土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 钢结构工程 \ StructureTalks找形的意义


发布于:2020-11-27 11:26:27 来自:建筑结构/钢结构工程 [复制转发]

Motivation /  动机

For our structures we always aim for an optimal solution combining various often contradictory aspects. During the design process structural, functional and aesthetical requirements need to be considered. The priorities may vary for each project, but the objective is always a holistic approach - a `symbiosis′ of all criteria.
While finding an optimum for each system two main items should be considered as they have a significant influence on the structure’s performance: force and geometry. At sbp we therefore developed several approaches for a form finding process to achieve the best possible solution for each project.

During the form-finding process the top priority is identifying the geometry that enables the optimum force flow within the structure. During the further development of this geometry the focus shifts towards aesthetic and constructional aspects. The boundaries between these two approaches are often blurred.

结构设计中我们总是在各种矛盾的因素之间寻求最优方案,结构、功能、美学需求一个都不能少,但是应该优先考虑哪一项呢? 当然 不同的项目有不同的答案,但目的都是要找到一个综合各项指标的最优的结构方案。




Form-Finding for optimal force flow / 通过 形实 最优的力传导

When designing resource-saving structures, the key objective is to optimize the material usage. A material-efficient construction can be achieved by optimizing the force flow with mainly 2 simple guidelines:

设计一个高效的结构,关键是要优化结构材料的用量。 通过优化结构受力则可以提高材料的利用率,这个过程主要遵循以下两个简单的指导原则:

- Bending moments should be avoided / 避免弯矩

The forces are distributed evenly over the cross-section. Therefore, the full capacity of the material cannot be used.  

力在构建横截面上是均匀分布的,这样材料才可能达到 100%的利用率。

- Tensile forces transfer loads more efficiently than compressive forces. / 拉力比压力传递荷载更高效

The reason for this is the destabilizing effect of compressed components. This phenomenon is easy to understand by imagining a simple ruler under load.

原因就是受压杆件会有失稳的可能。 我们可以想象一下一把尺子在受压时的状态,便很容易理解这种现象。

To create a material efficient system, we always try to keep those in mind as they are timeless. This leads to amazing structures such as light-weight cable net or membrane roofs.  


Roof over the Olympia stadium in Munich, Germany (1972) / 1972年德国慕尼黑奥林匹克体育场屋盖 
? Michael Zimmerman / sbp

Also, astonishing but nevertheless efficient structures like cable suspended footbridges are possible.


Erzbahnschwinge Bochum, Germany (2003) / 德国波鸿人行桥 ? Tomas Riehle
Footbridge Gelsenkirchen, Germany (2009) / 德国盖尔森基兴人行桥 ? Michael Zimmerman / sbp

But as few construction projects can be realized using only tensile structures, even the most efficient structures, such as cable nets and membranes, require compression members. Consequently, the best structure for standard construction projects is an intelligent combination of axially compressed and tensile-loaded members.
sbp developed a tool which allows to combine tensile elements with elements under compression as well as bending when necessary. It enables the efficient analysis of different design options considering varying design parameters. In combination with innovative design approaches it allows us to develop unusual structural designs all the way to detailed design and construction.



A lot of our ring cable roofs are developed this way. You can check out our previous “StructureTalks” articles which discuss the principles and performance of ring cable roofs.
The BayArena in Leverkusen, Germany is a good example for a ring cable roof with 2 compression rings at the outer edge and 1 tension ring in the center connected via radial cables.
The following figure show the soccer stadium, the natatorium, and the indoor arena in the Suzhou Sports Center. The curvature ofthe roofs enables the system of single layer cable nets.
位于德国勒沃库森的 BayArena 的体育场是一座典型的采用环索屋盖结构体系的体育场,在它的外边缘上采用了2个压环,在中间采用1个拉环,压环与拉环之间通过径向索连接。


Bay Arena in Leverkusen: A roof structure which transfers loads to merely 8 V-columns, determined in a form-finding process. / 德国勒沃库森 拜耳球场 :经过找形分析,屋盖结构的荷载仅传递至8根V柱 ? sbp

Suzhou Sports Centre, Suzhou, China (2018) / 苏州奥林匹克体育中心 ? Kris Provoost

Form-Finding for other aspects  / 找形在其它方面的功用

Besides a pure structural optimization of the system, other aspects, e.g. a reduction of manufacturing effort, can require a further improvement of the geometry.
Methods of modern geometry go far beyond the mere illustration and organization of space. Together with the objective of designing efficient and aesthetically appealing buildings, it also enables the optimization of structural, geometric and construction-relevant parameters.
Geometrically equal surfaces can be given great variety in appearance and expression through faceting. Reasonable segmentation can enhance the three-dimensional effect of a surface. In the field of architecture, this goes hand in hand with the logistical need for modular components. Using innovative optimization processes, any surface can be divided into elegant, regular segments, while also taking account of specific requirements regarding the production and detailing of components.


A distinction is made between “bottom-up” and “top-down” design processes.



