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发布于:2021-08-31 17:00:31 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

感谢TM Studio梓耘斋建筑的分享

上海西岸TM Studio工作室位于徐汇滨江的西岸艺术中心北侧,与致正、大舍、高目、创盟等建筑设计事务所以及其他一些艺术机构共同形成西岸文化艺术示范区。由于周边其他一些设计机构已经先期启动方案设计,TM Studio工作室决定采用较为经济、轻质、便捷的轻钢结构进行建造,因此也采用同样的方式进行设计。
TM Studio in Shanghai West Bank, located on the north side of the West Bank Art Center of Xuhui Riverside, forms a West Bank culture and art demonstration zone together with architectural design firms such as Zhizheng, Dashe, Gaomu, Chuangmeng and other art institutions. Since some other design agencies around the world have already started the design of the project and decided to build it with a more economical, lightweight and convenient light steel structure, TM Studio has also been designed in the same way. According to the final determination of the environmental conditions of the base, TM Studio will be laid out according to the north-south direction, with the southern part being the second floor and the north side being the first floor.

根据最终确定基地所处的环境条件,TM Studio将按照南北长向进行布局,南部为局部二层,北侧为一层。为了在有限范围内尽量加大室内空间的进深感,方案设计在一层空间进行整体考虑,在纵向采取转折处理,不仅在左右两侧都有伸缩退让,而且顶棚与地面也进行了曲折变化,在室内空间获得周回曲折的变化效果的同时,将厕所、储藏等辅助空间兼容进去。更为重要的是,空间形式处理与结构布局方式进行了有机结合,钢结构桁架的使用与空间转折形式互为因果关系,从而达到形式、结构与功能的完美合成。
In order to maximize the depth of the interior space within a limited range, the design of the plan is considered as a whole in the space of the first floor, and the turning process is taken in the longitudinal direction. In this way, not only the left and right sides have retractable concessions, the roof and the ground have also undergone tortuous changes. At the same time as the indoor spaces get the effects of the twists and turns of the cycle, the auxiliary spaces such as toilets and storage rooms are compatible. More importantly, the spatial form processing and the structural layout method are organically combined, and the use of the steel structure truss and the spatial transition forms are mutually causal, thereby achieving a perfect synthesis of form, structure and function.

The project is located at north of West Bund Art Center at the riverside in Xuhui Shanghai, close to some architectural offices and arts studios. The building uses economic, light-weight and convenient light steel structure and North-South layout, with two floors at the south end and one floor at the north end. In the design, there are some vertical turns in the first floor and some twists in the ceiling and the floor, thus the internal space acquires a changing effect of turns and twists and can also work as an auxiliary space.

 结 构 

The structure here refers not only to physical structure, but also linguistic structure. Therefore, architectural design could be understood as a narrative. The structure is not merely important  in presenting construction techniques, but also in its explanation of possibilities, because it attempts to organize all segments into a whole. Reconstruction is a process: it is about innovations and traditions, about protection and renovation, about transformation and continuation, about keeping to the beaten track and being special.

 经 历 

Architecture is not about reproduction of styles or ideas, but with thoughts about sites and types. And it is also a life experience. It presents the contrasts between light and heavy, wide and narrow, high and low by constructing materialism. When the body moves around the rolling ground surface, walking through the endless 3D space, one’s spirit can enjoy extreme joy and happiness. With full cooperation of body and spiritual system, human’s experience of reality would surpass their perception of aesthetics and functions.

 织 造 

Fabricating is a skill that can flexibly follow all kinds of relative principles, and smartly use gained knowledge. It means a kind of reorganization that organize pieces without value into a whole rich in meanings. During the construction, it means accumulation of architectural elements and construction techniques plus occasional innovations. From this sense, architectural design is also a kind of fabricating. The relative elements are already there in an early from but with obscure meaning. The perfect scene is finally presented through fabricating.


PROJECT: TM Studio West Bund
Location: West Bund Culture and Art Pilot Zone
Time of Design: 2015.03 ~ 2015.08
Time of Completion: 2015.09
Area: 180M2
Site Area: 200M2
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    2021-09-01 06:45:01

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经验值 +10