zaha hadid architects (ZHA) has won a competition to build the second phase of beijing’s international exhibition centre. located next to the chinese city’s international airport, the venue hosts conferences, trade fairs, and industry expos attended by delegates from across the globe. to accommodate future growth, a design competition was launched to expand the site’s exhibition space, enhancing the city’s position as a leading center of knowledge and international exchange.
古铜色调 庄重、典雅、美观, 吻合东方国度静谧气质,巨型凹槽以深邃现代感为建筑赋予灵动神韵。
ZHA’s design is arranged as a series of interconnecting lines and geometries that reference the textures of glazed tubular ceramic tile roofs found in traditional chinese architecture. this configuration also allows for integrated relationships between the exhibition halls, conference center, and hotel. finished with a copper color, the scheme incorporates large recessed windows that give further expression to the visually dynamic envelope.
更高层次上的空间连廊, 激活场馆之间的相互连接, 立体步行通道为访客参观带来便捷。
A central north-south axis is the primary connecting space between the east and west exhibition halls, while secondary bridges at higher levels add a further layer of connectivity.
this creates a series of shared courtyards and landscaped gardens intended for informal meetings and relaxation. cafés and outdoor public event spaces are also included as part of the plan.meanwhile, the movement of people, goods, and vehicles is divided into three separate routes to aid circulation, provide optimal adaptability, and avoid disruption to ongoing events.
solar arrays will harvest renewable energy, while a smart building management system will adjust the building’s hybrid ventilation as required, ensuring optimum natural ventilation supported when necessary by high efficiency HVAC equipment to enhance indoor air quality and further reduce electricity demand. rainwater collection and grey water recycling will complement the extensive gardens and natural landscaping, while advancements in sustainable building technologies will target minimum embodied carbon and emissions.
Internatioal Exhibition Centre (Phase II)
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年底看看“别人家的办公室”,老板我想跳槽!从千人一面的大众化办公,到多元属性的趋势发展,独特的企业文化烙印在每个办公空间之中。而设计,扮演着举足轻重的作用。这一年,是不言而别与互相珍重的一年,是自我更迭又不断推陈出新的一年,更是危机与希望重叠的一年。疫情时代,虽然你我被遮住口鼻,虽然彼此保持着一米开外的距离,但我们眼里依然投射出对工作的热情和生活的渴望。 在过去的岁月里,内外一直关注办公空间设计领域的成长,2020,我们甄选出12家最具代表的办公场所,精编出:Best Of Workplace / 2020全球最佳办公场所。
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只看楼主 我来说两句既具时代性,又与本土文化相融合 ,谢谢楼主分享好资料谢谢啦。
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既具时代性,又与本土文化相融合 ,谢谢楼主分享好资料谢谢啦。
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