土木在线论坛 \ 装配式建筑 \ 装配式施工 \ 5种不同的现代建筑方法


发布于:2022-05-09 21:22:09 来自:装配式建筑/装配式施工 [复制转发]














Modern methods of construction (MMC) are innovative ways of building structures, which are increasingly being used in the construction industry. They provide a number of different benefits, depending on the method used, and could help to do everything from speed up construction and save money to making construction safer. Modern methods of construction include methods such as creating modular buildings, 3D printed construction, and flat slab construction. Whether using one of these construction types or combining more than one, developers, landowners, and homeowners can take an up-to-date approach to construction that may provide some excellent benefits.

Modular Buildings/3D Volumetric Construction

Constructing modular buildings is all about creating parts of the building off-site and then bringing them on-site. By building 3D modules off-site, it39;s possible to save time and money, as well as carry out quality control. Modular buildings might begin with basic steel shells or they could be complete external and internal designs. They can be excellent for consistency for the development of modular homes, in addition to hotels and similar buildings. Light gauge steel is ideal for this purpose, as it is light, durable, and versatile.

Flat Slab Construction

Flat slab construction involves the use of flat slabs of concrete that are reinforced and supported with concrete columns. This method of construction removes the need for beams, with the load of a slab placed on supporting columns and a square slab called a drop panel. This MMC construction method offers flexibility in design layout, as well as reducing the amount of time required for construction. Floor-to-floor height can be reduced too, which can be beneficial to cut cladding costs and for prefabricated construction.

Twin Wall Technology

Twin wall technology is one of the modern methods of construction that combines precast concrete and in-situ concrete. Using both of these methods, it39;s possible to benefit from both speed and structural integrity. The walls are created by separating two wall slabs with a cast in lattice girders. After joining together and reinforcing the walls, the gap between them is filled with concrete. As well as being a faster method of construction, it39;s more economical and is often used together with precast floors.

Hybrid Construction

Hybrid construction or semi-volumetric construction combines modern construction methods of volumetric/modular units and panel systems. Areas that are highly utilized such as kitchens and bathrooms can be created as volumetric units, while the rest of the building is constructed using panels. This allows for the best parts of each construction method to provide benefits, including fittings in the volumetric units and flexibility from the panel system.

3D Printed Construction

3D printing is continually being used in new and innovative ways, including in the construction industry. 3D printed construction is particularly useful for creating prototypes, as well as for creating complex components that have more challenging shapes. 3D printing uses the sequential layering of materials to build up the element being constructed. It begins with a digital 3D model, which can then be used to create the required construction elements.

These modern methods of construction deliver a range of benefits to construction projects, often making it possible to save time and money, as well as produce excellent work.


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只看楼主 我来说两句抢地板
  • fst10
    fst10 沙发


    2022-05-10 15:58:10

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  • 放水发电
    放水发电 板凳

    这是一个很不错的学习参考资料, 但是表述的还是过于简单,未提供相应参数及技术要求等, 建议上传一些附件技术资料(如CAD外形尺寸图和对应的型号规格及技术参数等,以方便设计人员选用), 不过这里还是要谢谢楼主能发布和分享出来给大家学习和参考使用! 同时希望大家参与补充/提供相应资料图纸等

    2022-05-10 06:15:10

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以下文章来源于机械工业出版社建筑分社 作者李青山 摘要 近年来,在国家大力推行政策背景下,装配式建筑成为研究的热门课题。钢结构作为一种天然的装配式结构,具备施工速度快、现场湿作业少、便于实现工业化和标准化、质量易控制、绿色环保等诸多优势,在装配式建筑领域中具备巨大的发展前景。介绍了近年来国内外装配式钢结构梁柱连接节点研究情况,根据构造特征分为套筒式、悬臂短梁式、桁架梁、单边螺栓、装配式钢框架体系、带耗能元件等装配式节点形式,对各装配式节点构造和力学性能进行阐述与总结。


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