土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 大平原,小村落和中间平台:深圳龙岗艺术中心BAU建筑与城市设计


发布于:2022-01-20 09:30:20 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

Located in the Longgang District of Shenzhen, the project provides a range of visual and performing arts facilities and a high-quality cultural landmark for the fast-growing Banxuegang Technology City. The programs comprise a grand theatre, small theatre, black box theatre, major digital art gallery, traditional art gallery, art school, function centre, art supplies, food and beverage and retail support spaces.

▲黑匣子剧场室内black box 

▲数字艺术立面digital art facade 

The design seeks to provide a cultural venue that welcomes the public to stay to enjoy the outdoor exhibitions, activities, and performances, or to relax and explore the wide variety of public garden spaces situated on three levels. The design provides each major program with an independent identity within the larger arts complex. By accommodating the primary programs in individual buildings, a village assemblage emerges: a virtual arts campus or city of art.

▲展览公共大厅exhibition lobby 

Inspired by the lively alleys of Shenzhen’s urban villages, the urban strategy creates a highly permeable small grain urban environment. It allows the public to walk into and across the art centre between the blocks, allowing people to explore and discover what is on offer, especially those passing through from the metro to other destinations.

▲大剧场前厅grand theatre lobby
▲大剧场grand theatre 

A culture plaza is located at the centre of the arts village, defining the centre of the site and providing opportunity for outdoor performance events. A black box theatre adjacent to the culture plaza has an operable fa?ade, allowing performances and events to flow inside and out.

▲大剧场grand theatre
▲街景northeast perdestrian view 

The performing arts programs are situated on ground level with loading utilizing the site slope to slip underground. These buildings are clad in stone, a traditional material for a traditional art form. Windows take the form of billowing curtains, a pop-art signifier of the activities within.

▲黑匣子剧场oppened black box 

The visual arts gallery distinguishes itself at the top of the art complex and become a highlight of the entire district. Its horizontal form provides uninterrupted, flexible exhibition facilities. The continuous elevated volume of the art gallery creates a surprising in-between space: a weather protected sculpture garden on the network of rooftops below. The sculpture garden virtually extends the Golden Hill landscape into the arts centre and smoothly connects to it via a bridge.

▲鸟瞰效果图Presentation - Longgang International Art Center
▲鸟瞰效果图Presentation - Longgang International Art Center 

The rooftop of the art gallery is a sky garden providing a third public outdoor space, an extensive plain of potential, suitable for large scale artworks and events. The elevated building will house the region’s largest digital art gallery. It heroically expresses modernity with long engineering spans and white glass cladding with embedded LED lighting. The building will be a horizontal beacon as it showcases dynamic works in this new art medium.

▲鸟瞰效果图Presentation - Longgang International Art Center
▲sculpture garden
▲sculpture garden
▲小剧场small theatre
▲小剧场small theatre
▲southeast view


地点: 中国,深圳,龙岗区
年份: 2020
客户: 华为科技有限公司
总建筑面积: 120,000 m2
建设投资: 20亿人民币
类型: 文化建筑
功能项目: 1600座位的大型剧场,600座的小型剧场,300座的黑匣子剧场,艺术展示中心,文化教育中心
Project:Longgang Arts Centre, Shenzhen
Project Status: Second Place Invited Competition
Location: Longgang District, Shenzhen, China
Year: 2020
Client: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Construction Area: 120,000 m2
Construction Cost: 2 billion CNY
Typology: Culture
Program: 1600-seat Grand Theater, 600-seat Small Theater, 300-seat Black-box Theater, Art Exhibition Center, Art Education Center, etc.
Designed by BAU Brearley Architects + Urbanists
  • lijiawei411
    lijiawei411 沙发


    2022-02-16 09:53:16

    回复 举报



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项目位于呼和浩特市回民区东乌素图村,市二环外西北角,地势偏高,近大青山前坡脚下,生态环境良好,周边有良好生态资源,包括果蔬园,水库、山泉,农家院、乌素图召庙、公园等,是城市周边比较优质的周末户外活动休闲聚集地。 △小院鸟瞰 简介 本项目小院处于东乌素图村向内部深入的主干路上,是到达水库,果园的必经道路。小院在这条路中段路东侧,由南北两侧民房组成,北侧为正房4间(按梁柱开间计算),南侧为凉房4间(储物、停车功能),院内北侧有违建钢制凉房,各自房屋建设时间不统一,这几组房屋与西侧围墙基本形成了三合院布局。


经验值 +10