土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 居住建筑设计 \ 205米高:“圆形”豪华公寓


发布于:2021-07-29 08:59:29 来自:建筑设计/居住建筑设计 [复制转发]

herzog & de meuron的“one park drive”是该工作室在英国的第一座住宅建筑,位于伦敦的金丝雀码头。这座58层、205米高的塔楼由引人注目的圆柱形结构连接,分为三个不同的部分,提供不同类型的住宿。

herzog & de meuron‘s ‘one park drive’ — the studio’s first residential building in the UK — nears completion in london‘s can ary wharf. articulated by an eye-catching cylindrical form, the 58-storey, 205-meter-tall tower is divided into three distinct sections that offer different types of accommodation.

“one park drive”形成了“木码头”的中心部分——金丝雀码头的一个新区。对于外部,herzog & de meuron想要将新塔与它的正交、办公街区的相邻区域分开,并通过阶梯式阳台和露台的有节奏的立面处理来表达更多的人性化尺度。

one park drive forms the centerpiece of ‘wood wharf’ — a new district of canary wharf. for the exterior, herzog & de meuron wanted to distinguish the new tower from its orthogonal, office block neighbors and express more a human scale with a rhythmic elevational treatment made up of stepped balconies and terraces. 


在32层还有三套被称为“32层天空阁楼”的公寓,由bowler James brindley设计,他也创造了阁楼风格公寓的内部。集群和海湾公寓是由Goddard littlefair设计的。

the new building comprises a total of 483 luxury apartments as well as a range of on-site amenities. the program is organized over three sections: spacious loft style apartments on floors 02-09; cluster residences layered to maximize space in the mid-section; and large bay units toward the top of the building. there are also three apartments known as the ‘level 32 sky lofts’ on the 32nd floor designed by bowler james brindley, who has also created the interior of the loft style apartments. the cluster and bay apartments are designed by goddard littlefair.

“one park drive”的居民将受益于GA集团设计的大堂,有门房、图书馆和放映室。酒店还有一个健康和健身套房,包括一个健身房和一个20米高的游泳池,可以俯瞰码头,以及一个蒸汽房和桑拿。

residents of one park drive will benefit from a GA group-designed lobby with concierge, a library, plus a screening room. there is also a health and fitness suite, including a gym and 20-meter swimming pool overlooking the docks as well as a steam room and sauna. 

建筑师:herzog & de meuron

地点:英国 伦敦

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13年前,昆明人王猛 带着妻子一起徒步至虎跳峡, 被眼前的景致震惊: 这里不仅能看到北半球离赤道最近的两座雪山, 还能俯瞰壮阔的金沙江。 他暗自决定,一定要这片崇山峻林之间, 造一家酒店。 今年7月,这座建在悬崖边的房子终于完工。 为了把对大自然的破坏降到最低, 王猛和4个理工男好友一起, 将每一个居住空间,


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