土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 钢结构工程 \ 密斯遗作终建成:Eskenazi艺术、建筑与设计学院,再现钢与玻璃的经典


发布于:2022-05-05 11:28:05 来自:建筑结构/钢结构工程 [复制转发]

△ ? Hadley Fruits, courtesy the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design

设计    密斯·凡·德·罗; Thomas Phifer and Partn ers (适应性改造)

项目地点   美国印第安纳大学伯明顿分校

建筑面积   约1560.77平方米

建成时间   2022年

2022年2月22日,印第安纳大学Eskenazi艺术、建筑与设计学院院长 Peg Faimon宣布由密斯·凡·德·罗设计的学院大楼,将于春季学期向学生、教师和公众开放。该建筑基于密斯 1952年 的设计而建造,由 Thomas Phifer  and Partners 对其功能进行改造,以适应当代使用:讲座、工作坊、学生合作、行政办公等空间都包括在内。

Peg Faimon, Dean of Indiana University's Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design, today announced that the School's Mies van der Rohe building has opened to students, faculty, and the public for the spring semester. The building, which serves as a shared facility for the School, is the realization of a recently rediscovered 1952 design that Mies created for the Bloomington campus. The design has been sensitively adapted for contemporary use by the architectural team of Thomas Phifer and Partners. Lecture, workshop, student collaboration, administrative and office program spaces are included.

△ ? Hadley Fruits, courtesy the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design

密斯的方案最初是为 Pi Lambda Phi 兄弟会的 印第安纳大学 分会而设计,但他们放弃了这个项目,该设计也随之被遗忘了大约60年之久。2013年,前兄弟会成员西德尼· 埃斯肯纳齐 Sidney Eskenazi )告诉了 印第安纳大学时任校长 ,这份 密斯建筑图纸的存在。校方通过一番找寻,发现了存于 芝加哥艺术学院和纽约现代艺术博物馆 档案中,该项目的资料。2019年,校方宣布将实现密斯这一设计,并将用西德尼和路易斯· 埃斯肯纳齐 捐赠的2000万美元中的部分资金来支付建设费用。
Originally commissioned for an IU chapter of the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity, which subsequently abandoned the project, the Mies design was all but forgotten for some sixty years.  It re-emerged in 2013 when Sidney Eskenazi, a member of the former chapter, informed IU's then-President Michael A. McRobbie of the existence of Mies's drawings for the building. Following a trail of rediscovery, IU found documentation of the project in the archives of the Art Institute of Chicago and New York's Museum of Modern Art. In 2019, IU announced that it would realize the 10,000-square-foot, two-story building, paying for construction with a portion of a $20 million donation from Sidney and Lois Eskenazi.


? △ ? Anna Powell Denton , courtesy the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design

△ ? Hadley Fruits, courtesy the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design ? ?

建筑60英尺( 18.3米)宽,140英尺( 42.7米)长,主要由白色钢结构和10英尺(约3米)高的玻璃墙组成,配以 灰色石灰石和白色环氧水磨石 材质。建筑整体非常通透, 底层大部分是开放的,二层则优雅地架于地面之上, 被通高玻璃窗 环绕, 中央有一个 开放庭院。
The 60-foot-wide, 140-foot-long building is made principally of thin, white-painted steel and expansive glass in panes measuring 10 feet square, with select  gray limestone and white epoxy terrazzo Floor-to-ceiling  windows wrap around the entire second story, which features a central exterior square atrium, giving the impression of transparency throughout the building.  Much of the lower level is open to the air, with the second or main story elegantly elevated above the ground plane. 

△ ? Hadley Fruits, courtesy the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design

△ ? Anna Powell Denton , courtesy the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design ? ? ?

该建筑与同时期 密斯设计的 范斯沃斯住宅,以及其在 伊利诺伊理工学院早期设计的许多建筑 体量和形式都有着密切关联性。同时,室内还精选了密斯和 佛罗伦斯·诺尔 Florence Knoll )设计的家具,以匹配建筑的设计及其时代感。
Architecturally, the building has a strong relationship to both the contemporaneous Farnsworth House and the massing and form of many of Mies's early concepts for buildings at the Illinois Institute of Technology. Select furnishings designed by Mies and Florence Knoll, respectively, have been chosen to complement the building's design and era.

△ ? Hadley Fruits, courtesy the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design

学院院长Peg Faimon表示:“密斯设计的建筑最终落成,我们非常激动。它不仅展示了学院所追求的卓越精神,在这栋由20世纪建筑巨匠设计的建筑中学习和工作,我们也能获取灵感、更好地 促进 学院 项目 合作。我们希望它能 成为一座持久的丰 碑, 见证 各种 层面间的交流合作 ——艺术、创意、智慧,最重要的是,人类。”
Peg Faimon said, "We are thrilled to mark the opening of the Mies Building, which will enable faculty and students of all our School's programs to come together and collaborate. Just as important, this magnificent building shows who we are, representing the excellence to which we are committed. There can be no greater inspiration for us than to learn and work in a masterpiece by this titan of twentieth-century architecture. Let us hope that it will be a lasting monument to the power of collaborations and connections of all kinds—artistic, creative, intellectual and, above all, human."

△ ? Hadley Fruits, courtesy the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design

Location: Northwest corner of Seventh Street and Jordan Avenue on the IU Bloomington campus, near the Herman B. Wells Library, the Fine Arts Building, the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies and the new Ferguson International Center (under construction, designed by Thomas Phifer and Partners)
Funding: Construction is funded through a portion of a $20 million gift from Sidney and Lois Eskenazi.
Design Architect: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Architect: Thomas Phifer and Partners, New York
Project Team, Thomas Phifer and Partners:  Thomas Phifer, Principal;  Stephen Dayton, Project Director;  Katie Bennett, Director;  Matthew Zuckerman;  Jessica Luscher
General Contractor: CDI, Inc., Terre Haute, IN 
Project Cost: $10 million
Ground Breaking: June 2020
Expected Completion: Spring Semester 2022  
Dimensions: Footprint - 140 feet by 60 feet; Height - 21 feet (2 stories)
Materials: Standard structural steel profiles, painted; 10-foot × 10-foot steel frame window bays with high-performance insulating glass; select gray limestone; white epoxy terrazzo 

Pamela Whitten, President
Rahul Shrivastav, Provost, IU Bloomington
Thomas A. Morrison, Vice President, Capital Planning and Facilities 
Adam D. Thies, Associate Vice President, Capital Planning and Facilities
Peg Faimon, Founding Dean, Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design

Structural engineer: Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, Chicago
Mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection: Cosentini Associates, Chicago
Lighting: Cosentini Associates, New York
AV and IT: Cosentini Associates, Chicago

Material Fabricators 
Structural steel: MAK Steel
Windows: Waltek, Ltd.
Limestone: Indiana Limestone Fabricators, SSRG
Terrazzo: Santarossa Mosaic and Tile Co.

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