土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑构造 \ 金隅智造工场:老旧厂房变高精尖园区阿拓拉斯


发布于:2020-12-30 15:54:30 来自:建筑设计/建筑构造 [复制转发]

 金隅智造工场  |  智能智造产业新中枢 
Jinyu Intelligent Smart Manufacturing Factory 
New Center of Intelligent Smart Manufacturing Industry

海淀区西三旗街道曾是北京北郊的老建材工业基地,聚集了天坛家具等一批传统工业企业。党的十八大以来,西三旗街道按照 “腾笼换鸟”(即旧厂改造) “凤凰涅槃”(即拆旧重建) 两种建设模式,走出了一条老工业基地的复兴之路。
Xisanqi street in Haidian district was once an industrial base of old building materials in the northern suburb of Beijing, where a number of traditional industrial enterprises such as Temple of Heaven Furniture were gathered. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xisanqi street has embarked on a road of rejuvenation of the old industrial base in accordance with the two construction modes of "Vacating Cage to Change Bird" (reconstruction of old plant) and "Phoenix Nirvana" (demolition and reconstruction).

With the landscape planning design carried out by ATLAS, the former Temple of Heaven Furniture Factory has been transformed into a high-end intelligent manufacturing park -- Jinyu Intelligent Smart Manufacturing Factory.

金隅智造工场总占地面积20万平方米,建筑面积12万平方米,以中轴线划分南北两区,由 金隅集团投资 北京金隅文化科技发展有限公司 运营, 阿拓拉斯进行景观规划设计 ,在海淀区政府、中关村科技园、海淀区招商局、经信委、区科委等相关部门的大力支持下,于2018年开园,是北京金隅集团股份有限公司旗下首个由工厂升级改造的产业园区,预计到2022年,园区产值将超过百亿元。
Jinyu Intelligent Smart Manufacturing Factory is divided into north and south areas according to the central axis, with a total area of 200000 square meters and a construction area of 120000 square meters, which is invested by Jinyu Group and operated by Beijing Jinyu Culture and Technology Development Co., Ltd..
With the strong support of Haidian District government, Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, Haidian District Investment Promotion Bureau, Economic and Information Technology Commission, and district Science and Technology Commission, etc., the park was opened in 2018, which is the first industrial park upgraded and transformed by Beijing Jinyu Group Co., Ltd. It is estimated that the output value of the park will exceed 10 billion Yuan by 2022.

The Core Channel of Intelligent Smart Manufacturing——AI style of Jinyu Red

Jinyu Intelligent Smart Manufacturing Factory is a renovation project whose predecessor is Temple of Heaven Furniture Factory, with the building form mainly about large space workshop. The current industrial planning orientation is to provide high-quality office space and development platform for people and enterprises in intelligent manufacturing, scientific & technological research and development, scientific and technological creation fields.

The biggest difference between this project and other projects is the inheritance of culture, respect for the spatial organization form of the original architectural planning, flexible use of architectural elements to create characteristic space and differences with other projects.

The "core channel" of this project is created by the skillful hand of landscape designers, which intuitively expresses the science and technology of AI in the design concept. At the same time, the "Jinyu Red" is implanted into the gray pavement to further emphasize the "core channel", which also connects different functional buildings scattered in the site.

The landscape design reorganizes the internal streamline of the park, uses hard pavement, lawn, green plants and waterscape to create an internal public walking environment, echoing the simple architectural style, while focusing on the elevated pedestrian corridor, which strengthens the characteristics of low density of office buildings and high coverage of landscape greening.

High Quality Park —— Truly Relaxed Living Space

The building facades in the park are all simple and modern design styles whose main walls are mainly light colored or white paint with large area of daylighting glass windows. The designers take it as the background to consider the landscape planning and design while considering the four seasons of the park landscape, the park is flexibly equipped with a variety of trees and green plants, and a large area of lawn and water system to echo the simple architectural style, thus to create a modern high quality park.

北区作为产业园的“研发核”,象征着园区的“脑”,反映着金隅智造园区产业发展的驱动力和战略优势;场地环境作为园区的“身”,提供了赏心悦目的空间并定位了金隅智造工场的形象;南区作为产业园的“展示厅 ”,象征着园区的“心”,表达着属于项目场地的不可磨灭的记忆和精神气质。
As the "R & D core" of the industrial park, the north district symbolizes the "brain" of the park and reflects the driving force and strategic advantages of the industrial development of the park; while as the "body" of the park, the site environment provides a pleasant space and positions the image of the Jinyu Intelligent Smart Manufacturing Factory; the south district serves as the "exhibition hall" of the industrial park which symbolizes the "heart" of the park and expresses the indelible memory and spiritual temperament of the project site.

The south district is relatively open as a public space, whose architectural functions are relatively complex as well. The landscape design is based on the scale of the square to the greatest extent, while the design tries to keep the large-scale open space as far as possible. Respect the original architectural planning space organization form is also one of the design discipline of this project, as it facilitates the various functional requirements of the outdoor site in the later stage.

The transformation of the original equipment function room in the main entrance streamline of the South District has also become the highlight of the park entrance, which is very likely to be used as the main leisure commercial space. Therefore, the designers have made a comprehensive consideration from the aspects of architectural function, facade image and landscape design.

The north facade of the two buildings on the southernmost side of the north district now retains the original industrial site of the factory building. The designers have reserved and redesigned them without affecting the lighting, function and facade effect, which has become the industrial memory of the park.

The integration of space inside and outside the park used the same language to create a variety of functions - to provide people with leisure and relaxation space and to create a truly relaxed living space.

Smart, Green Humanistic ——a Booster for the Industrial Transformation

Taking advantage of Beijing's industrial and talent advantages, Jinyu Intelligent Smart Manufacturing Factory excavates the needs of science and technology innovation crowd for working environment. Relying on the international top design and planning institutions, it creatively transforms the current industrial remains, comprehensively creates a smart, green and humanistic compound intelligent manufacturing industry innovation center, and builds an intelligent manufacturing R & D achievements display and exchange platform for enterprises entering the park and scientific and technological innovation groups. It is committed to become a new benchmark for the gathering of intelligent manufacturing industry, a demonstration area for the transformation of traditional industrial enterprises, an experience park for a new intelligent lifestyle, and a booster for the industrial transformation of Jinyu Group.

Based on the support direction of national policies, the selection of key fields, the overall industrial layout planning and resource distribution of Haidian District, the park has determined the industrial orientation and park vision of Jinyu Intelligent Smart Manufacturing Factory - taking the intelligent manufacturing industry as the core, attracting and gathering international famous intelligent manufacturing enterprises, there to form a science and technology park with high-end intelligent manufacturing industries such as new materials, new energy, intelligent vehicles, robots, additive manufacturing equipment and intelligent manufacturing infrastructure.

项目名称: 金隅智造工场
主创设计师: 盛葉夏樹、中里竜也
业主: 北京金隅天坛家具股份有限公司

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