土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 天鹅湖银杏林茶室禾下建筑社、MADAM


发布于:2021-04-16 13:41:16 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]



 背 景 

Ginkgo Swan Lake is located in the Xiushui New District of Jiaxing. Based on the natural ecological landscape, it uses abundant water resources and integrates rich traditional culture. At the same time, it introduces unique projects such as ginkgo forest, small train tour around the lake, art museum, ecological bird island, and water village. It is committed to build a new city to experience future life with harmonious coexistence of ecology and nature, wisdom and technology, integration of art and humanity. The ginkgo tea house is hidden in the ginkgo forest by the Swan Lake.

design concept

Being in such a timeless environment, the building should mainly embrace the surroundings. Ginkgos are arranged in a grid. The pavilion fits in a complementary grid to interfere as little as possible with the continuity of the forest. The building finds its way between the trees. The space flows into nature, defining private units opened to the landscape. Literally a tree-hugger.

 空 间 

建筑的空间在树林间流动,拥抱着大树. 游客下了小火车,便踏上漂浮在林间的木平台,银杏树从平台中穿出。散布在平面中的树在建筑室内创造出很多氛围不同、尺度宜人的私密空间。每一个小空间都被银杏环绕,坐在其中,便身在自然。晴天,树枝间光影婆娑,阳光就洒在身边;雨天,树叶上沙沙作响,雨声就在落在耳旁。
Visitors walk from the train onto a floating wooden carpet punctured by trees. Once in the pavilion, the cozy rooms in between trees host the tea house. The project is made out many small and distinctive atmospheres, all of them merging together in a single architecture. Every place and every point of view is unique. Three different levels offer three different viewpoints to the ginkgos and to the forest. The pavilion becomes more playful as you go up.  Slabs fold up to create sitting corners to contemplate the ginkgos. A slide goes down from the 2nd floor and only the ones who manage to climb up the net will get the best views. Kids take over.

Structure and material

We have been trying more environmentally friendly and sustainable construction methods in our design. Studies have shown that replacing steel or concrete with timber for construction will reduce carbon emissions to one-tenth of the original. At the same time, wood is a natural renewable resource, and its growth is a process of "carbon capture". The prefabricated timber structure with cross-laminated timber as the load-bearing material is a low-carbon construction method. The construction refers to the traditional Chinese wooden joinery, an overlaying of bidirectional beams that adds refinement to the space. Perimeter beams are doubled in order to experience the full section of the structure. The natural texture and color of the wood also create a warm and pleasant atmosphere for the interior without any extra decoration.

Jiaxing is hot and humid in summer. We considered raising the ground floor of the building. On the one hand, we ensured that the wood structure is moisture-proof. On the other hand, we also hide the air-conditioning equipment under the indoor finishing surface to ensure the purity of the indoor space.

  The frameless glass curtain wall makes the boundary of the building disappear, and the line of sight extends from the interior into the woods.

  As the tree grows bigger and bigger, the building will become more and more humble until it is completely clend into the ginkgo forest.

Collaboration mode

This is the first collaboration project completed by Hexia Architects and MADAM. The two teams with different backgrounds have shared a lot of experience, expanded their respective horizons, and also developed a complete cooperation model from planning, conceptual design to project implementation. In the new era that requires more global cooperation, exploring new architectural design models is also our more valuable experience in this design.

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Technical Drawings
项目名称  :   天鹅湖银杏林茶室
项目地点  :   浙江省嘉兴市
设计团队  :   禾下建筑社、MADAM
公司网站:www.hexia.fun   www.madam.es
建筑面积  :    640 ㎡
竣工时间 :   2020.05
建筑摄影 :   无特殊标注均为 禾下建筑社   

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 感谢MENG本原设计研究院(深总院)的分享 ▲ 武汉大学校园环境及当代楼全景鸟瞰 武汉大学始建于1893年,依珞珈山而建,为典型的山地建筑群落。中西合璧的宫殿式建筑群古朴典雅,巍峨壮观,整体校园风景如画,被誉为“世界最美丽的大学之一”。本次的设计——武汉大学当代楼作为武汉大学研究生院使用,基地位于武汉大学主校门东侧,毗邻纯步行用途的八一路,是武汉大学整体空间轴线上最为重要的起始点。在这样的命题下,如何传承武大百年文脉、延续历史记忆,同时如何创新营造现代校园、开创新武大风貌变成了本次设计最为重要的关键所在。


经验值 +10