屋顶花园街景 ?Dirk Lindner
项目概念示意图 ?Latz + Partner
方案平面图 ?Latz + Partner
?Latz + Partner (Visualisierung: die-grille)
The crystalline shapes of the garden reflect the language of the architecture. The forms are taken up in the arrangement of the planting beds, surfacing, water feature and the pergola structure. Even the floor is folded to create a landscape on the roof that varies in height, solving the surface water drainage and creating different levels. The Yorkstone used as paving takes up the materiality of the footways on ground floor level to underline the garden being a public open space.
水池结构将空间结构划分为露台和休息区。静水面反射着天空的倒影, 给屋顶花园带来了丝丝凉意,同时和长势繁茂的植物一起营造出亲密的花园氛围。
The crystalline shapes of the garden reflect the language of the architecture.
The Pergola structure crowns the building on the 15th floor where trees would have been likely to fail. The supports are designed to become the wisteria trunks of this green canopy that surrounds the visitors in summer by lush green, giving shade and framing extraordinary views of the London skyline. To ensure healthy growth of the wisteria a special substrate even extends partially beneath the paving.
游人在 Gallery Walk 中移步换景,欣赏伦敦天际线的壮丽景色。
The Gallery Walk offers continuously changingsplendid views, looking over the London skyline.
The Pergola offers a more sheltered surrounding in an otherwise exposed situationand frames fantastic views towards the London skyline.
凉亭局部,其下设有的休息空间 ?DirkLindner
The garden offers a peaceful retreat from busyCity streets.
Partial view of The Pergolastructure, its supporting elements become the wisteria trunks.
这两个廊架的金属结构还延伸到了办公楼技术设备空间的上方,在相邻高层建筑的视角方向隐藏了建筑的进风口。最终,办公楼屋顶的墙体结构被很好地融合进了花园设计中,提升了空间体验。这些围墙变成吸引人的“绿墙”, 创造出一系列受保护的休息空间。
The metal structure of the two pergola frames also extends over large technical plant spaces and hide away the air intakes from the view of neighbouring high-rise buildings. The walls enclosing the roof facilities have been integrated into the garden design and amended to spatially improve the situation. The enclosures are turned into attractive greened walls that create protected seating opportunities.
绿植 ?Latz + Partner
墙面细节 ?Latz + Partner
The choice of plants takes also into account thedifferent orientations of the walls that result in creating smallmicro-climates pending its exposures to the sun or main wind directions, thusproviding different character areas.
项目名称 THE GARDEN AT 120, Fenchurch Avenue, London, UK
业主单位 Saxon Land BV c/o Greycoat CORE Real Estate LLP
设计单位 LATZ+PARTNER Landscape Architecture Urban Planning
主创设计 Tilman Latz
设计团队 Marcus Rindt, Sonja Hlawna
施工单位 Eric Parry Architects, LUC Land Use Consultants
亲爱的小伙伴们,看了 伦敦芬彻奇街120号屋顶花园的设计 ,你有什么看法?在下面留言给我们吧。
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