土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 曼谷螺旋形幼儿园肯辛顿学习空间


发布于:2021-03-03 10:15:03 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

Kensington学习空间是一个全新概念的儿童学习空间,它由学习空间、游戏空间和自然空间组成。 场地位置位于曼谷郊区,周边环境比较恶劣,因此项目在布局设计上定要营造自己的氛围。

The Kensington Learning space is a new concept of kids learning space which consist of learning space, playing space and nature space. The site location is sitting in the Bangkok suburban area with the not-so-interesting surrounding.  So the layout design is set to create its own atmosphere.


The learning space are designed for two main functions which are classrooms and sport complex. With various functions and room dimensions the design intend to put every function sitting in the nature with natural light and greenery view come through the window.


The oval shape with the center court is picked to make all rooms get view on both sides. The varied room thickness is applied to the different function requirement. The wider parts are showed in the front of building is set for sport complex zone, while the narrow parts are set for classrooms with lower traffic area on the back side.


The form is designed to draw attention from kids and to encourage acquisition of knowledge. The ribbon-like continuous plane curl oneself up from floor to roof turns the architecture to be a huge play frame appeal all kids want to explore inside.


Inside the building the various kind of space is created to suit each individual function. The semi-outdoor space under the gym is set to be the swimming pools where the smooth linking surface from wall to ceiling with the greenery view at the end creates the cave-like space make the adventurous feeling for kids. The column free huge space is design for the gym suit for flexible function make the free-style playing space for kids. Classroom at the narrow parts of building is bringing the nature close to learning space let all kids learning among the tree.


The highlight space of this building where the ribbon is fold from floor to ceiling creates the uncommon perception for kids the slope and curve shape boost the kids learning skill. The lower curve part is a free play space linking with the reception and coffee shop. The slope plane is added to link with the second floor. It is also be the play object with slider and the net tree pierce the second floor linking from ground to the ceiling. More than that, under the slope plane is design to be a hide and seek space for kids.  For the upper curve part, the assembly hall is set to be place for kid’s performance and parents meeting where the seating step is follow the architectural form. For the outside of ribbon, the continuous shape is link from ground to the top making playing path for kids running to the step roof garden. With the multi big step, the space is defied to be each play space for different kind of play at the same time.


The intention of playful and juicy space design along with the greenery nature atmosphere around, it both blend and become a place where learning space and playing space are sitting among the nature.

▽一层平面图轴侧 Isometric Diagram First Floor

▽二层平面轴侧 Isometric Diagram Second Floor

▽三层平面轴侧 Isometric Diagram Third Floor

▽屋顶平面轴侧 Isometric Diagram Roof Plan

▽立面图 Elevation

▽立面图 Elevation

▽立面图 Elevation

▽立面图 Elevation

▽剖面图 Section

▽剖面图 Section

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 达尼·卡拉万 (Dani Karavan) 世界著名艺术家、雕塑家、园林设计师,是较早从雕塑艺术涉足景观设计行业的代表之一,他在佛罗伦萨艺术学院学习期间对欧洲文艺复兴时期的艺术疯狂着迷,并且有过深入地研究,这对他认知和理解大自然产生了很大的影响。他的父亲埃伯尔罕是家乡特拉维夫市重要的景观建筑师,卡拉万从父亲那里学会了如何理解自然与景观,父亲质朴的设计理念以及对于自然和设计最本质的理解深深的影响了卡拉万,这些为卡拉万后面从事景观设计打下了坚实的基础。


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