在历史悠久的阿姆斯特丹,位于Bickerseiland的De Walvis办公大楼已经被KAAN 建筑事务所脱胎换骨,完全恢复了活力。
客户Maarsen Groep要求营造一种“时髦的工业感”,让每个人都感到敬畏,并符合他们设想的未来租户来自广告、媒体和技术部门。自信对结构上的干预设计创造出一个光滑和优雅的雕塑形式。
De Walvis是一座有历史的建筑。这是20世纪60年代早期阿姆斯特丹城市化项目的一部分,尽管当地居民提出抗议,它还是被强制实施。房地产开发商f·h·高斯(F.H. Gaus)宣布,比克塞兰(bickerseland)将成为一个小曼哈顿。
De Walvis建筑面积约10000平方米,是20世纪50 -60年代出现的典型的理性主义风格的办公建筑。它是由建筑师W.F. Lugthart(1921-1999)设计的,最著名的是他在埃因霍温的Diaconessenziekenhuis,这是荷兰第一个由“堆叠楼层”建造的医院。
附近的居民并不认为De Walvis——荷兰语中的“鲸鱼”,以附近的旧造船厂命名——是一个建筑上的改进,并很快将其视为对他们社区的威胁。
With circa 10,000 m2 gross floor area, De Walvis is a typical office building of the rationalist style that emerged in the 1950s-60s. It was designed by architect W.F. Lugthart (1921-1999), known mostly for his Diaconessenziekenhuis in Eindhoven, the first Dutch hospital built by 'stacking floors'. The neighbourhood did not consider De Walvis – ‘The Whale’ in Dutch, named after the old shipyard nearby – an improvement architecturally and sooner saw it as a threat to their community.
受艺术家Donald Judd的作品和他们早期作品的启发,KAAN 建筑事务所用光学分离了De Walvis的地板。然而,这种强烈的水平强调在室内是灵活的,因为在楼层中留有一些开口,以便将来有可能将它们连接起来。
Inspired by the work of artist Donald Judd and drawing on their earlier work, KAAN Architecten has optically separated the floors of De Walvis. However, this strong horizontal emphasis is flexible on the interior since some openings have been left in the floors to potentially link them in the future. The floors now extend about a metre beyond the original building and consist of solid-looking dark bands that are actually light, hollow metal constructions.
Recessed bands of triple glazing further optimise the effect of 'floating' floors on each storey – the windows seem to go from floor to ceiling and have almost invisible vertical rebates. To avoid a sense of fragility, portholes have been incorporated into the glazing in a tight rhythm, at eye-level per floor, and all easily opened. These round pivot windows could be seen as a reference to the area's maritime history, though they also recall the pivot windows of the old building.
De Walvis的承重结构要求每层只有3米,这意味着必要的技术设施不能隐藏在地板和天花板中。通过尽可能地保持每层楼的开放性,建筑看起来比以前轻得多——大窗户、周围的景色和倾泻进来的日光有助于实现这种轻盈感。
The load-bearing structure of De Walvis dictated a rather meagre 3 metres per storey, which meant that the necessary technical facilities could not be hidden away in the floors and ceilings. By keeping each storey as open as possible, the building appears much lighter than before – and the big windows, the views over the neighbourhood, and the daylight pouring in help to achieve this lightness. This effect is heightened at night when the interior lights are on. Light, space, and sightlines – these were the seeds of the early design, alongside functional clarity and elegant facades.
从根本上影响空间感的其他设计决策包括:将一楼大厅向后挪开,该大厅用大理石装饰,似乎将建筑从其基座上分离出来,并完全移除之前压在De Walvis上的沉重的柱顶,使建筑更加丰满。
Additional design decisions that radically impact the sense of spatiality include setting back the ground floor lobby, richly clad in marble and appearing to detach the building from its footing, and removing entirely the heavy entablature that previously pressed down on De Walvis, giving the building plumpness.
尽管Westerdok另一边的高密度住宅使其成为一个突出的建筑,但De Walvis仍然是其周围环境中的突出建筑。KAAN 建筑事务所在建筑中引入了清晰的线条:承重柱大多隐藏在围护结构中,突出的地板是其最具表现力的一面。这个水平性是结构的灵魂。
De Walvis is still a prominent building in its surroundings, though the high-density housing on the other side of Westerdok puts this into perspective. KAAN Architecten has introduced clear lines into the building: with the load-bearing columns mostly hidden within the envelope, the protruding floors are its most expressive facet. This horizontality is the soul of the structure.
面积:10400 m2
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树林里的图书室崇明岛前哨湾艺术部落前哨村位于崇明岛的北部,从1968年开始围垦至今已41年。前哨湾艺术部落便坐落于此,意图通过“艺术旅游”这样一种形式让崇明岛发展出新兴的文化经济产业。图书室原先是一栋破败的平房,为前哨小学校舍。校舍年久失修已经成为危房,受当地政府委托,我们在拆除后的原址新建一座图书室,同时兼备咖啡馆的功能,作为服务于前哨湾艺术部落的配套设施。 ▲校舍原状 ?空间里
经验值 +10
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只看楼主 我来说两句抢地板从高档次的建筑转向以社区为基础的建筑。目前的建筑表现已经把一个不受欢迎的建筑变成了一个愉快的邻居。
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