土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 结构新鲜事 \ 100米高木结构:住宅公寓


发布于:2022-04-28 14:21:28 来自:建筑结构/结构新鲜事 [复制转发]
Schmidt Hammer Lassen公司展示了其Rocket&Tigeli大楼的设计,该大楼不久将作为世界上最高的木质承重结构的住宅塔楼矗立在瑞士。在接下来的四年里,这座100米高的塔楼将在温特图尔市拔地而起,该市位于苏黎世东北部,靠近德国边境。该项目将比目前最高的木制塔楼--挪威85.4米高的Mj?st?rnet大楼的高度高出14.6米。

Schmidt Hammer Lassen presents the design of its Rocket&Tigeli building, which will soon stand in Switzerland as the world’s tallest residential tower with a load-bearing structure in timber. During the next four years, the 100-meter-tall tower will rise in the city of Winterthur, which is located just northeast of Zürich near the German border. the project will exceed the height of the current tallest wooden tower — Norway’s 85.4-meter-tall Mj?st?rnet building — by 14.6 meters.


Actually, the building is designed with a timber structure and a facade covered in dark red and yellow terracotta bricks combined with details in dusty green. This color palette reflects the red roofs and yellow bricks of the historical buildings in the area, rooting the building in the city’s surrounding fabric. While the city is defined by its historic architecture and industrial heritage, the Rocket&Tigerli tower takes its name from the locomotives once manufactured at the site.

Schmidt Hammer Lassen设计了其 Rocket&Tigerli 大楼——即将成为木楼——为瑞士温特图尔的社区打造一个绿色广场。因此,该项目被组织成四个不同高度的独立体量。四座建筑中的每一座都被设计成独特的视觉形象,在居民中创造了强烈的归属感,对他们自己的建筑以及整个建筑群都是如此。

Schmidt Hammer Lassen (see more here) designs its Rocket&Tigerli building — soon to become the world’s tallest timber tower — to create a green plaza for the neighborhood in Winterthur, Switzerland. Thus, the project is organized as four separate volumes of varying heights. Each of the four buildings is designed with a unique visual identity, creating a strong sense of belonging among the residents, to their own building as well as the complex on the whole.


These four buildings together act as a frame for the new landscape, composing a new sequence of small urban spaces. With retail and a restaurant areas, bright passageways and parks at ground level will create an active neighborhood that invites both residents and visitors to enjoy the lively atmosphere.


The new world’s tallest timber tower Rocket&Tigerli marks a milestone in the construction of timber buildings. This is not only due to its record setting 100 meter-height, but because of its innovative construction system that explores wood as a natural replacement for concrete.

 Schmidt Hammer Lassen 的建筑师解释说:“瑞士公司 Implenia 和苏黎世联邦理工学院 (ETH) 共同开发了新系统,该系统允许建造更高的木结构建筑。

The architects at Schmidt Hammer Lassen explain: ‘The Swiss company Implenia and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Zürich, ETH, have worked together in developing the new system, which allows the construction of taller timber buildings.


‘In the new system, the concrete core has been replaced with wood, resulting in the fact that the individual beam comes in at a lower weight. This makes it possible to build taller constructions while, at the same time, ensures that the entire building process achieves a lower amount of embedded carbon.’


Curating the residential units of its Rocket&Tigerli building in Switzerland, SHL prioritizes the integration of daylight and spaciousness. With this focus, each apartment space is flooded with natural daylight. All units have double-height ceilings and are angled to optimize the inflow of sunlight.



建筑师:Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
面积:34,500 平方米

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