土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 200米高!!斯诺赫塔设计——中国香港综合大楼


发布于:2020-12-04 11:01:04 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]



Sn?hetta has revealed its first built project in Hong Kong, Airside, a 176,000 square meters mixed-use building. Located in the center of the former Kai Tak airport, the project commissioned by Nan Fung Group comprises a 200-meter tower merged seamlessly with its base.



The Sn?hetta-designed mixed-use building Airside takes advantage of its site and its surroundings, providing views over the Victoria Harbour and Kai Tak River. Situated at a unique and rapidly transforming location in central Hong Kong, the building, imagined as a main gateway to the development, sits on top of the new Kai Tak metro station, in close proximity to other public transport interchanges. Designed as an access door, the project offers visitors admissions “to ample public spaces through a series of exterior plazas and rooftop garden, suited for urban farming, restaurants, events, and recreation”.


Serving as the international airport of Hong Kong from 1925 until 1998, the Kai Tak Airport was abandoned and replaced by a new and larger one at Chek Lap Kok, 30 kilometers to the west. Through new and recent developments in the area, “the site is transforming into a new Central Business District, a focal point of urban development and commerce”.



Airside includes office space, retail spaces, as well as provisions for a hotel. Inspired by the textile industry marking Nan Fung Group's history, the fa?ade takes on a gently curving composition of fluted glass. Present throughout the project, this concept also appears in the interior space and the landscape. A nod to the development of both the Nan Fung Group and the city, the pattern underlines the occurring transformation, from textile manufacturing and industry to real estate development, finance, and tech.



With intense pedestrian traffic flowing through the metro station, the building’s retail space at the base is designed to support this daily flux. In fact, “the continuous building mass is composed of five volumes that step up from the Kai Tak River and culminate in the tower”. Generating a series of human-scale urban spaces, the unique shape also creates rooftop gardens with views of the Victoria Harbour and the Kai Tak park.


A spacious naturally lit retail atrium of almost 66,000 square meters is located at the heart of the intervention, culminating in a rooftop garden, topping out at 200 meters. Finally, “both the tower and the base gently step down towards the southernmost corner, revealing and connecting the rooftops to the surrounding plaza and riverside promenade”.


地点:中国 香港



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原创 沈中伟 CA当代建筑 编者按: 西部地区土地辽阔、气候多样、文化多元、历史悠久,但经济相对落后且分布不均,城镇化进程迅猛却水平较低。面对这样复杂的情况,一些建筑实践先行者沉下心来,积极探讨如何以更务实的设计态度和有针对性的设计方法,应对这差异显著的地域性、多样鲜明的民族性、务实合理的经济性。《当代建筑》官方新媒体平台策划了“走进西部”系列专辑,邀请业内专家交流思辨,围绕如何解读“西部地域”的内涵,如何更精准地将建筑师个体实践(点、微观)和宽广地域背景(面、宏观)相结合,如何应对西部地域实践中的巨大挑战等相关议题进行深入探讨,以期为西部建筑创作的发展有所助益。


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