土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 简约现代办公建筑


发布于:2021-11-23 10:12:23 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

在法国西南部,面对比利牛斯山脉,1975年建于波城的“Complexe de la République”,由于其有盖市场破旧不堪,两旁是一栋破旧不堪的写字楼,多年来一直在衰落. 经过一场国际竞赛,Ameller Dubois 的工作室项目通过提出全球响应而被选中,负责此次行动提出的所有雄心壮志,包括形象和用途、建筑和城市规划,致力于波城人口。该项目的特殊位置已被重新发现为一个有吸引力和诱人的目的地,使该地区恢复生机。

In the southwest of France, facing the Pyrenees Mountain, the “Complexe de la République” built-in 1975 in Pau, had been declining for several years due to the dilapidation of its covered market, flanked by a squat office building in very poor condition. After an international competition, the Ameller Dubois’s studio projec t was chosen by proposing a global response, taking charge of all the ambitions raised by this operation, both in terms of image and use, architecture, and urban planning, dedicated to the Pau’s population. The project's exceptional location has been rediscovered as a destination, attractive and seductive, to bring the district back to life.


Combining in a single figure a stallholders’ hall, a producers’ floor, and a rehabilitated office building all linked together by the creation of a high square, the new complex offers a homogeneous perception, endowed with a strong and significant identity that combines all the elements of the program in a powerful figure.



The market adopts a simple square plan, clad with a unitary envelope, both on the fa?ade and on the roof, made up of a white metal mesh with various perforations. Designed as a space free of any pillars to encourage exchanges between retailers and visitors, it is punctuated by generously dimensioned walkways that converge around the central double-height atrium. On its first floor, the mezzanine is naturally extended by a wooden terrace forming a high place in the heart of the project. A large canopy extends the white structure to partially cover it and house outdoor tasting and dining areas. Its entirely glazed and cross-cutting base combines the producers' floor and the stallholders' hall in the same continuity.

修复后的办公大楼保留了其公民职业(市政警察/城市服务)。它的两个部分的建筑处理是故意区分但互补的。塔楼的新轮廓分别升高了 8 米和 4 米,更加纤细。东部覆盖着与市场大厅相同的白色覆层,使信封在综合体的两端相遇。相比之下,露台一侧的部分覆盖着折叠和穿孔的青铜色垂直面板,随着运动而振动。

The rehabilitated office tower retains its civic vocation (Municipal Police/City services). The architectural treatment of its two parts is deliberately differentiated but complementary. Raised by 8 and 4 meters, the new silhouettes of the towers are slimmer. The eastern part is clad in the same white cladding as the market hall so that the envelopes meet at both ends of the complex. In contrast, the part on the terrace side is clad with folded and perforated bronze-colored vertical panels that vibrate with movement.


This black and white pleated metal cladding fragments the building into two parts, giving it a slenderer image in a play of contrast and complementarity. The renovation operation was carried out on an occupied site, with a three-stage phasing in order to keep the site in operation.




建筑师:Ameller Dubois




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设计:海茵建筑 世界级的高等研究机构西湖大学的校区,将囊括艺术学术设施、实验室、办公室、体育设施、商店、餐饮及为来自世界各地的学生和教职人员打造的住宿等空间,建筑面积920000㎡。 全新的西湖大学校区将由一系列同心圆组成并连接,这些圆环也将成为整个校园物理及概念设计的依据,其中将包括学术环、水环和生活环。 医学、生物、科学和计算机科学等专业都将拥有一栋单独的、“悬”于空中的建筑。每一栋建筑都将以交错的巨型玻璃体块和石制框架组成,每一栋建筑也都将拥有独特的细节、色彩缤纷的装饰及度身定制的竖挺设计图案。这些互相交错、紧扣的庭院式建筑如珠玉一般连成一线,串起了学术环,以此进一步促进跨学科的交流。


经验值 +10