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发布于:2021-03-23 10:01:23 来自:园林景观/园林景观实景 [复制转发]

项目新月公园是一个更大的总体规划的一部分,该规划为新奥尔良市及其河滨设想了一个新的、更绿色的未来,公园的设计是为了重新将人们与河流联系起来,并将该市工业和海洋历史的遗迹转变为一个绿色的、方便的、社区资产。 它是一个前所未有的机会,可以重新评估一段破败的滨水区,并以富有远见而又实用的当代可持续设计来补充新奥尔良的独特个性、不同寻常的街道格局和历史建筑。  作为新奥尔良30年来第一个新的滨河公园,新月公园是对城市重新找回地方感和起源感的需求的回应: 回归河流。 该公园提供了无与伦比的物理和视觉通道,为当地居民和游客创造了一个互动的环境,并促进了健康、积极的生活方式,同时还能欣赏到城市天际线和风景如画的新月城连接桥。

Part of a larger master plan that envisions a new, greener future for the City of New Orleans and its riverfront, Crescent Park was designed to reconnect people with the river and transform the remnants of the city’s industrial and maritime past into a verdant, accessible, community asset. The project was sparked by Hurricane Katrina as an unprecedented opportunity to reevaluate a languishing stretch of waterfront and to supplement New Orleans’ unique character, unusual street grid, and historic architecture with visionary yet practical and contemporary sustainable design. As the first new riverfront park in New Orleans in 30 years, Crescent Park is a response to the need for the city to reclaim its sense of place and origin—a return to the river. The Park grants unparalleled physical and visual access to the river, creating an environment for locals and visitors to interact and promote a healthy, active lifestyle with unrivaled vistas of the city skyline and the picturesque Crescent City Connection Bridge.


This 1.4-mile linear park repurposes a maritime/industrial brownfield into 20-acres of indigenous landscaping, a network of paths suitable for walking, jogging, and biking; picnic areas, a dog park, and the adaptive reuse of two industrial wharves: the Piety Wharf and Mandeville Shed. Both structures have been stabilized and repurposed to accommodate public gatherings, festivals and the host of artistic exhibitions that take place throughout the year. In lieu of new construction, the architects made a conscious decision to build upon the layers of history and character that already defined the sight. A nod to the industrial past, the repurposing of both structures is a modern reinterpretation. In place of shipping and receiving goods, these two spaces provide opportunities for engagement and interaction, the exchange of ideas and conversation. By reconnecting to the river, New Orleans is following the trend of many world-class cities and exploring opportunities to restore and enhance the natural environment while simultaneously improving citizen’s quality of life.

该公园让人联想到新旧交替的微妙平衡。设计团队没有抹去场地的历史,而是选择在不影响后工业化衰败和洪水基础设施的情况下,对其进行颂扬和改建,这也是城市这一部分的最终特征。比如说 废弃铁轨的刻线是公园里所有道路的基础,虽然仍然通过一条活跃的铁路走廊和防洪墙与Marigny和Bywater社区相隔,但该遗址确定了主要长廊与历史街道网格的交叉点。每一个交叉口都由一块印有街道名称的大型混凝土板,这起到了指路和定位的作用,同时邀请游客坐下来享受周围的环境。

Evoking a palimpsest, the park is a delicate balance of layering old and new. Rather than eradicate the history of the site, the design team chose to celebrate and build upon it without compromising the allure and poetic ruin of post-industrialization decay and flood infrastructure that ultimately characterizes this part of the city. For example: Inscribed lines of the defunct railroad tracks are the foundation of all the pathways in the park. Though still separated from the Marigny and Bywater neighborhoods via an active rail corridor and flood wall, the site identifies the intersections of the main promenade with the historic street grid. Each intersection is highlighted by a large slab of concrete bearing the street name. This acts as a means of wayfinding and orientation while inviting visitors to sit and enjoy their surroundings.


The original riverfront development plan, completed in 2007, proposes a key role for a six-mile stretch along the East Bank of the Mississippi River. From Jackson Avenue upriver to the former Holy Cross school site just down river of the mouth of the Industrial Canal, this plan envisions an urban, active, beautiful river crescent for the city’s citizens to enjoy. The first phase to be implemented from this plan is Crescent Park. It grants unparalleled physical and visual access to the river, creating an environment for locals and visitors to interact and enjoy the essence of New Orleans.


A diversity of landscapes coexists within the footprint of the riverfront. Within the master plan development, expansive public parks anchor opposite ends of the project, while smaller, neighborhood-oriented parks are periodically inserted along the project’s length. These parks contain a range of destinations such as wetlands, sun decks, amphitheaters, tennis courts and cafes. Urban plazas are strategically located at major intersections to celebrate the city’s cultural history while also creating energetic new spaces amidst new development. Sustainable streetscapes and paths provide efficient circulation, and a series of pedestrian piers and bridges carry people over flood walls and train tracks to ultimately gaze over the Mississippi River itself.


