土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 美!!扎哈团队新作品曝光!!400米垂直城市,全新的“超级空间”——深圳湾超级总部基地C塔项目


发布于:2021-01-13 14:23:13 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]



in china, zaha hadid architects (ZHA) has been announced as the winner of a competition to build ‘tower C’ at shenzhen bay super headquarters base — an important business and financial center serving the greater bay area of guangdong, hong kong, and macau. integrating clusters of corporate headquarters within a global technology hub accommodating 300,000 employees each day, the development will include venues for international conferences, exhibitions, and other cultural programming. the headquarters base will incorporate residential developments, a transportation center, botanical grasslands, and even a coastal zone with wetlands.




‘tower C’ by zaha hadid architects within the shenzhen bay super headquarters base responds to its location at the intersection of the city’s planned north-south green axis and shenzhen’s east-west urban corridor. connecting directly with its adjacent park and plazas, which transform into a terraced landscape extending upwards within its two towers, the design invites the public into the heart of the building where cultural and leisure attractions are housed in sweeping bridges that tie the towers together and give panoramic views of the city.


served by the expanding shenzhen metro network, the tower’s stepped podium integrates with the adjacent park to create a new public space. this not only provides direct pedestrian access, but also allows daylight to reach the public transport interchange below ground. prioritizing pedestrians, the tower’s design also includes extensive bicycle parking and charging facilities.



ZHA explains that the project’s design was informed by 3D modelling tools that optimize efficiencies in architectural massing, orientation, and fa?ade-to-floor ratios. the result is a ‘multi-dimensional vertical city’ that comprises two towers that climb to a height of nearly 400 meters (1,312 feet). the building accommodates column-free naturally-lit office space, shopping, entertainment, and dining amenities, a hotel, a convention center, and cultural facilities with exhibition galleries.





from an environmental perepctive, the tower’s double-insulated, unitized glass curtain wall steps the glazing as vertical channels for self-shading and incorporates ventilating registers within the channels that draw outside air through operable cavities. indoor environmental controls will adjust in real time to reduce energy consumption, while aquaponics gardens on all terraced levels will biologically filter contaminants from the local environment. the design also incorporates water-collection and recycling, as well as photovoltaics to harvest solar energy for the district.


项目团队  Project Team

建筑设计   Design

Zaha Hadid Architects 


首席设计   Principal

Patrik Schumacher

ZHA竞赛项目总监   ZHA Competition Project Directors

Satoshi Ohashi, Paulo Flores

ZHA竞赛项目助理总监   ZHA Competition Project Associates

Jingwen Yang, Karoly Markos, Michail Desyllas

ZHA竞赛项目设计师   ZHA Competition Project Leader

Xuexin Duan

ZHA竞赛项目团队   ZHA Competition Team

Xiaoyu Zhang, Lida Zhang, Bogdan Zaha, Gaoqi Lou, Huiyuan Li, Jiaxing Lu, Leyuan Jiang, Mariana Custodio dos Santos, Martin Gsandtner, Nastasja Mitrovic, Rui Zhao, Sebastian Andia, Xiangfan Chen, Yuan Feng, Zhiming Wang, Boyan Hristov, John Kanakas, Enoch Kolo, Karina Linsen



           银河SOHO D座12层 51221室


电话:010-6520 6460



Junior Project Coordinator Hire


Zaha Hadid Architects Beijing Office is going to recruit one Junior Project Coordinator. If you think you fulfill the qualifications and requirements listed below, please email your CV to Ziyan.Xu@zaha-hadid.com by 8 Jan. 2021. 




Working to make sure that bids get out on time, and supporting Beijing Office administration management.


  • 协调意向书、预审问卷和服务资质审查的制作和投递

  • 负责与公司内部其他部门协调沟通

  • 确保所有咨询和新项目信息每日及时更新并录入工作文件管理系统

  • 协助行政部门的工作,确保运营效率

Key Roles

  • To coordinate the production and delivery of expressions of interest (EOIs), prequalification questionnaires (PQQs), request for qualifications (RFQs) and other responses. 

  • Liaison and correspondence with internal departments. 

  • To ensure that all enquiries/acquisitions are updated and added to the workspace document management system on a daily basis

  • To work closely with the administration colleagues, and ensure that operational efficiencies are established and maintained. 


  • 流利的中英文书面和口头表达能力——表述清晰且措辞严谨

  • 有协助准备建筑设计招标资格预审文件及商务标文件的经验,具备相关基本知识

  • 积极主动,以目标为导向,能在规定时间内完成任务

  • 动手能力强,做事有条理,关注细节

  • 有团队合作经验

  • 能够和各部门同事建立良好关系

  • 在处理敏感信息时能确保信息始终不被泄露

  • 对建筑领域感兴趣并具备基本知识

Skills Required

  • Fluent in both Mandarin and English, excellent written and verbal communication skills – articulate and diplomatic manner

  • Experience of supporting the preparation of bid documents and knowledge, e.g. RFPs, RFQs and competitions, ideally gained from an architects practice

  • Self-motivated, goal oriented and able to meet deadlines

  • Practical and organised, with an attention to detail

  • Experience of being part of a team

  • Able to build good relationships at all levels internally

  • Able to ensure that discretion is exercised when dealing with sensitive information and that appropriate confidentiality is maintained at all times.

  • Knowledge and interest in field of architecture



Zaha Hadid Architects Beijing Office is going to recruit two architects. If you think you fulfill the qualifications and requirements listed below, please email your CV & portfolio (max. size 10 M) to Ziyan.Xu@zaha-hadid.com by 24 Dec. 2020. 


  • 拥有两年以上BIM工作经验,有大型项目BIM专业建模及沟通协调经验,熟悉相关工程建设BIM标准、规范;

  • 具备良好职业素养和慎密的思维和工作习惯,善于沟通,责任心强,习惯团队协作;

  • 有扎实的技术知识并且能够敏锐地关注细节;

  • 熟练使用Revit/AutoCAD/Rhino/Adobe等相关的工作软件;

  • 有中英文沟通能力。


  • More than 2 years’ experience of BIM work. Professional in BIM modeling, communication and coordination experience for large-scale projects. Familiar with relevant engineering construction BIM standards and specifications. 

  • Professional with good logic thinking and work habits, responsible team player, strong communication skills.

  • Excellent design ability, profound technical knowledge and keen in construction detailing.

  • Proficiency in Revit/AutoCAD/Rhino/Adobe software.

  • Communicate in both English and Mandarin.

  • lijiawei411
    lijiawei411 沙发


    2021-01-14 17:23:14

    回复 举报



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