土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 经典立面——大学校园建筑


发布于:2021-02-04 14:50:04 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]



新的健康区由DS+R与Billard Leece Partnership合作设计,地理位置优越,毗邻皇家阿尔弗雷德王子医院和查尔斯-帕金斯中心。

It is the first of three buildings to be completed as part of a new health precinct that will bring together the university’s Central Clinical School Sydney Nursing School, Sydney School of Health Sciences, and components of Faculty of Medicine and Health, supporting collaborative research and providing agile environments for multidisciplinary teaching and learning across all health disciplines. Designed by DS+R in collaboration with Billard Leece Partnership, the new health precinct is optimally positioned adjacent to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the Charles Perkins Centre.

"健康区的设计旨在为大学提供一个三维的开放空间网络,促进教育合作和身体健康,"DS+R合伙人Benjamin Gilmartin说。




“The Health Precinct was designed to provide a 3-dimensional network of open spaces for the University, fostering both educational collaboration and physical health,” said DS+R Partner Benjamin Gilmartin. “Three new buildings in our masterplan are linked by indoor and outdoor spaces, forming a dynamic reinterpretation of the campus quad. Within the Wakil building, a central atrium provides a light- filled space activated by circulation and gathering spaces that connect seminar rooms, workplace, laboratories and classrooms beyond. The building volumes appear to float above a folded ground plane, welcoming visitors while fostering a connection with the site and surrounding landscape.”

体现了大学Wingara Mura-Bnga Barrabugu对原住民参与和文化理解的承诺,设计将建筑视为景观的延伸,尊重该地的历史。


Embodying the University’s Wingara Mura-Bnga Barrabugu commitment to Aboriginal participation and cultural understanding, the design conceives the building as an extension of the landscape, respecting the site’s history. Located at the intersection of two historic waterways, the site holds significance for the Gadigal people. This unseen history connects the site to the wider campus network geographically, complimenting a contemporary network of pedestrian pathways.



Promoting health and longevity, the design draws in light, views, and ventilation, encouraging active circulation and socialization with an emphasis on stairs over lifts. The building seamlessly blends indoor and outdoor, creating a connected, multilevel common ground space for students, educators, and researchers to interact in.



The raised upper volumes of the building feature a high-performance shading screen system that provides shade while framing views of the campus from within. The lower portion of the facade is an aluminum curtain wall system with ceramic panels on the outer face. At the building base, ceramic panels reminiscent of stone evoke the lifted strata of the earth below.

建筑师:Diller Scofidio + Renfro建筑事务所



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