土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 斜坡上的房子 | 巴西七露台住宅

斜坡上的房子 | 巴西七露台住宅

发布于:2022-03-30 15:47:30 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

该项目位于 Nova Lima/MG 的一个私人公寓内。场地有轻微的坡度,没有植被,并且靠近公寓场地的边界。场地边界外是一条高速公路,汽车的噪音可以从场地内部清楚听到。在场地的正前方,视线穿过公路,可以看到一家工厂,而场地周边最好的景观方向是斜向--在场地两侧可以看到 Minas Gerais 的森林和山脉。

The 7 Patios House is located in a private condominium in Nova Lima/MG. The site has a slight slope, no vegetation and is located close to the condominium limits. Right outside these limits is a highway. The noise from cars can be heard from inside the land. Right in front of the land, across the highway, a factory can be seen, so the best views are looking diagonally. From both sides it is possible to see the forest and the mountains, typical of Minas Gerais.


The project is a direct response to the understanding of the place. After the first visit, it became clear the need to create an architecture that minimizes negative impacts and expands positive characteristics. With this understanding, no choice was made by the architect’s taste or will. Everything is an answer and is intended to reinforce a concept.


In the context of this terrain, it is essential to reduce sound and visual pollution. In addition to that, the proximity to the side neighbors must be considered for the positioning of the openings. To minimize the noise from the highway and best explore the view, a solid wood wall was designed for the main fa?ade, with openings on both sides of the volume. From the central courtyard it is possible to see the forest and the mountains, but one can no longer hear the noise or see the factory sheds. All rooms face small inner patios in order to provide privacy and the best views.


The house was designed to occupy all the space near the land’s boundary allowed by local regulations. With this, it was possible to leave the interior of the site free for the creation of the largest possible central courtyard. This patio, in addition to creating a private space for leisure, sets the tone for the location of the other spaces and is the main place for coexistence. Around this void we have a single corridor that circulates through all other environments of this building.



The Patio House rises from ground level and is accessed through a passageway between gabion walls. From the street level, what one sees is a one-story house supported on slopes with vegetation. These strategies mitigate the negative impacts and contribute to expanding the site’s best qualities.




Project name:7 Patios House

Company name:TETRO Arquitetura


Contact e-mail:tetro@tetro.com.br

Project location:Rua Esmeralda, 465 - Condomínio das Minas – Alphaville Lagoa dos Ingleses Minas Gerais, Brasil

Completion Year: 2021

Building area (m2) 450m2

Other participants:


Laura Georgia Rodrigues Layoun

Natália Castro

Déborah Martins

Structuralproject: M Estruturas

MEP Projects: Daisy Fernanda de Souza

Construction:Fábio Soares

Photo credits: Gustavo Xavier

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