土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 钢结构工程 \ 中国扬州运河大剧院:一座融合了观演、展示、商业、休闲、园林于一体的文化综合体


发布于:2022-04-21 14:56:21 来自:建筑结构/钢结构工程 [复制转发]

▲ 开放的园中之园

 As the most important cultural facility in the city, today’s theater should not be reserved just for art lovers or tourists, but to find ways to integrate into the daily life of the public. The design focused on the relationship between landscape, building, and urban space, and explored a place that is more popular and attractive than a building, a theater, or a garden.

▲ 明月湖畔的艺术园林


“天下三分明月夜,二分无赖在扬州”。千年扬州,明月之城、运河之城、园林之城。明月湖畔,一座融合了观演、展示、商业、休闲、园林于一体的文化综合体拔地而起。扬州运河大剧院总建筑面积144700 平方米,其中大剧院包含1600座歌剧厅、800座戏剧厅、500座曲艺剧院、300座多功能小剧场。同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司赢得国际设计竞赛并承担了本项目设计总承包工作,目前项目已竣工验收并于2021年7月份正式运营。

Yangzhou is a historic city famous for its gardens, canal, culture, and art. The Grand Canal Theatre was built as the most important cultural complex in the city. With a total construction area of 144,700 square meters, it features a 1600-seat opera hall, an 800-seat drama hall, a Multi-function hall, and a Chinese opera hall. TJAD won the international design competition and was awarded the general contract for the design of this project. The theater has officially opened in July 2021.

▲ 厚重的文化之石
▲ 展望未来的文化巨幕
▲ 区位图



The Moon Garden and the Art Bridge. Since the site locates between the city and the lake the design put the continuity of urban space first. A courtyard, not a building, becomes the core of the site where the public is welcome to visit whether the theatre is performing or not. The south side of the building toward the lake was built as a bridge in the air to bring the lake view inside and to link the cultural center and exhibition center on both sides.

▲  水月诗园:一处艺术、园林与日常生活相遇的场所
▲ 扬州运河大剧院



Stone and Bamboo. The simple and powerful volume covered by stone responds to the past of the ancient city, at night it turns into a dynamic screen showing the modern and vibrant face of Yangzhou. The glass curtain walls and terraces around the inner courtyard blur the boundary between indoor and outdoor. People can explore the facade's paths and ascend the building like wandering in bamboo forests.

▲ 立面细部,厚重的“石”与轻盈的“竹”
▲ 石材立面细部
▲ 石材立面细部

▲  建筑立面层层退台通过台阶和步道相连成一个环形的立体漫游系统



Green building. Natural wind in summer is introduced through the inner courtyard, combined with green plants adapted to Yangzhou's climate and soil conditions, to create a comfortable microclimate for outdoor activities. Sunshine simulations results show that the building has sufficient sunshine throughout the year, thus maximizing the use of solar energy. The well-designed double skin system provides passive ventilation and natural sunlight to reduce the use of air conditioning and artificial lighting.

▲ 绿色建筑

▲ 自然通风的幕墙



Structure and Curtainwall. In order to unify the interior space and the exterior facade of the building and obtain better visual effects, the design of the steel structure of the entrance hall uses digital form-finding to keep the structural components highly consistent with the building facade. Through modeling and analysis of the hyperbolic curtain wall, the structural columns, glass, and decorative rods are all optimized as plane components, which greatly reduces the cost and construction difficulty.
▲ 结构与幕墙
▲ 复杂曲面幕墙与结构的高度贴合
▲ 复杂曲面幕墙与结构的高度贴合
▲  横贯东西的空中云廊,现代手法演绎瘦西湖名景——二十四桥

九曲长河 、四季诗园

剧院室内空间取运河神韵,开放的九曲长廊贯穿南北,串联起各观演大厅,并兼具展示、参观和社交等功能。 四个观演厅以专业、灵活、互动为设计目标,以“春花、夏竹、秋叶、冬雪”为主题,打造出 “四时不同、扬州特色”的艺术空间,彰显新型观演空间的地域特色、时代特色和科技含量。

Interior space. As a place for public events, communication, and exhibition, the interior space creates a continuous and fluid image through curved walls and ceilings. All theaters feature professional equipment to achieve world-class acoustics and are flexible enough to perform in many ways. The four theaters are all different in materials, colors, and atmospheres to form a cultural connection with the four seasons of Yangzhou.

