? 三映景观摄影
四川南部水城禹迹岛公园藉由森域景观设计手法,借助城市山水、文化资源的联动,构建了一处文城一体、产城一体、景城一体的生态人居环境。 建成后的公园既成为市民休闲健身好去处,又为提升南部县综合承载能力和竞争力,促进县域经济快速发展起到了积极推动作用。
Located in Nanbu, Sichuan, Yujidao Park uses forest landscape design techniques and the linkage of urban landscape and cultural resources to build a harmonious living environment that integrates culture and city, industry and city, and scenery and city.After completion, the park has not only become a good place for citizens to relax and exercise, but also play a positive role in enhancing the comprehensive carrying capacity and competitiveness of Nanbu County,as well as promoting the fast development of the county economy.
? 三映景观摄影
Design Overview
New Ecological Axis-Jialing Pearl Riverside
项目位于四川 “ 成渝第二城 ” 之称的南充市南部县满福坝新区。 “ 一部南部史,千古亲水情 ” ,千百年来,嘉陵江水在此浩瀚奔腾,泽润万物,川北人民在此繁衍生息,共谱华章。设计本着敬畏自然、进发未来的原则,提出 “ 嘉陵明珠、璀璨江畔 ” 的理念,将嘉陵江水引入场地,营造城在水上,水在城中的 南部水城,为人的亲水活动创造更贴近的直观体验。
Nanbu County, Nanchong is known as the "Second City of Chengdu-Chongqing Circle" in Sichuan."A history of the south, the love of water through the ages", for thousands of years, the water of the Jialing River has been rushing here, nourishing everything, and the people of northern Sichuan have thrived here and compose a glorious chapter. In the principle of respecting nature and advancing into the future, the design putsforward the concept of "Jialing Pearl, Brilliant Riverside". It introduces the Jialing River water into the site to create Nanbu Shuicheng where the city is on the water and the water is in the city, creating a closer and intuitive experience for people's water activities.
? 舒鹤
「文化新景观 —— 上善若水茹古涵今」
New C ultural L andscape- t he H ighest G oodness I s L ike W ater
According to legend, in ancient times, floods were inundated and people were unable to live. Dayu was ordered to eradicate floods when he was in danger. He dredged the river and widened the gorge, eventually allowing the water to flow smoothly and the people live and work in peace.In the process of traveling all over the land to control water, Dayu also left precious relics in Nanbu County.In order to inherit history and culture and pay tribute to the spirit of Dayu’s scientific water management, at the premise of large-scale parks and characteristic visual landscape belts, the design incorporates the Dayu culture in the entire site, showing the life of Dayu through line construction and formal symbolism, creating a cultural business card for the integration of the Nanbu Shuicheng.
? 舒鹤
「城市新门户 —— 盛世画卷张光含弘」
The N ew C ity Portal -the Magnificent S croll of the P rosperous A ge
As the visual link between the old and the new city, the construction of the river system in the area fully integrates the water resources with the interior of the site,which has realized the urban development goal of connecting the city with curved water, interweaving blue and green, and coexisting organically.Through combing the terrain of the landscape and planting vegetation, it strengthens the natural context, and strives to form a glorious picture scroll of Nanbuin a trance.The construction of modern landscape venues effectively improves the quality of the city, and finally creates a special space for people's leisure, image display, and festival celebrations in Nanbu.
? 黄叶盛
Forestry Landscape Design Strategy
In view of the current waterfront scenery belts that focus on wetland construction, the lack of transition from inland to riverside vegetation has led to the emergence of strong traces of design belts along the river and lack of focus on landscape ecology, the Yujidao Park project ingeniously completed the transition zone design with primary forests, replanting forests, artificial plantations and characteristic landscape forests, perfectly realizing the conversion from native to artificial landscape.
? 三映景观摄影
? 三映景观摄影
The original ecology-the in-depth creation of landscaping
The traditional waterfront area emphasizes the ecological construction of the wetland system, and the liquid bubble ecology and self-purification system of the waterfront wetland are achieved to the extreme. However, in the process of gradual transformation from wetland ecology to forest ecology, it was blocked by urban roads and riverside dikes.
? 三映景观摄影
? 三映景观摄影
为了营造更完善的生态系统,在规划之初,设计打破固体边界的障碍,充分考虑滨江带与城市滨水公园的结合,由内到外构建了江边滩涂 — 湿地系统 — 原生林 — 人工化园林区域 — 城市边界的纵深林线,让自然和城市更完美的融合。
In order to create a more complete ecosystem, at the beginning of the planning, the design breaks the barriers of solid boundaries and fully considers the combination of the riverside belt and the urban waterfront park.It builds a deep forest line from the inside to the outside of the riverside tidal flat-wetland system-primary forest-artificial garden area-urban boundary, allowing nature to more perfectly integrate with the city.
? 三映景观摄影
? 三映景观摄影
Design transition from solid to fluid
Facing the solid flood control measures that usually traverse between the waterfront space and the city boundary, the traditional design method is to treat it as a space parallel to the river.The design is also performed centered by this, and finally formed a second linear space parallel to the waterfront: a solid model that is connected in series by large and small nodes and a trail system, surrounding the flood control road.
