土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 城市规划设计 \ 五星级酒店“嵌入地块”的设计方式——竞赛获胜方案


发布于:2020-11-12 15:28:12 来自:建筑设计/城市规划设计 [复制转发]

Fuksas 搜建筑

MASSIMILIANO和DORIANA FUKKSAS在国际竞赛中胜出,在法国的Cap-D'AIIL完成了一个新的五星级酒店。"La voile blanche "的意思是 "白色的面纱",新建筑将嵌入地块的现有地形。


massimiliano and doriana fuksas have won an international competition to complete a new five-star hotel in cap-d’ail, france. named ‘la voile blanche’, meaning ‘the white veil’, the new building will be embedded into the plot’s existing topography. clad with organically-shaped wooden louvers, the main fa?ade contains the hotel’s six storeys, which each accommodate a specific program. the site is located in close proximity to monaco, where the architects are redeveloping a stretch of coastline with a tiered mixed-use building.

为了充分利用该地块,fuksas设计了一个被称为 "峡谷 "的大型内部空间。从上往下看,这个空洞的空间--与悬空的透明通道相连--由绿色岩壁和落水构成。

项目 "la voile blanche "的目的是创造一个尊重该地区形态的建筑,通过强调而不改变其特征,将其完全融入周围的景观中,"massimiliano和doriana fuksas解释说。

to fully utilize the plot, fuksas designed a large interior space described as a ‘canyon’. illuminated from above, this cavernous void — connected with suspended transparent walkways — is characterized by a green rock wall and falling water. ‘the project ‘la voile blanche’ aims at creating an architecture respectful of the territory’s morphology, which will be completely integrated into the surrounding landscape by emphasizing it without altering its characteristics,’ explain ?massimiliano and doriana fuksas.



an infinity pool on the hotel’s fourth floor offers sweeping views towards the mediterranean sea and the nearby city of monte carlo. overlooking the pool, glass volumes contain the hotel’s restaurant, events area, sun terrace, and a roof garden populated with greenery. conceived as an ‘inhabited sculpture’, the eco-sustainable hotel is planned to have zero environmental impact. see other projects by fuksas, a firm with offices in rome, paris, shenzhen, and dubai, on designboom here.



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