土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 地下岩石层切出的艺术住宅Ca'nTerra


发布于:2021-03-09 15:56:09 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

项目Ca'n Terra是大地的房子,也是大自然赐予我们的果实。 作为一个被发现的空间,它 需要“耕种”和“培养”,使项目的空间具有家庭性。 如果说文明的历史已经极大地发展了将思想转化为建筑作品的过程,那么在项目Ca'n Terra中,这个过程被颠倒了,历史被转化为建筑。

Ca'n Terra is the house of the earth. The fruit that nature gives us, as a found space; which requires tillage and cultivation to imbue the received offering with domesticity. If the history of civilization has greatly evolved transforming ideas into built work, in Ca'n Terra, the process is inverted and history interpreted to transform it into architecture.


The transfer from drawing to built mass gives way to the translation of given matter to digital data through the architectural reading of a geological discovery. The discovered space has industrial logic as a former Mares stone quarry, artistic potential as sublime cavern carved by hand, and mineral nature as extract of the stony landscape on the island of Menorca.


Finding this excavated space in the guts of the earth and reinventing its use implies writing a new story that can rescue it from its abandonment. As first contact we enter the space like explorers would do, equipped with the technology that expands our vision in the dark; throwing millions of laser points on the wrinkles of the continuous stone surface we register with millimetric precision the solid structure that was built for us and is now ready to be polished and inhabited.


Behind the scan, the architect's eye, directing, interpreting, creating the space again. That's why the discovery is considered a new work, destined this time to become a room to contemplate nature. In lieu of an imposing action that many times architecture exerts on the environment, we propose a trip to the interior being of matter, and recognize the freedom with which it gives us spaces to live.

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▲北外滩国客段800米岸线贯通工程即将启动,3月5日,记者去实地探访了。澎湃新闻记者 张呈君 剪辑 田瑞玥 完全开放的滨江空间,江边春花烂漫,林下树影斑驳……不久的将来,上海北外滩2.5公里滨江岸线,将全面实现“还江于民”,打造成集文旅、休闲、商业等功能为一体的世界级滨水岸线。


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