大学校园:科技园研究中心中东技术大学(METU)是土耳其最古老、最负盛名的大学之一。研究是该机构最重要的活动之一。该项目的构想是将大学赞助的 23 个现有研究设施整合到一个综合体中,以增加相关人员之间的互动。 The Middle East Technical Universi ty (METU) is one of the oldest and most prestigious Turkish universities. Research is one of the most important activities of the institution. This project was conceived with the plan to unite twenty-three existing research facilities sponsored by the university in a single complex, increasing interaction amongst those involved.
经验值 +10
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只看楼主 我来说两句抢地板一般根据开洞大小,墙肢长短,尽量在端部或交叉点进行布置构造柱。
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