土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 居住建筑设计 \ 国外住宅——创新方案(阐述自然、人类生物和建筑环境之间的关系)


发布于:2020-11-23 11:11:23 来自:建筑设计/居住建筑设计 [复制转发]



建筑工作室GG-loop在荷兰阿姆斯特丹提出了 "有丝分裂 "的集体住宅综合体,旨在强调亲生物建筑的重要性,以应对当前的环境危机。


architectural studio GG-loop proposes the ‘mitosis’ collective housing complex in amsterdam, the netherlands, designed to highlight the importance of biophilic architecture as an answer to the current environmental crisis. the project generates a series of living clusters, wrapped in a parametric timber louvered facade, aiming to provide a healthy, sustainable community, that encourages a more profound, personal connection with nature. 



‘we aim to generate a healthy, emotional, and productive habitat for rest, work, and living at 360° with nature’ GG-loop shares. ‘mitosis’ adopts principles of biophilic design to articulate the relationships between nature, human biology, and the built environment. exposed to green shared areas, tiny forests, and gardens that cascade up and down the entire building, dwellers can benefit from their close connection with nature. both physical and mental well-being are fostered through careful material choices, flexible layouts, organic interiors, and large outdoor spaces.


通过有意识地选择能够捕获碳的材料,并更有效地利用资源,ggl -loop团队展示了一个净正能量的建筑环境,它产生的能量大于消耗的能量。

the structure generates urban dwelling units, using prefabricated timber and bio-based modules that are cost-efficient and flexible in construction. by consciously choosing materials that capture carbon and using resources more efficiently, the GG-loop team has presented a net-positive built environment that produces more energy than it consumes.



the project integrates plant and animal life throughout the buildings, allowing dwellers to coexist harmoniously with the biodiversity of local flora and fauna. designed to evolve along with its natural surroundings, ‘mitosis’ encourages occupants to reconnect with nature on a more intimate level. ‘we are part of nature in a deep and fundamental way, but in our modern lives we’ve lost that connection’ the studio shares. 



the distinct rhomboid shape of the individual modules is integral to the functionality of ‘mitosis’. the units are stacked to create large areas for shared outdoor living. vertical connections are placed externally to connect the living clusters with the terraces, creating a continuous ribbon of outdoor ‘cloister-like’ spaces, fostering a sense of openness, belonging, protection, and privacy for the residents. the construction is organic and flexible, providing large areas of vertical farming, greenhouses, wildlife corridors, etc. by incorporating natural elements and providing available renewable resources in shared facilities, the environment encourages residents to engage in pro-environmental practices and share their expectations of sustainability. 



the volumes and internal layouts derive from the calculation and simulation of parameters related to specific conditions of the site: solar radiation, wind impact, privacy, population density, common spaces index, and vertical connections. adopting a parametric design, ‘mitosis’ explores how buildings can grow, evolve, heal and self-sustain, similar to human bodies, to create structures capable of regeneration, resilience, and self-sufficiency.



due to its flexible, grid formation, mitosis is able to host a variety of typologies that are customizable to the resident’s needs. it is applicable to diverse urban scales, ranging from off-grid single-family detached houses to high-density mixed-use urban clusters that incorporate public functions such as education, leisure, wellness, and retail. mitosis generates experiential spaces that respect both the environment and its direct inhabitants, reconnecting both in a balanced ecosystem. 

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收录于话题 ?TANK是由奥利维尔·卡缪斯(Olivier Camus)和莱德里克·沃维(Lydéric Veauvy)创立的一家建筑公司,总部位于里尔。该公司在法国北部设计建造了一座家庭住宅,被称为“穆沃别墅”或“穆沃之家”。该住宅旁边是一片林地,由于巧妙的外形构造和建筑用材,四周景观得以充分展现。从朱利安·拉努(Julien Lanoo)拍摄的照片可以看到,房屋面朝一片林中空地,阳光正好从南面投射而来。早在设计时,设计师就已经考虑到了住宅的全天候光线问题。


经验值 +10