In the first method the overall shape is created by lining up predefined elements. The principle of `translational surfaces′ developed by sbp divides clearly defined surfaces into regular segments, e.g. planar quadrangles with equal rod lengths. The first example of this “bottom-up” process is the House for Hippopotamus in Berlin. The principle has since been successfully applied time and again. In this approach, however, therange of possible geometries is constrained by the choice of structural elements. 
在“自内而外”的找形过程中,自由曲面整体形状可以参数化确定线段构成。由 sbp所提出的利用 “轨迹线成面” 几何原则可以形成由规则的构件组成的自由曲面;例如具有相等杆件长度的平面四边形及无任何翘曲的玻璃。“自内而外”流程的第一个应用案例是位于柏林动物园河马之家的屋盖。自此以后,该原则被成功运用到多个项目中。然而在这种方法中,几何形状会受到所选择的结构构件所限制。

House for Hippopotamus in the Zoo Berlin,Germany (1996) / 柏林动物园河马之家的屋盖 ? SNOWBOUND

Design principle of roof surface / 屋盖结构的设计原理 ? sbp

In contrast to this, the “top-down” approach is a design or form-finding process which uses a given and maybe even a free-form geometry, overlays it with a mesh of individual facets and optimizes these meshes with regards to various aspects, such as architectural appearance, manufacturing effort, modularity, etc. This subsequent net structure of free-form geometries utilizes sophisticated mathematical algorithms, which sbp has developed further, specifically for use in an architectural context.


Global optimization procedures allow us to take account of local requirements, such as evenness of the elements, standardization of internal angles or desired rod lengths, and transform them into well-proportioned mesh patterns, without deviating from the original geometry.


To close the circle, the emerging geometries can in turn be combined with the optimization procedures of structural analysis.


The glass roof of the Capital Land Suzhou (Jinji LakeMall) in Suzhou was designed using the “top-down” approach.

Glass roof Capital Land Suzhou (Jinji Lake), Suzhou,China, 2017/ 苏州中心大型屋盖 ? 苏州恒泰

sbp was tasked with the structural design of the roof whose shape was inspired by the wings of a phoenix. To alleviate excessive in-plane stresses in the roof, a rigid triangulated grid was discarded in favour of a more elastic quadrangular frame system, requiring the generation of a quad-dominant topology on the free-form surface. 


Multi-resolution mesh modelling stood at the core of a generative work-flow which was mathematically optimized for geometric and structural criteria in the same process.


Iteratively refined mesh. Changes to the basemesh (top) are passed on to the meshes below. Additional details are added at every subdivision step.  / 图:网格的迭代优化过程:由一开始的的基础网格(顶部图)开始,网格细分逐步进行。 ? sbp

The mesh needed to fulfil stringent criteria with regards to regularity of beam lengths, warp of facets and uniformity of their inscribed angles. Subdivision surfaces provided the most fruitful base framework. A bespoke implementation of the Catmull-Clark [9] method accessed from Grasshopper was augmented to address project specifics, such as dealing with boundary conditions or simply to permit triangles at the mesh perimeter.


Changes to a base mesh were carried forward to down-the-line meshes, and the results could instantly be evaluated quantitatively for their suitability for further optimisation. This way, appropriate meshes could be created quickly and presented to the architect for discussion.


The method permitted the isolation of certain roof segments, perform a local “form-finding” exercise with regards to an optimal load transfer, and re-assemble the mesh seamlessly with its adjacent zones.  Optimisation criteria were then chosen zone-specifically and could be of geometric or of structural nature or both.

For instance, bending moments were minimised over the central atrium. An optimal hanging net was found while the subdivision technique ensured that the transition to adjacent zones remained smooth without requiring additional manual adjustments.

Illustration of form-finding procedure over the central atrium. 1. Topological dependencies are set up, 2. Base mesh coordinates are optimised numerically, 3. Bending moment diagram of optimised mesh. Spikes occur where columns touch the grid-shell but the hanging shape is virtually free of bending moments. Right: magnified view showing hanging shape and spikes. / 图:中庭区域的找形步骤图示。 1. 网格的初始形态, 2. 网格的节点坐标优化, 3. 优化后杆件的弯矩图。弯矩峰值出现在树形柱与网格的交点位置,其他部分杆件的弯矩可以忽略不计。右图:局部放大的弯矩图  ? sbp

On the sides and in transition zones, the curvature was reduced locally until the panel warp was within permissible range, less so for the outset geometry, but for the worst-case deflected shape over all loadcases.


Furthermore, geometrically similar facets were grouped and subsequently assigned the same panel, reducing the unique panel count.


Panel clustering. 1. Part of the central hanging net, 2. Clustering. Panels sharing the same colour are geometrically identical, 3. Gaps between panels are within a structurally determined tolerance, usually 3-6 cm / 图:玻璃面板归类。 1.  中央下悬网架的一部分, 2. 归类。同色的玻璃面板几何尺寸相同, 3. 由结构分析决定的玻璃面板间缝隙一般控制在 3-6cm ? sbp

Conclusion / 总结

During the design of our projects we always aim for anaesthetically pleasing but nevertheless efficient structure with regards to both force-flow and manufacturing optimization. Form-finding is a valuable addition to the design repertoire of architect and engineer alike. It successfully closes the gap often encountered at the interface between geometric and structural design.



  • 天天都努力


    2021-01-02 10:32:02

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收录于话题 1、 建筑体系 1-1、门式刚架体系 1-1-1、基本构件图 1-1-2、说明 力学原理 门式刚架结构以柱、梁组成的横向刚架为主受力结构,刚架为平面受力体系。为保证纵向稳定,设置柱间支撑和屋面支撑。 刚架 刚架柱和梁均采用截面H型钢制作,各种荷载通过柱和梁传给基础。


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