土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ MVRDV作品:矩阵创新办公&实验室大楼


发布于:2020-12-08 11:50:08 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]


Construction has begun on MVRDV’s six-story sustainable office and laboratory complex. Located in the heart of Amsterdam Science Park, in the eastern part of the city, the project, designed for the Matrix Innovation Center, “will be virtually energy neutral and uses demountable construction techniques”.



MVRDV has designed an innovative addition to the Amsterdam Science Park and the six existing buildings of the Matrix Innovation Center, where “scientists and entrepreneurs work on sustainable solutions for current and future problems”. Connected with an open staircase to the campus, the intervention is an open building generating a social work environment. Inspired by the campus path network, the zigzag shape of the stairwell creates spaces for work and meetings. Providing a balance in the building between the standardized laboratories and playful, people-oriented architecture, this element with its striking glass facade becomes a beacon on the site.

预计将于2022年交付,Matrix 1可以“在使用寿命结束后被拆卸,89%的材料可以在以后重复使用”。


Expected to be delivered in 2022, Matrix 1 can be “disassembled at the end of its lifespan to allow 89% of the materials to be reused later”. In fact, the steel support structure and the concrete floors of the 13,000m2 building are demountable. Targeting a BREEAM-Excellent certification, most surfaces have been repurposed for ecological functions such as the roof that contributes to climate, biodiversity, and water buffering with greenery and solar panels.


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MVRDV的合伙人、该项目的首席建筑师Frans de Witte说,这个可持续发展的建筑完美地融入了阿姆斯特丹科技园,非常符合阿姆斯特丹大学的精神。


Perfectly integrated into Amsterdam Science Park, the sustainable construction fits well with the spirit of the University of Amsterdam according to Frans de Witte, partner at MVRDV and the lead architect responsible for the project. Matrix 1 will house the new SustainaLab where work will focus on technologies and systems that reduce CO2 emissions, develop green business models, make agriculture more sustainable, and absorb the consequences of climate change.

在设计中,所有的区域都保持了灵活性:办公空间只需稍作调整就可以转化为实验室空间,反之亦然。此外,楼梯间的公共社交区为在那里工作的人提供了很好的相互学习的机会。因为Matrix 1将容纳多家公司和实验室,它创造了一种交叉融合和创新的精神。

-- Frans de Witte,MVRDV合伙人。

In the design, all areas are kept flexible: office space can be converted into laboratory space with minor adjustments and vice versa. In addition, the common social area in the stairwell offers excellent opportunities for the people who work there to learn from each other. Because Matrix 1 will house multiple companies and laboratories, it creates a spirit of cross-fertilization and innovation. -- Frans de Witte, MVRDV partner.






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