Throughout the creation of the development plan and the design of Crescent Park, the design team engaged the community at three different levels. The Steering Committee and the Stakeholders Group are comprised of individuals who represent those parties with direct interests and expertise in the redevelopment of the riverfront. The public was invited to more than a dozen forums where the design team presented and received comments. The team also accepted the invitations of many neighborhood groups and citizens to present in various public meetings. Following the public presentation of the final draft, the design received a standing ovation. Ensuring the transparency and accessibility, the entire public process was made available on the project website. This website also served as a history of the design development.

对现有的Piety 码头(新月公园的核心空间)进行改进,扩大了邻里聚会的空间,并为居民提供了在河边与自然交流的机会。在相应的街道脚下有一块较宽的土地,可以建造设施,并为住得较远的居民提供停车服务。在箱形防洪堤和铁轨之间的狭长地带,从5英尺扩大到30英尺,向下游移动,允许建立一个线性的 "箱形车篱笆"公园,植被种植在与相邻铁路集装箱车规模相匹配的正交带中。将植被带按箱车的尺度分组,模糊了活跃的货运与河流的关系,同时保持了铁路活动持续活动的工业规模。这些植被带周期性地被街道网格向河流的形象化延伸所分割,在物理上表现为铺装材料和物种的对比。这种街道网格的延伸,对公园游客来说,起到了双重的路标作用。

Improvements to the existing Piety Wharf, a centerpiece of Crescent Park, expand space for neighborhood gatherings, and offer residents the opportunity to commune with nature at the river’s edge. Nestled between two patches of restored batture, a wider strip of land at the foot of the corresponding street allowed for facilities to be built, and for parking serving residents who live further away. A narrow strip between box levee and rail tracks widens from five feet to thirty feet, moving downriver, allowing for a linear park of “boxcar hedges,” vegetation planted in orthogonal bands matching the scale of the adjacent railroad container cars. Grouping the vegetation bands at boxcar scale blurs the relationship of active freight to the river, while maintaining the industrial scale of the continuing activity of the rail activity. The bands of vegetation are periodically bisected by the figurative extension of the street grid to the river, physically expressed as a contrasting paving material and species, as the flood wall cannot be punctured. This extension of the street grid doubles as wayfinding for park visitors.


Railroad spurs once peeled off from the main line in tight arcs, with multiple spurs arriving at each wharf. Traces of the spurs remain, with curving bands of ballast and iron rail intermittently visible. The 1,200-foot-long gardens draw on this complex of spurs as the generator for pedestrian paths framing a series of converging garden plots containing primarily native vegetation species. The gardens offer a diversion from the main pedestrian promenade, with smaller paths and opportunities for lingering.


The park is first and foremost about connection: reconnecting neighbors to the river they live so tantalizingly close to, but have long been denied access to this riverfront landscape: free of vehicles, and now, largely free of structures. Given the impracticality and cost of taking on the river control structures, the team focused their efforts on making the coarse, post-industrial maritime landscape accessible to pedestrians without scrubbing away the patina of past heavy commercial port use. Native landscape far outweighs the area given to grass lawn, continuing the ever-increasing growth of vegetation over the decaying port structures and promoting a more sustainable landscape approach.

Project: Crescent Park

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Design Firm: EskewDumezRipple

Design Team: Mark Ripple, Principal-in-Charge, Amanda Rivera, Project Manager, Allen Eskew, Principal-in-Charge

Project Team

Core Team:

EskewDumezRipple, Executive Architect / Architect of Record

Hargreaves Associates, Landscape Architect & Design Lead

Adjaye Associates, Design Architect (Piety Wharf & Bridge)

Michael Maltzan Associates, Design Architect (Mandeville Wharf & Bridge)

Additional Consultants

Chan Krieger Sieniewicz, Urban Design

Kulkarni Consultants, Structural Engineering

Lucien T. Vivien Jr. & Associates, MEP Engineering

St. Martin Brown & Associates, Associate Architect

Johanna Leibe & Associates, Associate Landscape Architect

Lam Partners PHA Lighting Design, Lighting Design

Urban Systems, Traffic Engineering

C.P. O’Halloran Associates Inc., Cost Estimating

Photographer: Timothy Hursley

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收录于话题 庭院深深深几许,杨柳堆烟,帘幕无重数。玉勒雕鞍游冶处,楼高不见章台路。 小院,美好的田园生活。 朴素而高雅,就像一位隐士,晨迎朝霞,暮送斜阳,采菊东篱,悠然南山。 每天都在清风细语、鸟语花香中醒来,阳光静静撒在窗棂上,青藤悄悄爬过篱笆,翠色欲滴,小院的小猫小狗互相追逐,院内自制的水池波光潋滟,静谧而生动的晨,深吸一口,连空气里泛起的都是自然的清香。


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