土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 南昌国际创新科技馆Inbo瑛泊建筑


发布于:2021-09-06 10:02:06 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

在上百名嘉宾的见证下,万科·万创科技城在 2020 12 9 日正式开园!开园仪式在刚刚建成的南昌国际创新科技馆举办,这座博物馆很快将成为南昌赣江新区的新地标,也将成为世界级园区万创科技城的生命核心。万科·万创科技城首期项目全部由瑛泊设计,预计 2021 3 月将完成全部建设工作。
Witnessed by a few hundred distinguished guests, the first phase of the new Wanchuang Science City for future technologies in Nanchang was officially opened on December 9 2020. The ceremony took place in the newly built Science museum, which soon will be a recognized landmark in the Ganjiang district and the lively center point of the world class Wanchuang Science City community. The whole campus was designed by Inbo and expected to be completed by mid 2021.

Icon for Ganjiang
坐落在江西省省府南昌市北部、赣江沿岸的赣江新区是国家级高新产业区。在未来几年,这个规划面积为 465 平方公里的新区将成为中国最绿色和健康的产业环境。万创科技城位于赣江新区的中心,紧邻即将建成的新 C BD ,拥有直达机场和市中心的便捷交通系统。沿贯穿赣江新区的核心道路,万创科技城将成为新区的核心,南昌国际创新科技馆也将随之成为整个新区的地标性建筑。
Ganjiang is a new national level district on the banks of the Gan river, in the north of Nanchang City, the capital of Jiangxi province. In the coming years the planned 465km2 will be realized with the ambition to become one of the greenest and healthiest living and working environment in China. The Wanchuang Science City is located in the center of Ganjiang, close to the yet to be built CBD and directly connected to the highway that links the campus to the airport and downtown Nanchang. Situated on one of the main crossings along the major central road of the district, the Wanchuang campus will be a strong focus point and the museum an iconic landmark for the whole district.

 i-CAM 模型 
i-CAM methodology
万创科技城的设计理念源于瑛泊搭建的园区开发模型‘ i-CAM ‘的评估结果。 i- CAM Inbo Campus Assessment Model 的缩写,翻译为瑛泊园区评估模型。 i -CAM 模型搭建于埃因霍温高科技产业园区的成功规划和设计经验。在业内,荷兰埃因霍温高科技产业园区因为员工人均专利权数最高而被认为是全世界发展最好的高科技创新园区。开放的创新环境和搭建’智慧中枢‘的战略是园区的成功关键。
The general concept for Wanchuang Science City is the outcome of intensive research with Inbo’s i-Cam methodology as its guidance. i- CAM stands for Inbo Campus Assessment Model and it was developed after Inbo designed the High Tech Campus Eindhoven in The Netherlands (HTCE). The HTCE is known by experts as the best performing technology driven campus in the world, measuring the output of patented innovations per capita. Key for its success is the open innovation environment and ‘brainhub’ strategy.

Regional Brainhub
麻省理工大学的研究证明,超过 80% 创新产生在不同背景的人在非正式场合的沟通中。瑛泊的‘智慧中枢’的战略正是建立共享设施和空间以增加人们聚集的机会,增加非正式会面的机会,刺激人群的交流。博物馆、联合办公和会议中心三大功能的结合是在万创科技城项目中对这一战略的核心实践,期待这里将成为整个赣江新区的‘智慧中枢‘。
MIT studies estimate that 80% of innovations are the result of knowledge exchange during informal encounters between people with different background. Concentrating shared functions in ‘brainhubs’ aims to intensify the density of people in one place and increase the chance of those  informal encounters, with the goal to stimulate exchange. The integration of a science museum, co-working space and conference center is the centerpiece in this strategy with the intention to become a brainhub for the whole region.

Flow & view
坐落在两条主干道的交叉处,南昌国际创新科技馆是科技城的入口标志。博物馆的初始造型源于行人路线的分析以及主干道直接看到园区中央庭院的希望。博物馆底部两层是展示空间,顶部两层是可以容纳 10-200 人不等的会议室。这两个功能在体块上有细微的区分,但是精致的建筑表面,将两个体块融合和包裹在一起。
Located on the corner of two main roads, the museum marks the entrance to the campus. Its initial shape is derived from pedestrian flow analysis and the desire to have clear views from the main roads to the central square of the campus. The first two floors offer exhibition space for the science museum, the top two floors provide conference facilities with rooms ranging from 10-200 people. The two functions are subtly visible in the massing, melted together and wrapped with an elegant fluent skin.

Community platform
The entrance square in front of the museum will be used as a space for outdoor events. The welcoming ‘grand stairs’ is an extension of the public space and includes not only covered outdoor seating for events, but also is the start of a public route that connects several viewing terraces. In combination with the shared functions and the café along this public route, it invites people to use the outdoor spaces of the building and become a vibrant knowledge exchange platform for the community.

Parametric novelty
The building skin of horizontal aluminum lamellas wraps the complex volume into one fluent shape. The lamellas ‘flux’ from horizontal to vertical and compose a skin pattern that follows the logic of the window openings and guarantee day-light, views and transparency when needed. The complex building massing in combination with the fluxing panels required the latest parametric design techniques from the expert team in Netherlands to limit the amount of panel types and minimize waste.

Future adaptability
The opening of the museum is the start of a much bigger area development, including a school, retail areas, residential areas and supporting facilities. Due to the current start-up character of the campus, the top two floors will be initially used as sales center and co-working space. When the development moves forward it will be changed to a world class conference center. Since architects can’t predict the future, buildings should be flexible for a longer period of time to accommodate future changes. Besides flexible big column-free spaces, every floor has its own entrance, allowing every them to be operated independently in case future use requires to do so.



项目名称: 南昌国际创新科技馆
事务所网站: https://www.inbo.com
主创建筑师: Mark Dekker
设计团队完整名单:Mark Dekker, 潘文黎,Joan Rufián Pujol,王战,金不为  ,Jihong Duan,Lars van Vianen

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经验值 +10