▲  大剧院北侧门厅,曲面GRG和折面大理石板相结合,塑造出流光溢彩的艺术空间
▲  北门厅
▲  北门厅
▲  南门厅
▲  南门厅

空中客厅: 东西两个建筑通过空中连廊在五层相连,形成对市民开放的城市客厅,将明月湖与城市美景尽收眼底。天花造型为与屋面钢架对位而采用了菱形的框架,结合连续的弧线灯带和金属垂片形成立体的波浪造型,表现出“水波轻扬”的文化主题。

Lobby in the air: The east and west buildings are connected on the 5th floor by a 50m long sky corridor. It serves as a public and multifunctional lobby with a panoramic view of Moon Lake and the city. The water wave pattern on the ceiling fits the shape of the structural truss and makes the space fluid and light.

▲ 空中文化客厅

1600座歌剧厅: 观众厅设计以“春江花月夜”为主题,平面呈马蹄形,采用三层台地式布局的看台如繁花绽放,一轮明月悬于天顶,呈现出云开见月明的唯美意象。照明设计实现了多样、灵活的场景化设计,烘托出丰富多彩的艺术主题效果。

1600-seat grand theater: The auditorium is a classic horseshoe theatre built for opera and ballet. It houses approx 1600 visitors in three layers. The whole space seems to be wrapped around by petals. All the lights and audio equipment are well hidden between petals and can be flexibly adjusted according to the needs of the performance.

▲  1600座歌剧厅
▲  层层绽放的台地式观众席
▲  层层绽放的台地式观众席
▲  层层绽放的台地式观众席
▲  层层绽放的台地式观众席
▲  照明场景二:皓月繁星

800座戏剧厅: 戏剧厅同样采用马蹄形平面与镜框式舞台。观众厅为双层台地式坐席,内饰设计以夏竹为主题,墙体与顶面连成一体。将竹节抽象成墙面的肌理,配合LED柔性灯带,勾勒出竹林纤细摇逸的身姿。在舞台口外两侧设置耳台,与活动的乐池配合使用,拓展舞台的面积,拉近演员和观众的距离。

800-seat theater: The hall has a horseshoe-shaped plane and a framed stage for children’s drama, acrobatics, magic shows, etc. It houses approx 800 visitors in two layers. The ear platforms on both sides in conjunction with the active orchestra pit expand the area of the stage to let actors and the audience get closer. The strip-shaped GRC walls on both sides grow from the ground up like bamboo and join together at the ceiling.

▲  800座戏剧厅
▲  800座戏剧厅
▲  800座戏剧厅

300个座位的多功能厅: 扬州之秋以银杏为美。多功能厅墙面深浅不一的吸音模块如同纷纷落下的银杏叶,勾勒出鳞次栉比的古城剪影。多功能厅空间为黑匣子模式,配备活动的看台,舞台和灯光设备。

300-seat Multi-function hall: The multi-function hall is designed in black box mode, equipped with movable seats, an active stage, and lighting equipment to make it flexible for shows, rehearsals,s, and movies. The walls around are enveloped by a series of acoustic modules which are designed in the shape of ginkgo leaves.

▲  300座多功能厅
▲  300座多功能厅
▲  单元式的吸音材料组合成纷纷飘落的银杏叶

曲艺剧场: 白色的曲艺大厅如同雪霁初晴的古典庭院,底层座椅布置还原传统的中式戏园,二层设置环绕式楼座。舞台前的活动格栅可前后移动和上下开启,以现代的手法演绎古典戏台。活动的舞台和开放的大厅可以实现多种功能场景的灵活切换。

Chinese Opera Hall: In the past Chinese opera was always played outdoor such as courtyard or plaza where the audience can chat and have tea and snacks at the same time. We decide to reproduce a traditional life scene in a modern theater: the space is planned like an inner courtyard with an upper balcony around. All the seats and tables are movable and food is allowed here. The transformable screen in front of the stage makes it flexible for different needs.

▲  曲艺剧场,古典戏院的现代演绎
▲  二层楼座看向舞台
▲  灵活的舞台机械

▲  地下室平面图
▲  一层平面
▲  二层平面
▲  四层平面
▲  五层平面图
▲  剖面-1
▲  剖面-2

▲  立面


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颜值就是正义,美就是生产力。 当下,房地产市场渐趋同质化,高端盘必须要找到更细化的点,去表现自己。 外立面就成了一个发力点。 一个有质感、有审美、看起来高大上的外立面能立刻让你的项目脱颖而出,提升一个档次。 所以,高颜值外立面对于产品的溢价是不言而喻的。 贵阳铁建城 效果图 当“美”越来越成为产品力的重要构成,走在精工前沿的房企,早已呈现出了一幅幅焕新之作,用立面创造出建筑的艺术和诗意。几乎所有的作品,都在深度了解城市人文与历史后,通过建筑立面去表达城市精神。


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