10座“管状”综合体(规划 立面)——“模块化”设计,根据不同的方案用途进行转换。为响应重建塞萨洛尼基海滨的国际号召,OF.STUDIO与零度建筑事务所合作设计了 "OCULIS"。 由ALUMIL发起的竞赛呼吁人们就重建希腊城市西部沿海地区和创建新的中央商务区提出创新想法。 UIA设定的标准是寻求高能效和可持续性,以重新定义塞萨洛尼基在国际上的地位,同时欢迎市民和企业家。 in response to an international call to redevelop thessaloniki’s waterfront, OF. STUDIO has teamed up with degree zero architects to create ‘OCULIS’. launched by ALUMIL, the competition called for innovative ideas regarding the redevelopment of the greek city’s western coastal side and the creation of a new central business district. the criteria set by UIA sought high energy efficiency and sustainability to redefine thessaloniki’s position on the international map while welcoming citizens and entrepreneurs alike.
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