More than half of the wall and ceiling surface is covered with 7” thick clear acrylic to visually connect the outside and the suite. The underwater spaces span 100 square meters and are accessed through the spiral staircase and an elevator from an overwater living room. In order to minimize the inevitable appearance of heavy steel and concrete, the majority of the interior spaces are upholstered with leather, and the floor is covered with carpet, with which, sound reverberation is also minimized.
The interior design and much detailing of finishes were inspired by airplane luxury cabins. Every part of the interior was carefully measured, modulated, mocked up, and installed. Despite the fact that this is the only underwater bedroom in the region, automated privacy screens are integrated into all windows and controlled with a tablet in conjunction with a lighting system, similar to ones in luxury airplane cabins.
The Maldives is known for its pristine beach and sea. The views of the ocean are breathtaking, but that’s only half of the Mal divian beauty. The other half exists underwater. There is an underwater ecosystem that is worth showing to the visitors without diving in the sea. Creating safe places where people can calmly observe marine life would help draw attention to what is happening to the sea, recognize the changes, and get inspired.
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19个民宿设计的创意,看完我心又飞了!民宿设计 Hosel Design 民宿设计,不论是重建或扩建、运用设计的加法或减法、还是采用在地材料, 不仅能使荒废破旧的乡下老宅焕然一新,也能重塑一方水土。 01 石与木完美结合 坂茂设计的这家日本民宿 Art Biotop Suite Villa,是它是一个分支式的住宿设施,位于栃木县那須郡。 木结构为主体的客房沿着溪流排布,带有大开口的滑动门让内部将与露台相连。从而形成室内和室外空间的连续,设计师利用施工现场挖掘的石块砌筑外墙,充分发挥在地性。
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