土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 装修设计效果图 \ 北京·160㎡光影公寓 - 光栅

北京·160㎡光影公寓 - 光栅

发布于:2022-04-26 16:11:26 来自:装修设计/装修设计效果图 [复制转发]


This is an apartment which relates to the foreigners, most of its wall is light steel keel partition wall except for the steel partition and a few columns in the interior. The original apartment structure is two rooms and two bathrooms, the layout is slightly tight and the sunshine on the south is bad to some extent. 

A BRIONVEGA gramophone player produced in the 1960s and Cassina red and blue chairs add a sense of storytelling and interest to this peaceful space.

We reschedule the spital proportion and size which gain large amount of natural light. At the same time, At the same time, on the basis of the earth-colored cement material of the whole apartment, the texture is strengthened by thick stone materials and dark paints, which creates more sense of solemnity and ceremony in the calm spatial atmosphere. The diagonal steel frame connecting the top and bottom has been divided by the cabinet arrangement structure and was provided a new function and appearance. 

  BRIONVEGA 1960s.

The fixed curved edge of the wall opposite the corridor reduces the visual spatial sharpness. The large earth-colored cement material makes doors and panels to form as a whole with the space.


客厅的设计尝试跳脱常规的布局,双排座的Ligne Roset沙发在空间中形成了两种对话的可能。与过道同一轴线的餐厅中岛与客厅对望,增加了空间之间的互动。
The design of the living room tries to think out of the box, with the two-seat Ligne Roset sofa which forms two possibilities for dialogue in this space. Look from the center of dining room center on the same axis as the aisle opposites to the living room, adding to the interaction among spaces. 

  壁炉來自Kelly Hoppen凯丽赫本

The rescaled panoramic window looks like a viewing frame and the tree trunks outside reflected in the living room as silhouettes through the curtains. 


项目面积 | 160.2m2

项目类型 | 住宅

竣工时间 | 2021.5

主案设计 | 林薰

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这个68㎡的空间中,容纳了客餐厅、卧室、主卫客卫、书房和休息区,面积虽小,功能却十分齐全,适合大部分小户型屋主的需求。墨绿色与白色的搭配突显经典与绅士之感,良好的采光与灯光设计为空间增加了宽阔感。 -平面图- 01. 玄关 Entrance


经验值 +10