摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)近日公布了其位于公园大道270号的最新全球总部方案。该方案由福斯特事务所设计,高达423米,将成为纽约市最大的全电力大楼,能实现净零排放和良好室内空气质量,满足可持续性和健康层面的最高标准。通过21世纪的基础设施、智能科技和250万平方英尺的灵活协作空间,该大楼将定义现代办公场所,可以更好适应未来需求。
JPMorgan Chase today unveiled the design for its new state-of-the-art global headquarters at 270 Park Avenue, reinforcing its commitment to New York City. The 1,388-foot/423 meter, 60-story skyscraper - designed by Foster + Partners - will be New York City's largest all-electric tower with net zero operational emissions and exceptional indoor air quality that exceeds the highest standards in sustainability, health and wellness. It will help define the modern workplace with 21st century infrastructure, smart technology and 2.5 million square feet of flexible and collaborative space that can easily adapt to the future of work.
△ 效果图 ?dbox / Foster + Partners
项目是纽约市创新“中城东区再规划计划”(Midtown East Rezoning Plan)中的第一个项目。该计划鼓励现代化办公场所建造,并将改善商业区的公共空间和交通。
The project is the first under New York City's innovative Midtown East Rezoning plan, which encourages modern office construction and improvements to the business district's public realm and transportation.
Norman Foster, Founder and Executive Chairman of Foster + Partners, said: “270 Park Avenue is set to be a new landmark that responds to its historic location as well as the legacy of JPMorgan Chase in New York. The unique design rises to the challenge of respecting the rhythm and distinctive streetscape of Park Avenue, while accommodating the vital transport infrastructure of the city below. The result is an elegant solution where the architecture is the structure, and the structure is the architecture, embracing a new vision that will serve JPMorgan Chase now and well into the future.”
△ 效果图 ?dbox / Foster + Partners
The new building will house up to 14,000 employees – replacing an outdated facility designed in the late 1950s for about 3,500 employees. It will offer 2.5 times more outdoor space on the ground level of Park and Madison Avenues, featuring wider sidewalks and a large public plaza on Madison Avenue with natural green space and other amenities geared toward the residents, workers and visitors who frequent the neighborhood on a daily basis.
△ 效果图 ?dbox / Foster + Partners
The concept for the new design was to create a timeless addition to Park Avenue, which celebrates the city's iconic architectural history and serves as a powerful new symbol for the next generation of office towers in New York. Using a state-of-the-art structural system to negotiate the site constraints below and at ground level, the innovative fan-column structure and triangular bracing allow the building to touch the ground lightly across the entire block. By lifting the building about 80 feet/24 meters off the ground, it extends the viewpoint from the Park Avenue entrance through to Madison Avenue.
△ 效果图 ?dbox / Foster + Partners
福斯特事务所负责人Nigel Dancey说:“可持续性是项目的核心。工作空间充满阳光和新鲜空气,结合亲生物元素和材料来提高幸福感。作为一个团队,我们试图质疑和重新评估设计的每个方面,为这个工作场所创造一个雄心勃勃的未来愿景。”
Nigel Dancey, Head of Studio, Foster + Partners said: “Sustainability is at the heart of the project, with workspaces flooded with daylight and fresh air, incorporating biophilic elements and materials to improve wellbeing. As a team, we sought to question and re-evaluate every aspect of the design to create an ambitious future vision of the workplace for JP Morgan.”
该大厦将是纽约市最大的全电力摩天大楼,能实现净零排放,全部电力将来自纽约州水力发电厂的可再生能源。 此外,设计将采用最先进的建筑技术和系统,以确保大厦尽可能高效地运作,包括:
270 Park will be New York City’s largest all-electric skyscraper with net zero operational emissions and will be 100% powered by renewable energy sourced from a New York State hydroelectric plant.
The project also recycled, reused or upcycled 97% of the building materials from the demolition - far exceeding the 75% requirement of the leading green building standard.
· 利用传感器、人工智能和机器学习系统等智能建筑技术,去预测、响应和适应能源需求。
Intelligent building technology that uses sensors, AI and machine learning systems to predict, respond and adapt to energy needs.
