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玻璃 铝板立面,多功能豪华公寓

发布于:2020-12-14 15:26:14 来自:建筑设计/居住建筑设计 [复制转发]



Architect Carlos Zapata has unveiled a new, mixed-use residential tower in Quito, Ecuador. Located on the northern edge of La Carolina Park, the design has become one of the city’s tallest buildings. The 24-story tower is defined by a three-story opening at its midpoint that creates an communal pool and lounge area, as well as a series of vertical gardens. The new tower was made to embrace Quito’s open sky and striking views of the Andes mountains.


这是Zapata与基多开发商Uribe Schwarzkopf的第一个项目。


Called the "Unique" tower, the project was designed to be a visually porous structure inspired by the neighboring La Carolina Park. This is Zapata’s first project with Quito developer Uribe Schwarzkopf. The 99-unit apartment building features a facade made with glass and aluminum panels, a sculptural envelope that folds to optimize light and privacy within the apartments.

“作为我们在厄瓜多尔的第一个住宅建筑,我们的灵感来自于基多独特的地理环境——周围的山谷、安第斯山脉和火山、繁忙的城市街道和充足的绿地,”Carlos Zapata说。“在天际线上留下你的印记总是令人兴奋的,我们想恰当地代表基多,拥抱它丰富的自然环境和充满活力的社区。”

“As our first residential building in Ecuador, we were inspired by Quito’s particular geographical setting – the surrounding valleys and the Andes mountains and volcanoes, the busy city streets, and ample green space,” noted Carlos Zapata . “It’s always exciting to make your mark on a skyline, and we wanted to represent Quito properly and embrace its bountiful natural surroundings and dynamic community.”



Unique features a series of amenities, including a covered pool and second rooftop pool, fitness room with spinning studio, spa with sauna, steam room, and a massage room. These are in addition to outdoor lounges and barbecues, a game room with arcade and kids room, a screening room, business center, as well as a doorman lobby. The tower is made to generate the smallest possible impact when it comes to the use of non-renewable resources, such as electrical energy saving, use of potable water, collecting and reusing rainwater, water treatment, and irrigation systems.

建筑师:卡洛斯·萨帕塔 (Carlos Zapata)


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收录于话题 大书房 ?朱雨蒙 业主夫妇的父亲刚刚去世,于是携带幼子返回旧屋和母亲一同居住。因为原有房舍无法满足新的使用要求,需要被翻建成为一座拥有更多空间的新屋。这个新屋有五名家庭成员,业主夫妇,幼子,母亲,和一条叫串串的狗。 “我们一直忙于工作,匆忙结婚,很快就有了儿子,儿子刚刚懂事,爸爸又重病,不久去世,一直都在照料家人和繁忙工作中度过,没有属于自己的生活。除了可以方便照顾妈妈,我们也很想真正的为自己活一回。”这是与业主夫妇初次见面的时候他们对我说的一段话,也是最终打动我的原因。于是在一个极低的预算前提下,我们还是接下了这个项目。


经验值 +10