土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ Cosmetea快闪店:镜像里的时光隧道奈时设计


发布于:2021-03-18 11:11:18 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]



Tea embodies humanity and culture. Its inherent ancient wisdom as well as its pure and clean beauty have surpassed an awareness of East and West to gain universal acceptance. This beverage is healthy and suitable for social interactions. In the context of a new era, tea's dual advantages express it in more enriched and diverse ways, making it a suitable aspect of modern urban residents' lifestyles.

茶妆品牌Cosmetea,颠覆美妆以往定义,将传统的Tea与潮流的Cosmetics创新融合,运用“Tea Beauty Science”,衍生自然主义的东方情愫为当代时尚美学。
The tea cosmetics brand Cosmetea subverts the previous definition of cosmetics by innovatively integrating tea with trendy cosmetics. It uses Tea Beauty Science to create modern fashion aesthetics based on natural Eastern sentiments.

Nax Architects奈时设计为Cosmetea打造线下快闪店,从空间设计和品牌策划的维度,构筑艺术化和沉浸式的场景体验,探索自然与人造之间,既有环境与未来建筑之间的关系哲学,也将品牌引向创意与可续的进化之道。
Nax Architects was entrusted to conceive a pop-up shop for the brand in Shanghai. Based on the dimensions of spatial design and brand planning, construction of art and an immersive scenario experience, as well as an exploration of differences between natural and artificial realms, the pop-up represents the philosophy of relationships between existing environments and future architecture. Moreover, it promotes the brand's creative and sustainable evolution.


The project is located on Yuyuan Road, a hundred-year-old road that has undergone many changes and represents the essence of Shanghai's history and culture. Today's Yuyuan Road has gained further recognition as Shanghai's trendy gathering place, demonstrating the power of innovation to influence the organic micro-regeneration of old neighborhoods. Our design commission involved transforming a steamed dumpling shop on the corner of Yuyuan Road into a retail and exhibition pop-up shop, as well as creating a brand-new scene that suits urban residents' lifestyles and shares Cosmetea's exclusive brand philosophy with the world.

 极小尺度内 别有洞天

We found inspiration for our theme from Cosmetea's logo. This logo is based on a simplified image of a fairness cup, and resembles a pendulum with a time imprint, which implies cosmetics users' inner wish to 'retain time'. The logo's pendulum image is internalized as a design language and starts with the fa?ade being dramatically chiseled out to create a cave, which extends to become a 9-square-meter interior space and creates infinite possibilities within the limited spatial scale.      


The "time tunnel" uses a stainless steel mirror with LED string lights, and combines with a large window to bring in urban and natural landscapes while blurring the boundaries between its interior and exterior. The hollow layer has pallets that are inserted into customized slots in a sequence based on the principles of mortise and tenon structures. The wall cabinet can be used for product display and storage, and its surfaces are painted red to match the brand's main color scheme.

When stepping and walking on the glass floor, visitors will encounter a series of circles, and each circle represents a period of time during the past. It also has drawers that visitors can rummage through to search for old items. The circular tunnel is like a wormhole that transcends time and space, and enables people to briefly escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


The entire space was created based on the pop-up model. It incorporates creative, visual and sensory aspects, as well as a conflict between past and future to give space a new sense of vitality. In the daytime, it's a very friendly and shared space with a childish sense of wonder. As night falls, it's more like an urban lighthouse. Based on cutting-edge concepts, this project's spatial experiment and behavioral experience help gradually deepen the brand's impression on its consumers while reconsidering the relationship among city, nature and people.

项目名称:Cosmetea 新型美妆茶文化品牌店
主创设计师:Lina Chan、Yiting Ma、Jo Jiao
摄影师:Raitt Liu
Project  I nformation  
Project Name: Cosmetea Pop-up Shop
Project Location: Yuyuan Road, Shanghai, China
Area: 9 Square Meters
Completion Time: 2019
Design Firm: Nax Architects 
Design Team: Lina Chan, Yiting Ma, Jo Jiao
Photographer: Raitt Liu

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美国SOM建筑事务所透露了它的布宜诺斯艾利斯海滨新建办公楼的设计,该办公楼将由两座塔楼组成,塔楼之间的桥梁顶部是绿色的阳台。 其中一座玻璃塔楼组成了SOM的“卡塔莉娜-里奥”项目(Catalinas Rio),共有29层,另一座则有22层。 两座桥在它们之间延伸,像拼板玩具一样插入每座塔中,留下一个大洞,可以看到后面的海滨。SOM将此特色描述为“城市窗口”。


经验值 +10