? 三映景观摄影
为了规避避防洪措施对整个滨江带的线性控制,设计借鉴中国园林的造景手法,构建了多个不同的 “ 局 ” 形态,通过多个围合空间,打造中国山水画中的连续多灭点场景,形成流动画卷。
In order to avoid the linear control of flood prevention measures on the entire riverside zone, the design draws on the landscaping techniques of Chinese gardens and constructs a number of different "layout" forms.Through multiple enclosed spaces, the continuous multiple vanishing point scenes in Chinese landscape paintings are created to form a flowingpicture scroll.
? 三映景观摄影
? 三映景观摄影
Organic integration of waterfront landscape
In the traditional design, the method of separating the three areas of tidal flat virgin forest, bank replanting forest, and blue-green plantation forest is of little help to the water ecology.Due to the characteristics of the developed root system of plants, certain powerful tree species will erode to other spaces that were originally intended to be separated on a large scale, and the final result is an environment that cannot withstand time to wash.
? 三映景观摄影
? 三映景观摄影
因此,在本项目中,设计对地上和地下空间进行了系统考量。针对地上水岸,通过视觉通廊的打造,在不破坏原生林边界的前提下,对其适当进行组团化梳理,如适当清理胸径小于 10 公分以下的乔木等,从而营造山水园林的艺术效果。针对地下水岸,则通过人工手段来阻断菖蒲、巴茅、芦苇等植物根系的无限制延展,令水道进入滩涂地块,从而变滩涂为湿岛,改善鸟类的觅食空间和大型鸟类的栖息之地。
Therefore, in this project, the design has systematically considered the above-ground and underground spaces. As for the ground and water banks, they are appropriately grouped and combed through the creation of visual corridors, without destroying the boundaries of the original forest.For example, properly clean up trees with a diameter at breast height less than 10 cm, so as to create an artistic effect of landscape gardens.As for the groundwater bank, artificial methods are used to block the unrestricted extension of the root systems of plants such as calamus, parmesan, and reeds.It makes the waterway to enter the tidal flat land, thereby turning the tidal flat into a wet island, improving the foraging space of birds and the habitat of large birds.
? 三映景观摄影
? 三映景观摄影
One I sland, O ne W orld, O ne W ater, O ne U niverse
As for the large and long coastal area, the design provides a rich and diverse visual sensory experience through the shaping of the terrain, the adjustment of the relationship between the vegetation, the enclosing of the dense planting group and the road, the construction of the parking site, and the construction of the characteristic dry stream. During the tour, visitors can not only feel the magnificence of the mountains and rivers, but also enjoy the aftertaste of the details of the park.
? 三映景观摄影
? 三映景观摄影
As a municipal park, the project needs to consider the sense of experience and participation of visitors, but it must not be at the expense of native forest.Therefore, the designer adopts methods such as reduced migration or complete preservation to maximize the ecological value of the primary forest.At the same time, the plank road design is also adjusted in accordance with the space under the forest: the wide area naturally forms a small park, and the narrow area extends into the forest by a winding path. When visitors strolling in it, everything is natural and they can enjoy the natural movement to the heart's content.
? 三映景观摄影
? 三映景观摄影
The carefully selected plants have constructed an ecologically-based civic activity space with a complete natural pattern, rationally arranged functions and spatial layout, and rich landscape and plant systems.The design integrates and considers various factors such as the original site, design style, seedling resources, etc., and embeds the change and invariability in the design thinking, and finds the most suitable location for growth and viewing for each piece of vegetation.For tourists, the moment they arrive is the most beautiful time.
? 三映景观摄影
山体设计以 “ 寒梅劲松 ” 为主题,在描绘南部满福坝的画卷中起到画龙点睛的作用。从全国各地精选而来的 78 株造型黑松,依株型、高度、方向、姿态等不同,与专业的景石大师所布置之景石互为就势,共同勾勒出一幅意境深远的山水墨画。红梅、茶梅等精品植株的加入,则为这幅山水墨画增添了雅致氛围。
The mountain design is based on the theme of "cold plum blossom and strong pine", which plays a finishing touch in the picture scroll depicting theManfuba in Nanbu.78 black pine trees selected from all over the country are mutually complementary with scenery stones arranged by professional landscape stone masters according to plant type, height, direction, posture, etc, jointly outlininganink painting with a profound artistic conception.The addition of fine plants such as red plum and tea plum adds an elegant atmosphere to this landscape ink painting.
? 三映景观摄影
“ 人道我居城市里,我疑身在万山中 ” 。南部水城禹迹岛公园,以归于自然、融于自然的去风格化手法,平衡河道开发与生态自然的矛盾,营造出历久弥新、生生不息的新型水岸景观空间。春花夏长,秋落冬藏,在禹迹岛公园,人与水以最亲切的形式重新链接,与城市共呼吸,续写着亲水南部新的记忆篇章。
"People say that I live in the city, and I suspect that I am in the mountains."The Yujidao Park in Nanbu Shuicheng balances the contradiction between river channel development and ecological nature with the de-stylized method of returning to nature and integrating into nature, creating a new and ever-lasting waterfront landscape space.Spring blooms, summer flourishes, autumn falls and winter hides. In Yujidao Park, people and water are reconnected in a most cordial form, breathing with the city, continuing to write a new memory chapter in the water loving Nanbu.
? 三映景观摄影
? 三映景观摄影
? 三映景观摄影
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