△ 鸟瞰场地 摄影:Nacasa & Partners
小径蜿蜒穿过茂密的丛林,一座全新的人行桥在两个建筑群间建立起一种微妙的联系。就像童话故事一样,行走于小径间,在林间的空地上就能看到一座现代的小木屋。建筑自身就如同一个标识,远远看去,三个锥形的屋顶,从树林间沿着不同的方向微微探出。这个形态也是建筑名字的由来,在日语中,“Poko Poko”正是伸出来或竖起来的意思。
A new footbridge forms a subtle link and between the two complexes a new path meanders through the lush forest. And like in a fairy tale, halfway there is a wood clearing with a contemporary cottage: PokoPoko. Like an icon, from afar 3 roof cones poke out lightheartedly in different directions from the top of the trees. And this is where the building get’s it name from as ‘poko poko’ means to stick-out or stick-up in Japanese.
△ 木屋外观 摄影:Nacasa & Partners
△ 木屋外观 摄影:Brian Scott Peterson
The newly built PokoPoko is a family oriented clubhouse and activity centre for the guests of the hotel. Each roof cone has its own function.
The middle cone allows for cooking activities based on fresh ingredients grown on the hotel’s own premises. A variety of food related workshops keeps kids and parents entertained preparing their own jams and pickles, while a big wood-log oven offers an opportunity to make their own pizza with vegetables and herbs just picked from the nearby fields.
Within an adjacent cone a tall white net structure entices the kids to climb all the way up towards the skylight, while smaller kids can delight in a ball pool at the bottom. This indoor playground offers the kids the freedom to release their energy even when the weather gets too gloomy to play outside.
在孩子们尽情玩乐的时候,家长们就可以在对面的锥体中享受轻松时光。这里摆放的绿色沙发也由建筑事务所完成设计,并作为Dora Dora家具的组成之一。酒店的客人们围坐在火堆旁,拿着他们最爱的饮料,翻阅着书籍,或是凝望着炉火,回忆起童年时在森林中露营和烤棉花糖的经历。在这里,其实也可以仅去享受360度的全景视野,观赏着周围葱郁的林木。
While the kids tire themselves out, parents can relax around the open fireplace under the roof cone on the opposite side. The hotel guests sit around the fire, on Klein Dytham architecture’s Dora Dora furniture with their favorite drink, reading a book, gazing in the flames, reminiscing childhood memories of camping in the woods, toasting marshmallows on a bonfire. Or simply enjoying the 360° view to the surrounding trees.
PokoPoko can be both a lively and a peaceful place, seamlessly connecting to the forest outside, making one feel like having spent a day in nature even on a rainy day.
The roof structure of the building is made from local pine. Two slender timber members with spaced off-cuts form beams, which rise from a lower steel ring beam to a smaller ring which is a part of the roof light.
The beams are skinned with plywood sheets to form a tensioned skin. A layer of rigid insulation is held in place by a grid of timber battens, forming a ventilated cavity, which in turn gets skinned by another layer of plywood, which along with a breather paper layer forms the base for the shingle roof.
The project has been an instant success and the hotel and clubhouse have been in demand as people look too to take time out from Japans cities and head to the country side for staycations which are conducive to social distancing.
设计图纸 ▽
△ 立面图 ?Klein Dytham architecture
△ 剖面图 ?Klein Dytham architecture
Project Name: PokoPoko Club House
Location: Risonare Nasu Hotel, Tochigi Prefecture Japan
Architect: Klein Dytham architecture
Contractor: Tobu Construction
Client: Hoshino Resort
Structutal Engineer: TECTONICA
M & E: Architectural Energy Research
Landscape Designer: Studio TERRA
Lighting Designer: FDS
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达摩山上的复合型民居—隐北野奢酒店▲项目与周边环境鸟瞰 场地区位 隐北野奢酒店位于北京西达摩村,依山而建,错落有致,视野辽阔,周边群山绿树环绕。相传菩提达摩云游四方,曾经过此处弘扬佛法,所以这里的山峰被称为达摩山,项目所在这个村子也化名为西达摩村。总建筑面积 1700 平方米,原建筑为民宅,基于原始的宅基地,进行重新规划设计。一条从山上缓缓流下的小河从基地中间穿过,很多巨大的石头枕在河水中,经过多年的冲刷已经十分圆润。河中还有多株树木生长,整个场地环境被自然环绕,十分静谧,充满禅意,给人一种世外桃源的感觉。
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