土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 居住建筑设计 \ 简约现代学生公寓


发布于:2021-12-03 09:25:03 来自:建筑设计/居住建筑设计 [复制转发]

学生体验 Minervahaven (SEM) 是阿姆斯特丹不断变化的码头区的城市活化剂。SEM 旨在满足国际学生对城市长期住宿日益增长的需求。该综合大楼有许多专门针对国际学生的设施。除了近 600 间客房外,它还提供多种功能:咖啡吧、“洗衣吧”、健身房、休息室、书房、会议和商业空间,以及轻型街道自行车设施。这些功能都位于底层。

Student Experience Minervahaven (SEM) is an urban activator in a changing dockland area of Amsterdam. SEM is designed to meet the growing demand for extended stay accommodation in the city by international students. The complex has a number of facilities specifically aimed at international students. Besides the almost 600 rooms, it provides a variety of functions: a coffee bar, a ‘laundry bar’, gym, lounge, study, conference and commercial spaces, and a light street-level bike facility. These functions are all located on the ground floor.

通过这种方式,SEM 提供了一个社会安全和愉快的居住地点和一个非正式的环境,学生可以在其中轻松地相互联系。一个半下沉的地下停车场创造了一个错层,并为学生们区分了集体空间。

In this way, SEM offers a socially safe and enjoyable residential location and an informal environment in which students can easily make contact with one another. A half-sunken underground car park creates a split level and differentiates the collective spaces for the students. The combination of raw materials with the light touch of the meticulous details of the interior makes the residents feel at ease. The multifunctional plinth, orientated towards an accessible green inner garden, also contributes to the pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. The various functions grouped around this inner garden are visible. It is thus a place that invites the students to spend time there and to meet one another.

以前在 Minervahaven 的码头活动正逐渐为越来越多的国际媒体和时尚公司让路。SEM 以其功能和新用户激活社区。除了其社会学方法外,该建筑在可持续能源领域也是创新的。目前,SEM 是欧洲最具可持续性的学生综合体之一。可持续发展的整体方法获得了 BREEAM 优秀证书。

The former dock activities in the Minervahaven are gradually making way for a growing number of international media and fashion companies. SEM activates the neighbourhood with its functions and new users. Besides its sociological approach, the building is innovative in the field of sustainable energy. At the moment SEM is one of the most sustainable student complexes in Europe. The integral approach to sustainability won the BREEAM Excellent certificate.

太阳能发电是通过应用于建筑群面向南、西和东的侧面的光伏板产生的,屋顶可以免费供居民使用。Solarlab 拥有定制设计和生产的面板,这些面板配备有选择性的玻璃板、水平智能和弹性,以及自清洁的防眩光表面,以确保长寿命和高效率。Kromatix 涂层仅反射某些光频率,将侧面的高效率与微妙而活泼的色彩感觉相结合。

Energy is generated by photovoltaic panels applied to the sides of the complex facing south, west, and east, leaving the roof free for the residents to use. Solarlab has custom-designed and produced panels that are fitted with a selective sheet of glass, level intelligence, and resiliency, as well as a non-glare surface that is self-cleaning to ensure long life and high efficiency. The Kromatix coating only reflects certain light frequencies, combining a high efficiency on the sides with a subtle and lively colour sensation.

SEM 的体量呈方形,通过交错的屋顶露台从第四层延伸到第九层。该站点的许多房间都可以欣赏到密涅瓦港附近水域的景色。建筑的内外环层高不同,用不同的材料建造。这种细微差别有助于进一步区分音量。

The volume of SEM is square in shape and runs from the fourth to the ninth storey via staggered roof terraces. A large number of rooms on this site have a view of the adjacent water of the Minervahaven. The inner and outer rings of the building differ one story in height and are constructed with different materials. This nuance contributes to further differentiation of the volume.

最后,不寻常的屋顶景观在 SEM 的外观和使用中起着很大的作用。屋顶人行道将花园、体育设施以及集体和私人露台相互连接起来。有了这个屋顶,综合体为城市提供了额外的集体和社交空间。总的来说,SEM是一个多面的建筑。它是一个坚固的城市街区、舒适的居住环境和能源机器,但最重要的是,它是将人类、社会和城市品质结合在一起的东西。

Finally, the unusual roof landscape plays a large part in the appearance and use of SEM. A rooftop footpath connects gardens, sports facilities, and collective and private terraces with one another. With this roof, the complex gives the city extra collective and social space. As a whole, SEM is a multi-faceted building. It is a robust urban block, comfortable residential environment, and energy machine, but above all, it is something that brings together human, social and urban qualities.

建筑师:VURB Architects

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