space awaiting visitors to Városliget.’


The trademark of the Budapest museum is its glass curtainwall which wraps the landscaped roof garden. While this element suggests a pair of natural, intertwined hillsides, its detailed facade is wholly contemporary — consisting of nearly half a million pixels, a raster made by metal grid based on ethnographic motifs selected from the museum’s Hungarian and international collections. The pixels were inserted into a laser-cut aluminum grid by a special robot, more than 2,000 of which are attached to the building. The small cubes were made up of 20 Hungarian and 20 international contemporary reinterpretations of ethnographic motifs.


The new functions and flexible spaces of the modern and state-of-the-art museum building will facilitate the understanding of the historical heritage embodied by the collection as well as the various aspects of contemporary society. Besides passing down this historical heritage, the realization of more recent professional and research themes and perspectives continues to be among the priority objectives of the museum, as confirmed by its mission.


The architects comment: ‘The creatively built spaces will open up new opportunities to communicate with visitors, enabling the presentation of the everyday objects, phenomena and ideas of the past and the present side by side.’

建筑师:Napur Architects

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武威市体育场,为乙级中型体育场,是校地共建市列重大工程建设项目。占地面积34401平方米,可容纳2.2万人。 目前,该项目的 土建工程、钢结构工程、 灯塔工程、膜结构工程、 看台座椅工程、 运动场人工草坪足球场工程已完成, 塑胶跑道铺设工程 及 室外配套工程正在有序推进中。 未来,


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