· 先进的水储存和再利用系统,可减少超过40%的用水量。
Advanced water storage and reuse systems to reduce water usage by more than 40%.
· 三层玻璃立面,以及连接到HVAC系统的自动太阳能遮阳罩,可提高能源效率。
Triple pane glazing on the fa?ade and automatic solar shades connected to HVAC systems for greater energy efficiency.
Outdoor terraces featuring natural green space and plantings.
The project also recycled, reused or upcycled 97% of the building materials from the demolition - far exceeding the 75% requirement of the leading green building standard.
△ 效果图 ?LightField London
摩根大通正在与专家合作,包括哈佛大学健康建筑项目主任Joseph Allen博士、健康专家Deepak Chopra博士和联合广场酒店集团的Danny Meyer,通过以下方式,为员工、客户和访客创造世界级的友好、健康体验:
JPMorgan Chase is partnering with experts, including Director of Harvard University’s Healthy Buildings program Dr. Joseph Allen, wellness expert Dr. Deepak Chopra, and Union Square Hospitality Group’s Danny Meyer to create a world-class wellness and hospitality experience for employees, clients and visitors by:
· 加倍室外新鲜空气,并持续监测空气质量,以改善员工的整体健康和幸福感。
Doubling the amount of outside, fresh air and continuously monitoring air quality to improve the overall health and well-being of employees.
· 使用先进的HVAC过滤系统,持续清洁室外新鲜空气和再循环空气。
Using advanced HVAC filtration systems to continually clean outdoor air as it comes into the building, while simultaneously cleaning recirculated air.
· 增加50%的公共空间和25%的人均空间,在工作地点和工作方式上提供更多选择。灵活的无柱楼板,允许自由改变空间布局,甚至楼层间的连接形式。
Designing 50% more communal spaces and 25% more volume of space per person – giving more choices in where and how to work. Flexible column-free floor plates will allow space to easily change layout and floor design, including inter-floor connections.
· 提供最先进的身心健康中心,设有健身区、瑜伽/自行车室、理疗、医疗服务、现代化母婴室和祈祷冥想空间。
Offering a state-of-the-art health and wellness center that will feature fitness areas, yoga/cycling rooms, physical therapy, medical services, modern mother’s rooms and prayer and meditation spaces.
△ 效果图 ? LightField London
· 一个大型现代餐厅,提供多样化的餐饮服务和健康的菜单。位于60层塔楼顶部的世界级会议中心,为客户和员工提供开阔的城市景观视野和各样活动。
Designing a large and modern food hall featuring diverse food operators and healthy menus as well as a world-class conference center at the top of the 60-story tower offering unobstructed city views and dynamic events for clients and employees.
· 为员工和访客打造一个非接触式场所。这里拥有超过5万台联网设备,将是纽约市由数据驱动的、联系最紧密的高层建筑。
Creating a touchless journey for employees and visitors with more than 50,000 connected devices that will make it the most connected, data-driven high-rise building in New York City.
· 通过亲生物设计,将自然带入室内,包括广泛使用天然植物、更健康的家具和建筑材料。
Bringing nature indoors through biophilic design, including wide use of natural plants and healthier furniture and building materials.
· 与典型的开发商主导的投机性办公大楼相比,这里将引入多30%的日光,并符合昼夜节律,最大限度地减少电灯的影响,支持更健康的室内环境。
Bringing in 30% more daylight than a typical developer-led, speculative office building and using circadian lighting to minimize the effects of electric light and support a healthier indoor environment.
Joseph Allen博士评论道:“该项目的设计在各个方面都以健康为先,它证明了设计可以为使用者提供良好的室内空气质量,同时通过减少对地球的影响,它也是实现了改善社区健康的可持续目标。这座建筑为纽约市和世界各地的健康建筑树立了卓越的新标准。”
Joseph Allen, Associate Professor and Director of the Healthy Buildings program at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and CEO of 9 Foundations commented: “Designed with a health-first mindset in all aspects, this project proves you can have both excellent indoor air quality for occupants, while also addressing sustainability goals that improve the health of the community by reducing impacts on the planet,” said “This building sets new standards of excellence for healthy building in New York City and around the world.”
△ 效果图 ?dbox / Foster + Partners
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