土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 半透明、拱形外立面——斯诺赫塔设计的《世界报》集团总部


发布于:2020-12-18 17:32:18 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]



该项目位于巴黎13区, 采用半透明外皮的拱形建筑形式 。自成立以来,le monde集团总部就体现了对当今社会所面临的众多挑战的建筑和象征性的反衬,"斯诺赫塔的创始合伙人Kjetil Trdal Thorsen说。

斯诺赫塔 has completed the headquarters of the le monde group, uniting the media company’s newsrooms and their 1,600 employees beneath the same roof. located in paris’ 13th arrondissement, the project takes the form of an arched building clad with a semi-transparent outer skin. the structure also incorporates a new plaza that integrates the building within the neighborhood. ‘since its inception the le monde group headquarters has embodied an architectural and symbolic counterpoint to the many challenges our societies face today,’ says founding partner of 斯诺赫塔, kjetil tr?dal thorsen.

斯诺赫塔与当地的SRA建筑公司合作,被选中在2015年完成该项目。Kjetil tr?dal thorsen继续说道:"这栋建筑主要是关于在恐惧和不确定性促使我们的社会增加障碍和加强安全执法的时候开放。'


斯诺赫塔, working with local firm SRA architecture, was chosen to complete the project in 2015. ‘the building is primarily about opening up in a time where fear and uncertainty pushes our societies to increase barriers and strengthen security enforcement,’ kjetil tr?dal thorsen continues. ‘in this sense, the project invites us to reflect on how architecture can create spaces that can be both public and private, exterior and interior, transparent or opaque. like so many other of our projects, it is a hybrid building that explores the interstices of architecture and that is conceived to be at the service of the public.’

该项目位于Gare d'Austerlitz火车站附近,紧邻该市的拉丁区和植物园。该建筑的凹形结构在地下车库上架起了桥梁,两边有两个七层楼高的悬臂体,由复杂的钢结构网络固定在一起。

建筑师解释说,三个姿态的 "切口 "塑造了建筑的体量:"天空切口 "揭示了太阳能板覆盖的屋顶的斜面;"城市切口 "将建筑从面向街道的外立面向后拉;"地面切口 "雕刻出桥式结构的底部,将新的公共广场笼罩在其广阔的拱形之下。

located adjacent to the gare d’austerlitz railway station, the project is a close neighbor to the city’s latin quarter and the jardin des plantes. the concave form of the building bridges over the below-grade railyard, anchored on both sides with two seven-story cantilevering volumes held together by a complex network of steel. the architects explain that three gestural ‘cuts’ shape the building’s mass: the ‘sky cut’ reveals the oblique surface of the solar-panel-clad roof; the ‘city cut’ pulls the building back from the along its street-facing facade; and the ‘ground cut’ carves out the underside of the bridging structure, enveloping the new public plaza together beneath its expansive arched form.

世界报集团首席执行官Louis Dreyfus解释说:"《世界报》总部的建设是我们所有出版物的一个历史性里程碑。


‘the construction of the le monde groupe headquarters marks a historic milestone for all our publications,’ explains the CEO of the le monde group, louis dreyfus. ‘our building illustrates both our editorial and aesthetic ambitions, but also the diversity of our newsrooms. in a world where the demand for high quality information is only increasing, our new common home offers our 1,600 employees a luminous working space with top amenities and dedicated spaces for each newsroom. this in turn ensures that we can continue to deliver journalistic content on all our platforms and in all formats, whether written or audiovisual, both today and in the future.’ see designboom’s previous coverage of the project here.









  • 加倍努力
    加倍努力 沙发


    2020-12-20 10:38:20

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来源:园景人 微信ID:xyzwin 本文已获得授权 建筑朦胧美 The hazy beauty of Architecture


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