土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 园林景观实景 \ 全龄段多功能公园广场KutuzovGrad


发布于:2020-12-04 14:51:04 来自:园林景观/园林景观实景 [复制转发]


The conceptual proposal is based on the maximum use of the parking grid.  The locations of the parking columns are at the same time the locations of the cone-shaped hills of the courtyard.  A tree has been planted on almost every hill. The use of large-sized meters is possible here due to the additional soil layer.


The hills are involved in the structure of the courtyard, forming various functional zones between each other. There are several activity zones in the yard. The zone for the little ones is located near the playgrounds of the kindergarten and is fenced off from the zones of older children by several green hills.


The teen zone has a skate park area with several concrete hills and jogging hills for rollerblading or boarding. The workout and the area with a basketball hoop are also responsible for the sports function.


For the elderly there is a quiet area with abundant high landscaping, benches and a small sports ground. There is also a warm gazebo in the yard, where, in any weather, it is possible to hold birthdays or meetings of the residents of the yard. An open gazebo with a podium where you can practice yoga or sunbathing during the summer.


In the northern part of the courtyard, there are kindergarten grounds with a structured wavy fence. The fence is not high, behind it there is high landscaping. There are four canopy pavilions on the grounds of the kindergarten. They combine game function and protection during bad weather.


The adjoining territory includes landscaping and ?vegetable gardens? — the ability to grow various plants in tubs.

Project name:  Kutuzov Grad I
Company name: Megabudka:
Website: http://megabudka.com/
Contact e-mail: mail@megabudka.ru
Project location:  Moscow, Russia
Completion Year: 2018
Building area (m2): 17000
Photo credits: Boris Bochkarev

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