土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 园林景观实景 \ 梦幻粉池把粉湖带进花园:Pond[er]


发布于:2021-12-20 14:05:20 来自:园林景观/园林景观实景 [复制转发]



维多利亚国家美术馆(NGV) 2021年建筑委员会在NGV国际展览馆Grollo Equiset花园展出了一个美丽的建筑装置,其中有一个粉红色的池塘,令人想起澳大利亚的内陆盐湖。
A beautiful architectural installation, replete with a pink pond evocative of Australia’s inland salt lakes, has been revealed as the winner of the National Gallery of Victoria’s (NGV) 2021 Architecture Commission in the Grollo Equiset Garden at NGV International.

该装置由墨尔本Taylor Knights建筑事务所与艺术家James Carey合作设计,名为pond[er],在夏季为游客提供了一个降温的空间,并反思自己与环境的关系。
Designed by a Melbourne-based team comprising architecture firm Taylor Knights in collaboration with artist James Carey, the installation, entitled pond[er], offers a space for visitors to cool off during the summer months and reflect on their relationship with the environment.

参照NGV International最初设计的Roy Sir Grounds露天庭院,该建筑和景观装置包含两个关键的设计元素:原生植物和水体。
Referencing Sir Roy Grounds’s open-air courtyards in the original design of NGV International, this architecture and landscape installation comprises two key design elements: a body of indigenous plants and a body of water. 

The body of water is coloured pink, making direct reference to the many inland salt lakes in Victoria and highlighting the scarcity, importance and political implications of water as a natural resource. 

该装置还包括维多利亚野花的花圃,这是与Ben Scott花园设计公司合作设计的,在整个装置中,它们在不同的时间开花,试图突出我们自然生态的美丽、不稳定和时间性。
The installation also includes beds of Victorian wildflowers, designed in association with Ben Scott Garden Design, that bloom at different times throughout the installation seeks to highlight the beauty, precariousness and temporality of our natural ecology.

Envisioned as a space that becomes part the NGV garden rather than a separate architectural object, pond[er] invites audiences to move through a series of interconnected walkways and accessible platforms. 

Visitors can immerse themselves within and explore the spaces of flora and water and can even step down and wade through the pink pond.

正如NGV主任Tony Ellwood所说,这项工作让我们注意到澳大利亚许多流域和河流系统所面临的挑战,而对于项目的支持者——RMIT大学副校长Tim Marshall来说,它唤起了气候紧急状况、社会包容和对社区的关爱。
The work, as per NGV’s Director Tony Ellwood, draws our attention to the challenges facing Australia’s many catchments and river systems, whereas for the project’s supporter - RMIT University’s Deputy Vice Chancellor Tim Marshall – it evokes climate emergency, social inclusion, and care for community. 

Interestingly, the material palette for the temporary installation has been locally sourced and manufactured and put together with the intent that post disassembly, these can be reused by various landcare, indigenous and community groups.



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移动苗床主要由苗床网、滚动轴、支架、苗床边框、手轮、横支撑、斜拉杆以及其它连接件组合而成。 移动苗床规格: 苗床一般宽度为1.7m,长度不超过25m,高度0.7m,可根据温室实际尺寸定做。 苗床立柱,横梁采用20*40*1.5mm矩形管,床面四周一般采用铝合金边沿。 苗床网材质:低碳钢丝;丝径 4.0/3.0mm;网孔120mm*25mm、130mm*30mm、50mm*50mm; 尺寸: 1.9m*4m


经验值 +10