参数化设计与感性的园林美学结合, 带来 全新空间 体验。
大师园园区概览 Project overview
The concept of Folding Corner Garden explores the spatial pattern of folds: how the grids generating by site's endowment can extend from two-dimensional tothree-dimensional space within the same logical system.
概念草图 Concept diagram
概念草图 Concept diagram
设计过程 Design process
项目模型 Physical model
Through a series of processes such as squeezing, pulling andtwisting, the site is finally shaped into an upper, middle and lower cornerspace in the form of bridge, walkways and inner courtyards.
项目的多重空间关系 The multi-dim ensional spatial relationships of the project
阶梯通往上层空间 Stairs leading to the upper space
从侧面看向廊桥 The side view of the bridge
阶梯通往下层空间 Stairs leading to the lower space
绿地褶皱随地面隆起 Green land rises from the ground to the upper space
从周边看向展园 View from the surrounding perspective
The uplifting space generated by folds has formed a more organic landscape,apart from that, the winding walkways weaving into the garden creates a unique landscape experience. The bridge paved with mirror stainless steel makesit possible to see the overall garden at the same time. The side walkways aredirectly connected to the bridge, forming a scattered sense of space. While people are walking through it, the different visual angles in turn enhance the mystiqueof the space.
在空间内部穿梭 Roaming around the internal space
横跨上层空间的镜面廊道 Mirrored corridors acrosses the upper space
从地面往上看向通道 Lower perspective of the corridor
The designer aims to analyze the relationship between landscape and cities, combines rigorous parametric design with gardendesign through creating an interactive space and coordinating the landscapewith nature which help to bring a new experience for the visitors.
折隅·花园入口 Entrance of the garden
在多维度空间内穿梭 Walking through the multi-dimensional spaces
从上层空间延伸到地面的绿地 Green land extending from the upper level to the ground level
折隅·花园平面图 Plan
折隅·花园剖面图 Section elevations
折隅·花园剖面细节图 Detail section
设计时间 2020. 06
返回版块25.17 万条内容 · 275 人订阅
全运会落幕,看千年古都西安由内而外的华美蜕变一场大型的体育盛会能够让主办城市在收获巨大经济效益和传媒美誉的同时, 提升基础设施水平, 拓宽城市发展空间,并从整体上提升城市综合治理水平。今年第十四届全运会在西安举行,全运会就成为强力推进城市规划建设、景观提升、环境改善的一个突破口。 西安以迎接全运会,打造世界一级城市亮点区块为先行,加强城市设计、构建城市生态廊道、不断提升城市品位。依托西安山水格局,以“三河一山”环线绿廊、灞河生态治理规划实施为先导,具体包括围绕灞、浐、渭、泾四条主要河流及两个功能区、一条绿化带的规划设计、灞河水景观及两岸沿线景观规划以及新建、改造提升城市公园等若干项目。因此在全运会的筹备过程中,这座千年古都也由内而外发生了华美的蜕变。
经验值 +10
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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳这是一个很不错的学习参考资料, 但是表述的还是过于简单,未提供相应参数及技术要求等, 建议上传一些附件技术资料(如CAD外形尺寸图和对应的型号规格及技术参数等,以方便设计人员选用),? 不过这里还是要谢谢楼主能发布和分享出来给大家学习和参考使用!
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