土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 一处空间,几多情绪:易间咖啡古鲁奇


发布于:2021-08-27 09:29:27 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

Think of an easy thing, then find different ways to approach the simplicity. Use the limited space to accommodate the complex emotions of the simplicity, and let the space give you a special meaning during the emotional interaction .

Yijian Cafe is a coffee brand owned by China NetEase (NASDAQ:NTES). It is located in Shanghai JuLu Road, where the French settled a century ago. The parsol tree makes the small, western buildings on both sides of the street appear rather serene. The location's architecture style takes inspiration from the Sino-French apartments built in the 1930's. In order to express Yijian's attitude of focusing on producing high-quality coffee, we hope to create an atmosphere a perfect place for high-quailty coffee tasting, therefore we created the concept of using a clean wooden box embedded in the city's chaotic concrete ground.

The box can be opened and closed, but is usually remained open, and a record player is displayed in front of the French window. This softens the tension and conflict between Yijian Cafe and the bars on JuLu Road, and the spinning disc of the record player represents Yijian's handmade coffee beans. This deliberate "contradictory" mix hopes to relax and liven up the atmosphere. 

A long, metal coffee bar sits in the middle of the wooden box, which besides serving the functionality purpose also connects the wooden box with the original concrete body. The coffee roaster can be seen through a glass door, which reflects the brand's ambitions for the future.

一个纯粹的木盒子,一个长吧,简约却不简单。牵着手穿过弄堂小巷,感受四季落叶,一处空间 , 几多情绪。
A simple wooden box, a long bar table, it appears simple yet complex. Pass through the alleys while holding hands, and feel the fallen leaves of the four seasons. You will begin to feel the many emotions, within a single space.


项目名称 : 易间 (上海)

设计公司 : 古鲁奇公司

设计总监 : 利旭恒

设计团队 : 许娇娇,刘小杨

项目位置 : 上海,中国

项目面积 : 30平方米

完成时间 : 2021年02月

摄    影 : 鲁鲁西

文    字 : 古鲁奇公司

Project Name : Yijian Cafe     
Design Firm : Golucci Interior Architects
Chief Designer : LEE Hsuheng
Design Team : Xu Jiaojiao, Liu Xiaoyang
Location : Shanghai, China
Built area: 30㎡
Completion date :  Feb. 2021
Photographer: Lulu Xi
Text : Golucci Interior Architects
  • lijiawei411
    lijiawei411 沙发


    2021-09-06 08:45:06

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设计:gad 海门位于江苏省南通市,东濒黄海、南倚长江,与上海隔江相望。其得名自“江海门户”,是吴越文化的腹地和中国稻作文化的原乡,海门云谷农展馆便坐落于此,建筑面积4087㎡。 农展馆位于中国首个生态农庄——海门春风蓝田小镇的最南端,周围阡陌交错、水网密布,景观资源得天独厚。农展馆亦是这个小镇的领袖建筑和精神中心。建筑母题取自农耕文明的“仓廪”意象,其外观有如一个静卧田间的方盒子,简洁大气;内部核心为圆形筒仓,有“方仓圆廪”之意,既暗含了“仓廪实而知礼节,衣食足而知荣辱”的法家治国理念,也与新时代精神文明建设相契合。


经验值 +10