叠影的乡村-博鳌凤凰乡村振兴交流中心万泉河从五指山的风门岭流下,一路蜿蜒向东,从博鳌镇入海。位于河口三角洲边的南强村是它所流经的最后一个村庄,也是距离博鳌亚洲论坛最近的一个自然村。早年间下南洋的先祖们为南强村留下了一批形制和工艺都属上乘的老宅,并且逐渐形成了村庄内最明显可见的文脉传承,也成为全体村民的文化骄傲。 The Wanquan River is the third biggest river in Hainan province, China, which flows down from the Fengmen Ridge of Wuzhi Mountain and meanders eastward to the South China Sea at Boao Town. The village of Nanqiang at the edge of the estuary delta is the last village that the river passes before it runs into the sea, and is also a natural village that sits closest to the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA). In the early years, the ancestors of Nanqiang who went to Southeast Asia left a number of old houses with superior shape and craftsmanship for the village, which has then become the most visible and honorable cultural heritage of the village.
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