土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 居住建筑设计 \ 国外新住宅——外立面被1700㎡的绿植覆盖,相当于一个10000平方米的森林!!


发布于:2021-02-01 13:50:01 来自:建筑设计/居住建筑设计 [复制转发]

Diller Scofidio + Rennfro (DS+R)和Stefano Boeri Architetti (SBA)的合作团队被选为设计建造米兰Porta nuova gioia区中心的再生项目。

该综合项目被称为 "pirelli 39",包括改造该地现有的 "pirellino "办公楼,以及建造一座新的住宅高层,其中包括1700平方米绿色植被。


the collaborative team of diller scofidio + renfro (DS+R) and stefano boeri architetti (SBA) has been chosen to regenerate a site at the center of milan’s porta nuova gioia district. the mixed-use project — referred to as ‘pirelli 39’ — involves the renovation of the site’s existing ‘pirellino’ office tower, and the construction of a new residential high-rise that will include 1,700 square meters of integrated vegetation. finally, a bridge connecting the two structures will serve as a hub for events, shows, and exhibitions. this bridge will also house a biodiverse greenhouse that will offer immersive, educational experiences as a dedicated laboratory.


the design by DS+R and SBA is the winning proposal of an international competition that was launched by investment and development firm COIMA in 2019. 70 groups comprising a total of 359 firms from 15 countries took part in the contest, with the winning scheme praised by the jury for its focus on environmental impact, continuity with the urban transformation of the area, and the relationship between nature and the city.


同时,横跨Via Melchiorre Gioia的桥将作为活动、表演和展览的中心,还包括会议和健康锻炼区域。

as part of the plans, the site’s existing tower will be renovated and adapted to meet the current standards of office spaces in terms of innovation and sustainability, with the character of the original building maintained. meanwhile, the bridge spanning via melchiorre gioia will function as a hub for events, shows and exhibitions, with meeting and wellness areas also included. here, a biodiverse greenhouse will serve as an extension of the biblioteca degli alberi — milan’s ‘library of trees’.



finally, a new residential tower will be constructed with 1,700 square meters of vegetation distributed throughout the design. it is expected that the tower will absorb 14 tons of CO2 and produce 9 tons of oxygen per year — comparable to a 10,000 square meter forest. thanks to 2,770 square meters of photovoltaic panels, the tower will be able to produce 65% of its energy needs, while the use of structural wood will decrease its carbon footprint.

Diller Scofidio + Rennfro的合伙人Elizabeth Diller说:"我们工作室很高兴有机会为米兰市做出有意义的建筑贡献,这是我们在意大利的第一个项目。

我们的大部分工作都集中在城市的未来,pirelli 39号项目提供了一个很好的机会来开发一个新的混合用途开发和可持续城市发展的模式。

该项目将传统建筑的适应性再利用与对环境负责的新建筑结合起来,并建立一个充满活力的 "生活 "文化目的地,致力于植物的艺术和科学。

‘our studio is thrilled to have this opportunity to make a meaningful architectural contribution to the city of milan, our first project in italy,’ says elizabeth diller, partner at diller scofidio + renfro. ‘as much of our work focuses on the future of cities, the pirelli 39 project presents a great opportunity to develop a new model of mixed-use development and sustainable urban growth. the project combines the adaptive reuse of heritage buildings with environmentally responsible new construction, and a vibrant ‘living’ cultural destination devoted to the art and science of plants.’

stefano boeri architetti的创始人Stefano boeri补充说:"这个项目将重振标志性的前pirellino建筑,创造一个新的塔楼,将建筑和自然结合起来,创造一个向整个城市开放的绿色空间。'


‘this project will reinvigorate the iconic former pirellino building, creating a new tower that mixes architecture and nature to create a green space that is open to the whole city,’ adds stefano boeri, founder of stefano boeri architetti. ‘in such a difficult period, this project relaunches the vision of a forward-looking milan and bravely faces the great challenges of the climate crisis.’

设计单位:DS+R建筑事务所和SBA建筑事务所(diller scofidio + renfro & stefano boeri architetti )


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收录于话题 ? 章鱼见筑 01. 最初的直觉——山下村庄 豕山脚下,邱家坞是一座随着城市化进程日渐空巢化的城郊村庄。寺庙是村庄的核心,站在庙前的广场可以俯瞰村前的水塘稻田。琉璃瓦、瓷砖、白色塑钢窗,东西方混用的装饰、水泥小路,这是典型的90年代营建的浙东村庄的面貌。在那个年代田园炊烟是落后的印记,小砖楼才能代表美好的生活。


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